Do you believe in God?

And did you know that there have been Christians who have broken the law? It's true, so clearly religion is evil incarnate!

???? umm, of course Christians have broken the law.... just coz they are Christians doesnt mean they cant get a speeding ticket, nor does it mean they are perfect. but it doesnt make them evil ok. and everyone is going on about religion being corrupt. well you hear about 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or a few more priests who are corrupt in the Catholic church right.....well there are about 10,000 or more who arent, and thats fact. and those twisted individuals are just individuals, it doesnt mean that RELIGION is corrupt, just coz a few people who believe in it (or claim they do) are corrupted.

even then you are generalising. there are different divisions in christainity which all follow different customs. i for 1 am Lutheran and dont believe in some things that catholics enforce but i still believe in God. anyway i have nothing against the fact that some of you dont believe in God (all my friends are athiest anyways) its just that saying religion is corrupt is going a bit far dude.......
Well I am really not saying that it's wrong. Let me explain. I think at the beginning when each specific religion was created, it branched off from one mainstream one that was corrupt, it had corrupt individuals, so then it still has some of the rules and beliefs as the old one. By corrupt I mean they are just the way they are mostly for control back when it was needed, and people haven't changed it yet or questioned it, they just follow it. It's not a bad thing. 0.o You shouldn't get so offended, people could get offended by what you are saying too because they are two different opinions.
???? umm, of course Christians have broken the law.... just coz they are Christians doesnt mean they cant get a speeding ticket, nor does it mean they are perfect. but it doesnt make them evil ok. and everyone is going on about religion being corrupt. well you hear about 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or a few more priests who are corrupt in the Catholic church right.....well there are about 10,000 or more who arent, and thats fact. and those twisted individuals are just individuals, it doesnt mean that RELIGION is corrupt, just coz a few people who believe in it (or claim they do) are corrupted.

even then you are generalising. there are different divisions in christainity which all follow different customs. i for 1 am Lutheran and dont believe in some things that catholics enforce but i still believe in God. anyway i have nothing against the fact that some of you dont believe in God (all my friends are athiest anyways) its just that saying religion is corrupt is going a bit far dude.......


Sarcasm is wasted on you

Sarcasm is wasted on you

hey dont get me wrong, but this is a place for serious discussion, not sarcasm, read the discription of the forum :):P .

look im not getting offended in anyway guys. i respect youre beliefs. its all good people, i was just saying that I dont think all religion is corrupt.( just my point of view. not having a go and not trying to offend any1.)
Ok im going to keep this short and sweat. I belive in God and Jesus, I know there are alot of facts that people can thowr at me but I have Faith In my Religion. So as they say < And That is That>:)
I'd have to say that no, I do not believe in a God... at least in the traditional sense of the word.

If you look at nature, there is already a balance - a harmony. Much of our suffering comes from our tendancy to attempt to exert our wills upon something that is already in harmony. If one works against gravity, then s/he will fail & will continue to fail ad infinitum. It is a law - particles attract other particles. They have since spacio-temporal existence began & it will continue to do so until this universe collapses.

If I understand this - again, if I understand this, as "knowing" & "understanding" are two totally different things - then it makes more sense to be in tune with this law. It is very simple - exert my will (go against gravity) & be miserable (because no matter my effort, I am doing something that cannot be done) OR eliminate my will (go with the flow) & be happy (because I have no obstacles).

My overly-wordy metaphor is basically my sentiments towards the idea of God. For me, there's no need to prove or disprove the idea of God, becausethe idea itself is superfluous. I have studied & tested the laws of the spirit & I know them to be true (emphasis on the "I know" since I can't relate it to you - you have to experience for yourself to know). As such, I have worked to keep myself in tune with these laws. If I am in tune with the laws of the universe, what need do I have of God? What need do I have of prayer?

We are the center of our own problems; only we can solve those problems. It seems rather simple to me.
I do not believe in GOD but i do believe in a divine power
i dont wnat to die and one be real and mine fake so until its proven its only a divine power for me
I've never been given any evidence that he exists, I also am too damn proud to worship a higher being. It is simply my belief that God and Religion altogether are simply things humans can either blame their issues on, reasons to go to war, or simply for hope, which is one of the worst abstract ideas of man.
I've never been given any evidence that he exists, I also am too damn proud to worship a higher being. It is simply my belief that God and Religion altogether are simply things humans can either blame their issues on, reasons to go to war, or simply for hope, which is one of the worst abstract ideas of man.
No one can really give u evidence or God or that he existed... unless u look at OLD roman Text
This is true. But then again, why would anyone choose to believe in something that they don't even know is there? It's like the Easter Bunny...except I don't think the Easter Bunny has a cult following.
There are proff that Jesus not God was once real, they have him ALOT of Roman Text, but they dont have proff that he Did the Miracles that the bible says it takes faith to belive that
Im not quite sure what to believe.Well if God does exist hopefully the all forgiving god will forgive me for my sins.

You shall not murder

What about the many innocent children you killed? ya hypocrite.
You believe in God because it comforts you, or, more likely you were brought up that way.

On the slightly earlier post, yes, you are quite right, most historians do believe that Jesus was an historical figure. Unfortunately , no bugger believes how long we historians have been saying that!!! You all think its a new theory, it isnt!!! You wouldn't believe how long we have been trying to tell you Christians that!!!!!

It does not mean that he was the son of God, just a guy with some pretty funky ideas. Trust science... its the greatest achievement of mankind... (Here's a hint.. If there is a God, he'd probably kind of like you for it).

If there is a god who would rather you just worshiped his glory, well, frankly, fuck him....
hmmm.....some people don't believe in God because of comfort or w/e. Plus science can't prove all things.....maybe it might in the future tho. Like what do u think created matter? How was the universe created? Wtf willl happen at the end of life? If people look at the scriptures in the bible and see that the things jesus,God,people who wrote part of the bible and see that some of the things came true u can't really say that it was a coincidence. And i don't think that good things happen of coincidence either.Maybe God is really or not but really nobody can tell. I guess ur just gonna have to wait in the future and see.... and if someone believe different things thats ok because nobody's theory has been fully made as a true statement.

sorry if u think my statement was full of crap...
i am a very strong disbeliever in god

also why does the bible disagree with evolution and why does the bible contradict itself over and over again?

and also how the bible says that your sins are forgiven when you die and you get a guarranteed place in heaven because jesus died for us then what is the point of the ten commandments?

and in saying this does that mean that hitler and stalin and everyone else who is major bad-ass would be in heaven too?

also the aspect of everyone being equal then why is there dominant species(humans/dinosaurs) and prey and predators(fish/shark)

also if god did create us then why did he make our brain have anger/hatred etc on one side of our brain and creativity on the other?

and god is so great at showing love (i think not) such as the great flood

and in the bible when it speaks about moses how when god did not get his own way about letting the jews go he decides to start threatening the pharoh with frogs and locusts etc

that makes god a big crying baby who throws a tantrum when he does not get his own way
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