No I don't believe in a or any god or gods. I do need to mention I don't like the phrasing of that question. When writing god with a capital G it's pretty much exclusively for the deity shared by the mythologies of the 3 abrahamic faiths.
Also believe implies that there is an opinion involved. I would have phrased it more like this: "Do you believe in supernatural entitie(s) that transcend our reality yet still influence it?"
With the addon questions "which specific entity?" and "which interpretation of its teachings?" With over 30 thousand versions of christianity I always have a hard time with people saying that they're christians and expecting me to instantly know all their morals and values as if all christians have the same.
Now back to the question at hand. I don't believe in a god or gods because I have yet so see any religion that makes a compelling argument for any for of supernatural entity that might be labeled god. Therefore I remain in the default position of atheism (not excepting any claim until it has met its burden of proof).
Also believe implies that there is an opinion involved. I would have phrased it more like this: "Do you believe in supernatural entitie(s) that transcend our reality yet still influence it?"
With the addon questions "which specific entity?" and "which interpretation of its teachings?" With over 30 thousand versions of christianity I always have a hard time with people saying that they're christians and expecting me to instantly know all their morals and values as if all christians have the same.
Now back to the question at hand. I don't believe in a god or gods because I have yet so see any religion that makes a compelling argument for any for of supernatural entity that might be labeled god. Therefore I remain in the default position of atheism (not excepting any claim until it has met its burden of proof).