Playstation Do you have a ps3??

Thats a thought does anyone have a list of what PS2 games work on a European PS3 since the ones I have tried don't and I don't want to go through all my games, way too many.
I have found that new versions 'unlock' new games for you to use, I think it is based on sponsor though.

As you get certain ps3 games like DMC4 or heavenly sword you upgrade the ps3, giving you larger quantity of games to play.
i got my PS3 just prior to Burnout Paradise coming out. my PS2 still works after 7 years so i can still play my old games, thus i'm not so fused about BC. my next game will be GTA4 + DS3. then it's the big one, MGS4 squeeeeee.
I'm thinking of preordering DW6 and MGS4 soon, I've seen DW6 and I think MGS4 and I can't wait till they come out. They look awesome already and I hope the games live up to my expectations.
i recieved my 60 gb ps3 for christmas this year because my rich uncle who bought it didnt like it so he gave it to me...cant ask for more lol it came with two controllers madden 07 & 08 Genjii days of blades and some basketball game
I've had my Ps3 for i think 2 years now?? Got it for Christmas along with the Wii & some games for both systems. I ADORE the Ps3 it's such a great system I love it =) The technology has improved quite a bit and it's amazing what you can do nowadays. The Ps3 has great games IMO. :-)
I have a ps3 but my bro owns it,dont play that much.I only play tekken 6 with my bro but he always wins.I also have soul calibur 4 which gets boring pretty fast.
Nope, don't have one as yet.

I plan to get a Wii before the PS3 though. I have more interest in the Wii at the moment and I think I'd get more use out of it for the time being.

The only real reason I want a PS3 is for FFXIII, so I'm not in a real rush. >.<
I did over a year ago now. Problem was we were hurting on bills one month and on top of that L got her car towed outside of one of our favorite restaurants for parking maybe 15 minutes. So we made a sacrifice in which sucks, but hey, maybe in another 1/2 year or a year I'll have one again. Just gotta fit it in the vacation funds.
I dont have one. They are still expensive for my budget and I may not get one in time for FFXIII. I just have to hope that PS2 games still come out, or begin to rely heavily on my DS :sad3:
Nope. Not got one yet and I prolly wont bother for a while although I do intend on getting one.......eventually

The whole lack of backwards compatabilty kinda put me off abit, if my PS2 dies then Il have to go get another PS2 rather than upgrading to a PS3 & I also need a new spare tv seeing as I knocked mine over and it broke. Stupid cat :dry:

So long story short. No I don't have one

Fucking cat, Im still annoyed about that tv incident

Well, just shy of a year later I got myself a PS3 :ryan: Not that Ive played on it much mind, it's kinda sat there gathering dust atm, but I'm just waiting for FFXIII & XIV.... plus Ive got like , 20 FF's on the go, which Id be able to play on my PS3 if THEY WERE COMPATIBLE :rage:

Well, tbf, Ive only tried IX, and it wouldn't let me past the 'Squaresoft' screen, it just sat there, mocking me
Technically, it's my boyfriend's, but we share it. 8F I love that thing. =D I hope someday to get my own with internet, though. :rage:
I surely do! I've had mine for a while now, but I don't recall if its 2 or 3 years old now. It was not too long after it came out, so I want to say it's 2 years old (3 seems too long ago). I have an 80 GB with backwards compatibility, so I can use my old PS1 and 2 games on it as well, and I have many of them. :awesome:
Oh OH! I do! I DO! Pick me! PICK ME!!!

So yes...I do. And I go on the internet on it. Though my brother has to show me how to get a network account...
Yeah gonna be a year that i've had it in February. Before i had it though, i was on the fence about getting that or a 360, but i chose the PS3 in the end because it appealed to me more. That and i've always had a console from sony back since the PS1.
As of 5 hours ago, I am the proud (and broke >.<) owner of a refurbished 60 GB model PS3 :D

And I'm scared to play it. With all the YLOD warnings I've read about and the general info being that the early 60 GB models are the ones to get struck with it, I'm hesitant to touch my PS3 just yet.

Also while I was ecstatic about having the oh so coveted backward capability model, I just realized I needed a memory card adapter to transfer files over, and I'm right in the middle of a playthrough of my PS2 game that I don't want to just suddenly quit D=

So I have it, but haven't played it yet >_>