Do you believe in God?

To answer the topic question, no I do not believe in God. I am currently athiest and I guess the reason is that I never really had a reason to believe in god.
Oh gee, I missed all the juicy debate. Anyways, I do not believe in God because I do not believe in things I do not know exist. Although I'm sure you've already heard of that one.

With regards to evolution, we did indeed, evolve from primates, but that doesn't mean they necessarily must stop existing. Specifically, we had a common ancestor, but we didn't evolve from monkeys; monkeys share a common ancestor with us, which is the only relation. However, other primates could only go extinct from competition with humans, but we see that humans don't live in the exact same environments other primates do, and they do not interfere with each other. Evolution is not a ladder; it is a tree.

The documents may validate Jesus' existence, but I choose not to believe in the miracles. There is no evidence that they could have happened; just a bunch of secondary sources that say it happens, which amounts to as much proof as the bible gives--which is not much.
To be real honest about this i don't belive in god or any other religion cause to me i belive what i want and not what others belive.So if there is a god how come there is so much suffering in the world that is my question for u guys/gals that belive that god really exsits.
God said after he flooded the earth he was not going to interfer with any more human problems. He was going to let us make are own mistakes.
I don't believe in God, i guess i'm just one of those people who can't believe in something for which I do not have any solid proof. However I do believe that Jesus existed BUT not that he was special or anything, just an ordinary guy. After all there is proof of his existance but no proof of his supposed deeds, except if yo count the Bible as solid evidence (which I don't)
I dont get wat you are saying . You say that we have proof that Jesus was alive, but we dont have proof that he did all those deeds. How do u know that jesus is real ????
I dont get wat you are saying . You say that we have proof that Jesus was alive, but we dont have proof that he did all those deeds. How do u know that jesus is real ????

I do not see the logic in that question.
You've been arguing for Jesus but many times you question it. I could see if you were asking us what we think, but he already stated that he believes that there was a human named Jesus but he does not believe all the miracles he supposedly did.

btw, I didnt realize how many atheists there are. Insane. And I also really wonder how many people are real atheists.
I may be able to answer this. Mythology has no major fact to back up the theory, but the bible, doucuments,artifacts, ect... enforce that jesus is real. All mythology is are storys there is no ivadence to back it up

Well, I suppose one reason for this is that mythology in general is usually older than most of these modern religions and therefore have less "proof" to back them up. One of the disadvantages of being created before the big boom of written sources.

Personally I am not a believer of any religion, but find it (of course) totally acceptable that other people do. If some people find it reassuring to have strong faith in their lives, then they should be allowed to have that.

I find it hard to believe that a God would exist, especially as a "ruler with power over us all". But it seems like many define God in different ways, and it's therefore hard to fully understand what God is and what God does.
I do not see the logic in that question.
You've been arguing for Jesus but many times you question it. I could see if you were asking us what we think, but he already stated that he believes that there was a human named Jesus but he does not believe all the miracles he supposedly did.

btw, I didnt realize how many atheists there are. Insane. And I also really wonder how many people are real atheists.
He said he belived in jesus because of the documents but he/she dosent belive in the deeds that he did. I was asking how you can read the acient doucuments and read one part of them and not belive the other part of them.

BTW> Your right there are a lot of atheis people lol
because how can you possibly believe that he feed about 100 people with one loaf of bread? how could he turn water into wine?
Well people themselves choose what they believe in. Perhaps he (as an atheist?) don't believe in anything supernatural and therefore find it hard to believe that a person could perform miracles. But that he at the same time don't find it hard to believe that there once upon a time was a man named Jesus who walked this earth.
there was a person called jesus. he was king of the jews. However the jews didnt believe he was gods son. but then some people thought he was so they made christianity. what im saying is jesus was real. but as an agnostic i dont think he was gods son. he was just a man
just a man that fed a thousands of people with 3 loafs or bread and 5 fish. Just a man that turned water into wine. Just a man how a woke from the dead and WALKED again in front of thousands of people>>
I don't really see this as a debate, more as, a simple question. I'm not going to argue because for me there's nothing even to argue since it is my own beliefs and nothing can be done or said to change my relationship with God.

Forget religion; it's not about categories.

Sure I belong to a denomination, and sure we can classify someone's belief in God or something as a religion, but I'm way past that. Religion is nothing to me if I don't have a personal relationship with the one I put all my faith and trust in and who died for my sins: Jesus Christ. We don't got a YouTube video of Jesus walking on water, I've never seen it happen myself, so why do I believe?

I was not forced to believe. I right now have the ability and capability as an adult to free-willingly cast off every statement everyone has made to me about God in my lifetime, but do I? No. It's what I want to believe in. A promise of Eternal life, in Heaven, for only believing and choosing Christ to be number one in my heart? I'll take it!

What is the point of living on Earth? For someone who does not believe in God, what is your heart's desire for eternity? Can you say you are 100% sure of what will happen to you? I was 13 the night I accepted Christ into my heart. Sure I knew all the stories of the Bible inside and out...did that mean anything? Nope. "I went to church everyweek!" Big Woop... You can sit in a garage all your life...that make you a car? No way. Just like I knew that all these outside activities wouldn't get me to Heaven, I had to make Christ number one in my life, like he did for me, on that cross.

Like I said, I was 13. I feared Hell more than anything at the time, but felt so unappreciative that I was living my life ignoring God and all he's done for me. You can call his dying on teh cross a Hoax; nothing new, been said before by many. You can say that the stories in the Bible are made up, it's your choice. All I know is that I have 100% confidence and faith that Jesus is gonna be sitting there when I get to Heaven saying: "Well done good and faithful servant". It's probably the most important as well as easiest choice one can make in his/her life.

I've been a counselor at camps for 7 years now for Elementary kids and probably nothing brings me more joy, excitement, etc, than seeing a kid get pumped about wanting to pray to ask Jesus into his heart. Not because anyone pressure him, but it all makes sense. They are young and to the point where they don't need to sit there and question every single aspect there is of Christianity. You will never be able to fully understand the un-ending omniscience, power, grace, and love of God which he demonstrated through Christ; not even Christians. Children accept it, and that's how Jesus asks up to be: like little Children; their bodies are small, but their faith is strong.

I'm not here saying I'm better than anyone, and I'm definitely not attempting to force anything on anyone, but I've got this great peace in me, where when stuff goes wrong in life God always pulls through for me. Nothing extremely bizarre, but through his will.

I live for today, and I live for eternity, because I know one day that all of this we see right now will pass away, but there are treasures in Heaven beyond human understanding waiting for me...and well, anyone. I'm up for finding out what they are...and I got unlimited space in my vehicle for anyone who wants to tag along with me and share the feast.:cool: RSVP ASAP. ;)
this has kind of gotten really offtopic. but I need to ask another question.
Do you believe everyone needs a religion to live a moral life? Can't someone who lives a good life still be a good person. (not targeted at just BustaMo, but at everyone)
A life can still be complete without religion. Just because you don't go to church on Sundays or pray before every meal does not mean you cannot enjoy life otherwise. Perhaps it may mean you must find your own meaning in life that is different from religion, but since there are plenty of people and experiences to motivate you throughout life, I wouldn't say you would miss out on moral purpose.
I think that was his point. You don't necessarily have to do any of that "side stuff" because it's not what's important. You can live a peaceful life but its due to God. You're heeding His words, even if you deny him on the surface. Now I can't really say whether that gets you a ticket through the pearly gates or not. I'd have to say the answer is no. But it still does mean that you're living by His words on some level.
I have no clue what you're saying... but you do realize your current post count is 666. lol A sign! A sign!!!! AAAHHHHH! But yea, please clarify what you're intending to say.

I think that was his point. You don't necessarily have to do any of that "side stuff" because it's not what's important. You can live a peaceful life but its due to God. You're heeding His words, even if you deny him on the surface. Now I can't really say whether that gets you a ticket through the pearly gates or not. I'd have to say the answer is no. But it still does mean that you're living by His words on some level.

See, I think this is stupid. Yea, you're a nice guy but you're going to hell. Its not that this bothers me on a spiritual level, but it bothers me on a...hard to explain level. Just cause I don't believe in this one religion, I live an afterlife of pain. Almost all religions go this route. Believe us or live an afterlife of pain and misery. For example, there are tons of Christians (no offense to anyone) that do not deserve an afterlife of happiness and yet they say that cause I dont believe this religion that I have no future.

To me, that is a bullsh*t way of scaring someone into your religion.