Do you believe in God?

or that same Bible recommended killing women wearing clothes made from two types of cloth, endorsed incest and rape?

Just saying

Yes, it has its upsides as well.

You forgot some of my favourites, such as stoning men who don't cover their temples with their hair, and stoning farmers who grow more than one type of crop in a field.

Most of the true barbarisms endorsed by the Old Testament can be attributed to social codes of the time. After all, the Bible was written by men, not gods or angels.

If they had let me write it, as I originally suggested, it would have been perfect in every way, shape and form.
Yes, it has its upsides as well.

You forgot some of my favourites, such as stoning men who don't cover their temples with their hair, and stoning farmers who grow more than one type of crop in a field.

Most of the true barbarisms endorsed by the Old Testament can be attributed to social codes of the time. After all, the Bible was written by men, not gods or angels.

If they had let me write it, as I originally suggested, it would have been perfect in every way, shape and form.

and if the Bible was written by men, it is not the word of God and as such, it is not in any way holy.
You tell me what I am.

An abstract concept created by humans with too much free time on their hands, and too much guilt in their collective subconscious?

A biblical figure who's escaped from its pages?

A demon-king hellbent on enslaving humanity?

An angel who "fell" due to his excessive pride and arrogance?

Or heaven's unwitting but eternal servant manifest on the mortal plane for some much needed R and R?
ask me later, all I can give you right now is someone with too much free time. Good night lovely people!
lol This topic is so far off track. It's not even about your reglious views at all anymore. It's basically just a Christianity bash. It would be nice to see a little modship in this thread, to be honest... but whatever. It's just sad that this religious debate that started out to be a good discussion has just become a debate on why you feel justified in hating religious matters.
lol This topic is so far off track. It's not even about your reglious views at all anymore. It's basically just a Christianity bash. It would be nice to see a little modship in this thread, to be honest... but whatever. It's just sad that this religious debate that started out to be a good discussion has just become a debate on why you feel justified in hating religious matters.

Too right. Take this post as a verbal warning and, from this point onwards, stick to the original topic. I'm sure there are plenty of other appropriate threads to discuss such things [albeit, in the end, all of these discussions come to one root source], so try to keep this one mainly "Yes I do/No I do not" and "I do because/I do not because."
I cant recall if Ive posted in here, but here goes. Sorry if I have.

I believe in God yes. Im from a Catholic family, yet I dont attend church anymore (need to start again if I can find a moment!) and I have sinned. However I pray every night to the Lord Almighty and ask him to watch over my family and friends and I believe that there is a higher power watching over all of us. Be it God or another being, but something is there. But me I chose to believe it to be God.
No, everything we don't understand can be explained through science, eventually, god is just a scapegoat for people to use to disguise their ignorance of knowledge.
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No, everything we don't understand can be explained through science, eventually, god is just a scapegoat for people to use to disguise their ignorance of knowledge.

No, everything you know cannot be explained through science.

Well, maybe everything you personally know can be, but there are things that go beyond science, and situations where science has to admit its current limitations.
I really don't know. I'm agnostic, and I never will make a decision because there is evidence to support either, and lack of evidence to go against either. There is really no way of knowing, because since everything is created by something, whatever the creator might be; science or God, had to also be created by something. It's all very confusing to me, and I think about it much too often. I am very open minded though.
No, I do not believe in "God." In my opinion, the Bible is essentially a storybook--a fictitious one at that. People take refuge in thinking that their virtuous actions in their mortal life will result in an eternity of rewards during their everlasting after life. I don't believe that's the case--I don't believe a divine being created reality...nor do I believe one even exists.

If God does exist, he must enjoy watching us kill each other as we inch closer to doom. Woo!
I'm really undecided. I'm not saying there is or there isn't but i think religion is pretty fucked up today. I mean terrorists blow themselves up for their 'religion' and priests have sex with little boys so i really don't know what to believe.
I'm really undecided. I'm not saying there is or there isn't but i think religion is pretty fucked up today. I mean terrorists blow themselves up for their 'religion' and priests have sex with little boys so i really don't know what to believe.
And did you know that there have been Christians who have broken the law? It's true, so clearly religion is evil incarnate!
I don't agree with any religion. I think that religion is corrupt, and if something has "rules;" I'm not talking morals or values like common sense where obviously murdering someone is wrong, but things like "you have to pray 3 times a day" or something, is just a method of control. I don't think any powerful being like God would need people to really worship him, you know? What would he gain, he has everything. Independant beliefs are different, where people serve God or whatever they believe in, in their own way, or whatever way they feel is necessary. It's really useless to debate about; The people who believe will not give up their faith, and those who don't are just as stubborn. No one knows, and no one will know. You can believe to the point where you believe that you know, but you will never know. 0.o Not while you are living, anyway. I just try to stay openminded and learn as much as I possibly can. Sometimes I feel less intelligent if I do believe in God, but then I feel ignorant if I don't believe... I'm not sure I will ever come to a stable decision. All I need to do, I think, is live the best that I can and accomplish what I feel needs to be accomplished while I am still here to do it. I hope I can put my mind at ease though, this topic is one that I think way too often upon.