Do you believe in God?

I believe in God, but I do not have a strict religion about him. I believe in what I believe, nothing more and it can be from many religions.
I dont believe in god, for many resons but the simplest is the teapot hypotheris. There is as much chance of there being a fine bone china teapot orbiting the sun (on its own orbit) as there is being a god. This was said by a scientist working for NASA, i dont remember his name , i just saw it on television.
You know, I'm a strong believer in proof and in science, so if God shows himself then yes I will. I love the idea of angels and the devil, (I'm not a satanist lol) but the stories are reallyyyyy interesting, but I hate when people try to force religion.
If I want to believe then I will.
I feel the same way as xnotjustadreamx. I would believe in God if he showed himself, whether to me alone or to many people including me.

I, too, hate it when peope force religion. Equally, I hate it when people moan about it or say it's a load of B.S. I think the opinions of everyone should be respected. I resent it when an athiest goes around telling Christians that they're stupid and blind and wasting their life.

I take it personally when anyone insults one belief or another, but more so when someone insults religion. Why? Because I have friends who believe. I see what an amazing effect it has on them. It gives them hope, and makes them smile. I've seen some people become so much happier 'cause they feel loved. They feel there's some hope and someone out there (God) who cares and is always with them. They feel protected and needed. They feel equal to all. They love other people more, and love themselves more. That's not a bad thing.

I went to Soul Survivor recently, and there I saw so many examples of God's work. I saw people convert, for they said they had felt God's presence. Some felt a love they could not describe, others experienced a vision or heard a voice. Many things happened at S.S., but I saw them happen. Nothing happened to me, though perhaps that is 'cause I didn't want anything to. I felt embarrassed about it, to be honest.

I'd be lying if I said I did believe in him. I don't feel in my heart that he's there. There are times when I'll pray, but I'll always begin with "God, if you're there..." Inside my heart I don't know. I haven't felt God, or his love. So, I'm agnostic.

I saw, but I didn't feel. I saw people experience God, but I did not. I saw things happen, but nothing happened to me. My friends, whom I trust, heard things in their heart that I did not. They converted. I did not. I will not. Not until/unless I feel he is there in my heart. But I do belive that one day I will find reason to have faith. I somehow believe that if there is a God, I will one day find reason to say "I know he is there".
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I believe in God because I do. No, I'm not a mindless drone. I have questioned my religion and my faith. But I feel a connection when I pray - maybe people will just say it's psychological, like a safety blanket. Whatever.

As for being guided by religion - that's great. The problem is when you're controlled by religion, when you do something that you feel inside you is wrong, but an interpretation (perhaps a corrupt or misleading one) of religious belief says it's right. And of course, there's the problem of people trying to use religion as a weapon, rather than for healing.
Plain and simple, no.
Why? Because of one simple thing that i never seem to get answered.
Who created God? Did he just poof out of nowhere and think "hmm, i better make something... I know, i'll make a race that thinks and imagines and will one day destroy itself because of it's choice to elect stupid leaders, that sounds like a good idea."
(ya, that last part is kinda off)
Nobody "created" God, he's been existing for all of eternity. You question was answered a million times already, but it's the fact that you've chosen to ignore anything that could possibly be contrary to your beliefs that keeps you confused.

I could ask you the same thing about a universe without God. If he didn't exist, how did the universe appear? Did it just magically pop out of thin air? I don't think so.
Well, what about God? Where did he come from, if he actually exists? If God created everything, logically, he must have created himself. Yet, that gives us a wee bit of a paradox.
Belief by its very nature transends all logic. To believe in something does not require evidence or proof. Like destiny.

Too many people have different ideas of what God is, so why look for something you can't define. Sorry to people who believe in a God but i feel it is an easy way to get out of things to say there is someone that looks after us all and will forgive us and all this that and the other. People get away with too much as it is.
Here is a question for the believers.

You all say that God has been here since the beginning of time, correct? What about that period before time started? He couldn't have just magically appeared once all matter started to exist. So my question is where was God before time started to tick?
You know, I'm a strong believer in proof and in science, so if God shows himself then yes I will.

Hmm...I don't really know that much about religion, so this is probably just in the Christian sense of things, but that isn't the point of religion or God. The whole point to it is believing on faith alone. That is what religion IS. If there were undeniable proof, it would destroy religion.

I think of myself as a pretty intelligent and rational person, and I believe in God. I don't really know if my concept of God adheres to the description of God in the Bible, but I believe in something bigger. Sometimes just looking around at everything, it's hard to believe it all worked out so perfectly. Sometimes things seem to be designed so flawlessly that it shocks me. Maybe that's just me being weird. I don't know. I also believe in karma.

I also don't really see why God and science can't coexist. I'm a strong believer in science, and I believe in evolution, but I also believe in God. *Shrug* Oh well.

As for the people going into the origins of the universe and all of the physics-y stuff....@_@ good luck to you. I have a feeling you may never have an answer.
of course I do believe!
I'm a Christian and when I have deep problems sometimes..after I pray I have some clues to solve my problems

for short God helps me a lot! ^_^

well for you guys I will just say that we all don't know the history yeah we all know that we don't know where this all started but what about it?

nobody can answer where God came from
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I unquestionably do not believe in God.
All the prophecies that have been fulfilled are either so obvious or so vague that any idiot could have come up with them and not be proved incorrect.
Also there's little solid evidence to support it. I always have to have proof that I can see and/or feel.

Also have you noticed how in religious communities how women always seem to get the downsides. Religion is an adrocentric indoctrinative asset to the powers that be.

That is my opinion on the matter.

Also, here's a question for the followers of God:

Why is God always depicted as "He" "Father" etc?
Last time I took that into consideration, I thought that a being that could create something out of nothing has no need for reproductive organs.

If that isn't proof of the hypocrisy and androcentrism of religion, what is?
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Yes, I do believe in God. I don't really care if he exists or not, but as long as I can feel that 'connection' when I'm praying, I'll still believe in Him. I don't know where He came from, heck we all don't, but its still up to the people to believe if He really exist.

TranceGenesis said:
Belief by its very nature transends all logic. To believe in something does not require evidence or proof. Like destiny.

Also, here's a question for the followers of God:

Why is God always depicted as "He" "Father" etc?
Last time I took that into consideration, I thought that a being that could create something out of nothing has no need for reproductive organs.

If that isn't proof of the hypocrisy and androcentrism of religion, what is?

You're using the word in a biological sense, not a theological one. You can be a father even without reproducing biologically, now can't you?
Christians such as myself call him the father because he's out there (supposedly I guess if you're a skeptic) watching over us much like a [good] father does. It isn't a matter of what His offspring were or how we came to be on earth, it's just plain belief is what it is.

We also call him He as a sign, or symbol, or mark, of His greatness. Nothing more.
God was invented by religion years ago to stop the masses fearing death.

I'm going to have to disagree with you. Let's take Judaism for example. That is a religion that has been around a long, long, loooong time. If you read the Old Testament, and especially the book of Job, you'll notice that while God is present, there is actually no concept of an afterlife. It's basically a "you die and that's it" kind of deal.

Also, if you look back thousands of years, you'll notice that humans have always taken part in ritualistic religious ceremonies. They have almost always buried/burned/etc their dead. I think it's safe to say that as long as humans have existed, religion has existed. Maybe not religion in the modern Christian-sense of things, but religion nonetheless.

Also...I don't really get why people are saying that the only proof of God is the Bible. The concept of a god/goddess predates the Bible. In the timeline of humanity, the Bible isn't even that old. To me, the Bible isn't "proof" of God's existance. I think the Bible is simply a reaffirmation for those who already believe in God.
The old testament was wrote by some ancient goverment - every thing in it is lies.

So, uh, anything to back that up, or are you just making sweeping generalizations because it's the cool thing now to trash religion?

No one is quite sure who wrote the Old Testament. It has various authors. And if you view it just as a literary work, parts of it are actually written quite beautifully.

"Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth: for thy love is better than wine."

"Behold, thou art fair, my love; behold, thou art fair; thou hast doves' eyes.
Behold, thou art fair, my beloved, yea, pleasant: also our bed is green.
The beams of our house are cedar, and our rafters of fir."

Poetry? No, it's from the Bible! Yeah, I'm sure some ancient goverment was totally bent on writing that sort of thing.