Do you believe in God?

Yes, I do believe in God. I'm not one of those obsessed Catholics that attends church every Sunday, prays to God before going to bed or worships him, but I do believe that there is a sense of a greater presence amongst us.

People question God's existence. But now, I'm going to question the Big Bang theory. How is it that so many particles could just exist and come together to go ... BANG! And create the world? I don't understand that. It's why I believe in God, I don't believe everything science says.

So technically, this is a religion vs. science thread if you really think about. Unless I'm mistaken, there is no other way we were created other than God or the Big Bang Theory. Am I right?
Well, if God allows slavery and gender inequality, and you're supposed to spread the word of God, and you vouch against slavery and gender inequality, and don't promote God because he's not a part of your life, you might not be following God's word.
I do...We have documents from Rome that says he was real and that he did all those miracles

You mean JESUS not GOD ^_^

There have been records found that prove there was a person called Jesus who had a following aka "Disciples" but that doesn't mean he performed "miracles" as such, maybe he was just a really smart person who fooled people? the same could be said against any people revered in history for being "miracle-workers" or "wizards" maybe they were just smart people who fooled people with slight-of-hand and other crafty tricks.

Anyway, I don't believe in God because there's no proof that he ever existed not solid proof anyway, if he popped up infront of me I'd believe in him but until then, I don't
See, I think this is stupid. Yea, you're a nice guy but you're going to hell. Its not that this bothers me on a spiritual level, but it bothers me on a...hard to explain level. Just cause I don't believe in this one religion, I live an afterlife of pain. Almost all religions go this route. Believe us or live an afterlife of pain and misery. For example, there are tons of Christians (no offense to anyone) that do not deserve an afterlife of happiness and yet they say that cause I dont believe this religion that I have no future.

To me, that is a bullsh*t way of scaring someone into your religion.

I agree with you on some level here. I have a hard time believing that good people no matter what their beliefs are will go to hell. Some people don't have freedom of religion and it's not really their choice what to believe. They could be the nicest person with the best morals and want the best for everyone, try their hardest to change the world for the better, and just because they don't believe they're going to hell? That I just can't believe it could be like that.

I mean I follow my religion somewhat, but I don't believe everything about my religion. I believe what I want to believe, or what I think is right no matter who says it's wrong.

All of my family don't believe in Jesus or God, my family have basically disowned me for it, but I'm not going to stop believing in something just because others don't. I have my reasons for believe, I guess everyone has a reason why they believe.
Yes, I do believe in God. I'm not one of those obsessed Catholics that attends church every Sunday, prays to God before going to bed or worships him, but I do believe that there is a sense of a greater presence amongst us.

People question God's existence. But now, I'm going to question the Big Bang theory. How is it that so many particles could just exist and come together to go ... BANG! And create the world? I don't understand that. It's why I believe in God, I don't believe everything science says.

So technically, this is a religion vs. science thread if you really think about. Unless I'm mistaken, there is no other way we were created other than God or the Big Bang Theory. Am I right?

Just wanted to say that the Big Bang is not quite as simple as "Pop, we're here". And there are more theories, I just think these 2 are the most popular.

BTW, I was just want to re-itterate what I said earlier so people do not get the wrong impression of me. I have no religion, but that doesn't mean I'm not looking for one. I'm not atheist. Which, btw, Atheist seems oh so broad of a term for non-believers. There are different types of atheists like there are different types of Christians.

But I still believe in a higher power. Just maybe not the same ones as everyone else
Cleomenes: Flaming is not permitted, on any level. Unless you'd like to edit that post, or indeed, expand upon it, then I'm afraid I'll have to delete the post/warn you for it, because, frankly, many people could take offence from that.
No, sorry :P I hadn't refreshed the page and I presumed I would be the poster immediately after Cleomenes. I've editted my post, now, but thank you for allowing me to clarify.
Just wanted to say that the Big Bang is not quite as simple as "Pop, we're here". And there are more theories, I just think these 2 are the most popular.
Sorry, I didn't mean it in that way. Well, I didn't know what other way to put it. I do believe in God, but I'm unsure about the creation story. Wouldn't it have been quicker to make the world in less than seven days?
Oh, haha. Now I agree with you. I thought maybe you were disagreeing with MR saying that Athiest was a broadly used word. lol Whatever... carry on. And I would post more but this topic is going in so many directions right now it's hard to reply to any one thought or topic.
lol, Its ok. No need to apologize. I just wanted to clarify that it is a scientific theory and that when its simplified to utmost means, yea it'd kind of be that. But if someone simplified God, it'd be "Powerful guy" or something like that depending on what you believe.

And I really hope this topic doesn't go way of the science vs religion debate. That thread is somewhere else on this forum. Just focus on whether or not there is God. I may have contradicted a lot of my posts with this request, but lets stay on topic.
Well, at least when you say you don't really understand the big bang, so you don't believe in it, you're admitting to something most people wouldn't, and being completely honest about why you don't believe in it. Good for you.
Man, I hate coming into these kinds of debates late, because I never know how to introduce my beliefs and feelings on these matters. However, in this case, Cleomenes has broken that ice for me. Thank you for saving me all that typing as my feelings nearly mirror yours. I probably wouldn't have said it quite as harshly, but sometimes these kinds of things need to be said harshly. Well done.
First, let me state that I am a Christian, but there are beliefs from other religions that I very much agree with, and some in my own religion I disagree with.

I do believe in a all knowing God/Deity/Spriit (But I call him God), who created everything. I don't believe that He'll just right every wrong, because we need to right the wrongs ourselves.

1.There are several religious books talking of a 'higher power' who created to universe, or is at the center of it.
2.I don't believe something so complex and precious could have been started with a 'bang'.
3.There have been miracles around the world that just can't be explained by any rational thought. Humans have tried to understand, but it's just not possible.

~Will probably come back later to rant.
Pity you do not believe in a god, Cleomenes. You will have no one to cry out to should it ever occur that you are neck deep in a frozen lake and you find me looming over you, using your forehead for a coaster. For your sake, let's hope this never occurs.

As far as religion as conditioning, then who was it who conditioned your Cro-Magnon ancestors when they first beheld the Sun and Moon, and apotheosized them?

As far as the existence of god is concerned, my very existence is far more relevant than my beliefs.
I don't think if that happened I would cry out for Dumbcypher Boringstar.

I wouldn't expect you to cry out for me, child. I wouldn't be listening. No one would, that's my point.

Funny to imagine people TODAY being just as undeveloped eh? Anyway, that has to do with the noumenal world. Which really doesn't matter.

Aren't they just as undeveloped? Sure, you have your science, so now you know that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west because the earth is spinning, not because of some magical chariot driven by fiery horses.

But has science answered any of the big questions, the ones that the primitives asked back then, and invented religion in an attempt to answer?

The questions I hear everyday when I stick out my immortal ear, such as:

"Why am I here?"

"What is our purpose in life?"

"What will happen to me when I die?"

Humans are still Neanderthals at heart in this aspect, and no amount of scientific discovery is going to do anything to provide answers. And if it can't find answers to the real questions, the truly universal ones, then what purpose does it really serve to the average individual?
Whether or not you have the answer is irrelevant. It only matters whether or not you can find the right answer, and you will only know that if you can discover it. At least science is taking the right steps towards it, and we can accept that maybe we don't understand what our purpose is in life, or why we're here; if religion can make one up, why don't I make one up for myself?
Whether or not you have the answer is irrelevant. It only matters whether or not you can find the right answer, and you will only know that if you can discover it. At least science is taking the right steps towards it, and we can accept that maybe we don't understand what our purpose is in life, or why we're here; if religion can make one up, why don't I make one up for myself?

No, science is not taking the right steps towards it. It cannot do so under its current format. Science deals only with objective, observable data. The answers to true, universal questions do not lie in objective, observable data. Science is not properly equipped to deal with these issues, it is confined by its limitations.

Religion takes one man's dreams and makes them the mythology of a culture. This is hardly a perfect system for finding the key to the universal, but THIS, not science, is taking the right step forward. At least, the one man is taking the right step forward, and the culture follows, for their own good or peril. In most cases, I would say peril.

If you do make one up for yourself, that is in itself a step forward, as long as you that solution works for you, and you truly believe in it, and are willing to make it your raison d'etre, so to speak. But it needs to be something personal, something that you have invested a part of yourself in, not something you read from a banal scientific manual, or a foolish religious text.
do i believe in God,well i believe that we all do believe in god doesent matter what religion,we just gave him in every religion a nother name.

I blieve in god but i dont believe in any religion,i know its strange but since iknow that all the religion once were just one and got apart making up for each different storys of god Jesus and so on,i just cant blieve in any of them.

For me God is no of this religion the way he should be.He is something heigher and we have Faith,Hopes,trust and many other things in it.

I've many thoughts about this one of them is that i believe that all of us we have got a pice of god or Jesus in us.

One i just know is that God is near us and with all things happen he whants to teach us or ready us for something.The Question here is will we be ever ready for it?If you ask me I DONT THINK SO.