Do you believe in God?

ppl call it faith and does it really matter if there is one or not if ure livin life u decide but me yeah i do
I believe in God. It's a matter of faith. Not anything else. You can't prove it. It doesn't even need to be. It's a matter of faith. If you don't have any, then don't worry about it. If you do, then you know there is, and you're already ten steps ahead. I find it incredibly ironic that the people that question "is there a God" so often are the people who don't believe. lol Because for the people who believe, it's an incredibly stupid question and barely even deserves discussion.

On a sidenote, since this topic kinda of found the issue on its own, as it always does, I do believe in evolution. People who are against the theory of evolution have every right... but when people say that evolution contradicts the teachings of the bible, I completely disagree. I don't see it. If you want to pretend like you can diagnose the actions of God Himself, go right ahead and try. If you give me a feast, I'm gonna eat from the feast... not choke on the bones. lol So I really don't sweat the small stuff. They can both exist and there's probably more in the bible to suggest that evolution is probable than anything else.
that a long story y i believe in god but just know that i believe and no i havent really actually read the bible
but when people say that evolution contradicts the teachings of the bible, I completely disagree. I don't see it. If you want to pretend like you can diagnose the actions of God Himself, go right ahead and try. If you give me a feast, I'm gonna eat from the feast... not choke on the bones. lol So I really don't sweat the small stuff. They can both exist and there's probably more in the bible to suggest that evolution is probable than anything else.
But the theory of evolution does go aginst the teaching of the bible. The bible say that god made us. and evoulton says that we envolved from something
lol How is that contradictory at all? God made everything. It says he made us but it says he made absolutely everything. If we evolved from something, whatever that something might have been, it's alright... he's the one that made it. So in turn, that means he made us too. There's absolutely no contradiction.

The only arguable point is the "timeline" in which it occured, which I really could care less about. It might have been symbolism, a misinterpretation, or that we had a real life version of FF8's time compression. lol Like I said in my last post, you can choke on the bones if you want. I'm not going to worry about the details of the "divine plan" because I'm not going to understand it on any level.
sigh. This is why I never get into these topics. I'm not trying to disprove or prove God. I said that in my second post. However, some things that are said that are thrown out as statements of proof must be corrected. Hence why I tried to explain the Aquinas and evolution thing. BTW, did anyone realize that it's always the believers that throw out the whole Ape thing and usually start the debate in the first place.

I forgot where I was going with this. I find it great that you guys believe in something. Especially Aztec's attitude is good. Don't try to sweat the small stuff.

But for for us non-believers in anything at the moment, I have to sweat the small stuff. I will say the thing that flusters me the most about the bible. Mythology vs the Bible. Both had some resemblance of real people. They are stories to explain the world. They've been around for a very very long time. Yet, the Bible gets more credit as a true religion. I think its because of the widespread marketing and advertising of Christianity that it is so powerful.

My opinion
I have to say that this is a really good point. I never thought of it that way. Maybe when the bible said "God mad man" maybe it meant he made wat became man. Thanks
But the theory of evolution does go aginst the teaching of the bible. The bible say that god made us. and evoulton says that we envolved from something

Let's use a little more simplistic example, to suggest otherwise.

A cow produces milk. Let's call the cow 'God' and the milk 'life' - so here, we have God, producing life and, essentially, everything we know. What happens with the milk? Well, after a while, microbes start to get to work and Cheese and Yoghurt can be made. We'll call this stage 'Evolution'. So, as you can see, we have God producing the basic unit of life, with microbes evolving that product - how can the process of a timeline contradict itself, if there is no conflict? You don't have to choose theories - why not use them both?
Are you discussing monotheism against polytheism... or just one religion against another? Because I'm Christian but it's definitely not the only monotheistic view in the world. In fact, it's not the only religious view in the world that supports Jesus Christ.

I'm easily Christian but I don't really count myself among any denomination. I simply don't care to brand myself to any particular group when we all have the same main view. God is what matters, not the people in the church. If you want my honest opinion, even though Jews don't believe that Jesus Christ was our lord and savior, I appreciate their religious beliefs over that of Catholicism any day. And I probably would take Muslim beliefs over either Judiasm or Catholicism. The reason for that is the core belief structure is the same in all of them. The only real difference between those four major western religions is that Catholicism just makes things up. Simple as that. Their traditions, customs, and even beliefs are things that are not even remotely recorded in any holy document... ever. Not to mention that Popes are probably the most corrupt thing on the face of the planet and have been since the Middle Ages.
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I guess if you put it that way. you kind of can.

I 100% agree with you. the catholic church are becoming more coropt every day. Half the crap that they blurt out is a bunch of BS. My girlfriend is catholic and i went to one of here service ( SHE MADE ME ^^) and half the things they say made me want to start yellling at their priest or father or whatever you call him. They do stuff in church that has no purpose.
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whoa, that post kind of came out of left-field Aztec. Nice though, I see where you're going. But no one said anything about the Mythology vs Bible thing which is sad cause I'd like to hear an opinion on it
Lets see. If your talking about zeus and ares and everthing. In the mythology people never say zeus or ares or any of the goddess but in the bible people say Jesus they walked with him and they say his miracles
Lets see. If your talking about zeus and ares and everthing. In the mythology people never say zeus or ares or any of the goddess but in the bible people say Jesus they walked with him and they say his miracles
That's specific only to Greek Mythology - what of Norse Mythology?

Also, remember to keep the topic on the same rails as the original question: "Do You Believe In God?"
it is on the same subjuct she said if you belive in the bible why cant u belive in mythology. Which she says are kinda the same. and i see were you can say that
it is on the same subjuct she said if you belive in the bible why cant u belive in mythology. Which she says are kinda the same. and i see were you can say that

I'm just reminding everyone to stay on track - part of my job as a moderator is to prevent such things from happening. I'd appreciate it if I wasn't spoken to like that. Disputes should be taken to the PM system, not in threads.
no one said anything about the Mythology vs Bible thing which is sad cause I'd like to hear an opinion on it

That's kind of what I was asking in my first smaller paragraph. Were you comparing polythiesm against monotheism? I wasn't sure if you were comparing religions... or what? I think now though that you're trying to compare religions of old to modern religions. That the old religions didn't hold up because there wasn't a "PR and propaganda" section for Zeus.

I do find that interesting. When I was younger and trying to "find my faith", that was one of the questions I asked myself. As you saw from my very first post, I have found that faith since that point. And I'll write a paragraph on that in a bit... because it deals with a major criticism against religion in general and it's one that I share. Anyhow, a futher understanding of history is what ultimately alleviated this concern. By taking a few history classes in college, we talked about the "evolution" of societies... and religion in society was a talking point for every culture. I got to see it evolve, progress and regress, through every single group of people. At the end, I don't think what they saw was any different, their explanations of them were. They were all very different. And in saying that, I will admit that I may be completely wrong about my religion and will never know it until I pass. But I do know that I believe in God and Jesus Christ... and that in the end that's what matters most. I think that it is His belief that nothing else matters except your belief in his existance and willingness to commit to that. I try to avoid "sweating the small stuff" but I think His point of view is that all of it is much less important than the belief that He exists.

Now back to the critic I was talking about in my previous paragraph... I talked about "finding my faith". When I was younger I went to a lot of church camps and that kind of thing. So did BustaMo... cause we went to them together. And as nice as they were... and as much as they helped get me on the right track... I came to realize there are a lot of cultural things that are associated with religion that have nothing to do with the meat of the religion at all. I would always hear people talking about how when they were at camp they were at their "religious peak" but when they went back to their normal lives, that feeling (presence of God) left them. I came to realise that all the things associated with my religion were nice but they weren't what the religion was about. I would raise my hands when I sung and all that jazz... and then I'd come home and come off that rush and would wonder what happened. And it was at one of these camps that someone eventually said something like "We sing religious songs here. They're fun. They're nice. But we don't sing the songs because he requires us to sing songs. We sing the songs because we are praising him." Although it was a bit too "religiousy talk" for me, it really did speak to me. Singing songs, raising your hands, bowing your head for prayer... all of that was just some bullshit that some person added to our religion and it became popular. It had nothing to do with the overall message or any of that. I still know many Christians that attend church every Sunday, read the bible like madmen, and could easily out-quote me or out-speak me on any religious topic... that I'm sure don't understand our religion on the same level I do. It's simply not about the cultural things they seem to think its based on. When I pray, I talk to God just like I'm talking to you. It's not because I'm "contemporary" compared to "traditional"... it's because it doesn't really matter. And I have had people tell me that I am praying "wrong" or that I worship "incorrectly" because I don't follow the same bullshit customs they've based their faith around.
Damn AZZ!! I wanted to post somethin but you wrote a freakin novel!

If god is the deal-er why do we never win? A bloody silk of mud, then it starts all over again. YEAH!!--- ROB Zombie

I believe there is i higher power but I wish there was a god.
sorry if the question was to vague Aztec. You made a good post, but that wasn't really the answer I was looking for.

What I meant was why does the Bible as literature have more power and credibility then Mythology as literature? I ask this because there are many similarities between the 2. Some of the stories have real documented people. Real documented places. And usually the story was to explain the world and nature around us.

My question really had nothing to do with monotheism or polytheism. It wasn't even about how religion is looked at now compared to before, though I thank you for enlightening me. It was just a simple question why Mythology is obviously viewed as just stories and nothing remotely real why the Bible is seen as fact and proof of Jesus and God and they're history? And you might say that its not looked upon as proof, but I'd have to disagree cause its the tool that is used to convert almost everyone
I may be able to answer this. Mythology has no major fact to back up the theory, but the bible, doucuments,artifacts, ect... enforce that jesus is real. All mythology is are storys there is no ivadence to back it up