Does God punish masturbation?

Actually, everytime you do it, its like killing a life i suppose you could say. Yes it may constantly be reproduced, but if you think about it, you still kill them when doing it. Thats why its in the bible im sure. (if it is)

It wouldn't be in the bible for that reason at all I don't think. After masturbation you'd be less likely to have sex with your wife/husband and therefore, less children. All the religion wants is more children to carry on the religion. It wants to take over. And the only reason it would have the no sex before marriage thing is because you need a couple of good, happy people to take care of the little children, and then the people that made the religion want you to root constantly without protection and bam, you're more than likely going to end up with a heap of little catholics around or something.
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It wants to take over
It? Are we talking about religion here or a stephen King novel?
religion is not out to take over the world.

After masturbation you'd be less likely to have sex with your wife/husband and therefore, less children
like i said before if you are maturbating, you arent getting laid so you arent actually limiting the amount of children you could have.

Also the bible is written by people, and i doubt god saud to them masturbation is evil and you will burn in hell for it
It wouldn't be in the bible for that reason at all I don't think. After masturbation you'd be less likely to have sex with your wife/husband and therefore, less children. All the religion wants is more children to carry on the religion. It wants to take over.
Um, I don't think that is the reason actually. Seph's Bro was more correct as a matter of fact. The catholic religion teaches that 'every sperm is sacred', and that every sperm is a potential life. The reason that they are against masturbation (and contraception) is because potential lives are being wasted, and not because you are 'less likely to have sex with your spouse' or to try and take over.
They ignore the fact that nature can be wasteful, and inefficient, and that during sex, sperm gets wasted anyways.

Wasting something that's cheap to produce isn't exactly a big deal, and they just have the wrong concept of the worth of sperm.
They ignore the fact that nature can be wasteful, and inefficient, and that during sex, sperm gets wasted anyways.

I wouldn't say that they ignore this fact, I mean, why do you think they are against contraception? Catholics and Christians believe that sex should only be for the purpose of making a child. Yes, even when making one thousands of sperm will still be wasted, but I guess it's the lesser of two evils.
Then it seems they're against the idea of sex as a leisure, and think of it only as a means of procreation.

But if sex were not even at least pleasing, most people wouldn't even be interested in doing it.

Like Chesterfield says, "[SIZE=-1]The pleasure is momentary, the position rediculous, and the expense damnable." And yet, the only reason most people do it is because of the pleasure, if nothing else.
Then it seems they're against the idea of sex as a leisure, and think of it only as a means of procreation.
Yes, that is exactly right.

But if sex were not even at least pleasing, most people wouldn't even be interested in doing it.
It's to do with temptation, and resisting temptation. You know, choosing between good and easy.. Surely you know the Adam and Eve story?
im pretty sure YHWH would, he seems a pretty vindictive kinda god.
as for a christian god i doubt he would, hell different denominations would have different views, so you need to specify, which 'god' you mean.

well as kev said, its not being wasted, and because you are masturbating it means you cant get laid anyway, which means it wouldnt matter

and pederasty and things like that would probably get you into more trouble with the deity you believe in.

Christian God + YHWH = Same God ;) but NOT Jesus.

Though the Catholic Church decided not to use the name based on the statement that we should "not use the name of the Lord in vein" or considering that name of God is too holy to be pronounced by our impure mouths.
surely you know that the serpent tricked eve into taking the apple, and is a way of justifying the way the bible treats women.

and sex is not just about pleasure or procreation, it can be about love, surely giving in to temptation is a lesser evil than not expressing love?

Same God ;) but NOT Jesus.
yes they are the same god, but the old testament makes him out to be very different from the 'christian' god.
in essence they are the same, but they are viewed very differently
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Actually, everytime you do it, its like killing a life i suppose you could say. Yes it may constantly be reproduced, but if you think about it, you still kill them when doing it. Thats why its in the bible im sure. (if it is)

You...DO realize that when you ejaculate into a female, only one or two sperm actually make it into the eggs and the rest just die? And it's not in the Bible.

We chose whether or not to sin and how committed to one side we are. I do no think that masturbation will send you to hell but I think it might be a sin.

Sucks to be you then :pikamon:

How would masturbating be like 'killing a life'? The life doesn't exist in the first place, so you're killing/harming nothing. It might kill the chances to create a new life at that instant, but there will always be new sperm/eggs as long as the man or woman has testes/ovaries.

I personally think it's rubbish. Even during intercourse, only one of those sperm cells makes it through that long trek to fertilize the egg, while the rest die away. So is it a sin to have sex as well? All of those other sperm cells are wasted, ruining the chance to have 10,000 babies in one go. Or do 'sacrifices have to be made' when it comes to sex as well?

No matter what the situation, sperm cells will always go to 'waste'. It's a fact of life, and if it's really a sin to masturbate, then that's just rubbish.

What he said :elmo: It's only killing the potential to create life, sperm aren't going to become anything on their own. Why do you think so many are reproduced? It's because most of them die off inside the woman. If they didn't her uterus would explode from having hundred of fetuses inside her.

As for the correlation between lust and masturbation, big deal. Go ahead and fap to whomever you like in your mind. If god didn't like it, don't you think there would have been some sort of consequence man discovered hundreds of years ago? Not to mention, he "created" us didn't he? If he didn't want us doing it, he wouldn't have made it a pleasurable experience. Seems like a no-brainer to me.
surely you know that the serpent tricked eve into taking the apple, and is a way of justifying the way the bible treats women.

and sex is not just about pleasure or procreation, it can be about love, surely giving in to temptation is a lesser evil than not expressing love?

Your point might be invalid given that the Bible states that Adan had a choice of refusing the forbidden fruit, yet he decided to eat it. At the same time, the Bible is the best proof to show up that women end up being what influences the decisions made by men, call it, the "power behind the throne". Just like Sparta, women ruled Sparta while their men were sent to war, and while doing so their economy and government was more balanced, and their progress was astonishing. Or Ancient Rome, during the time when women won more power, having the right to rule their own life.

Yes, the story of Adan and Eve is meant to attempt to explain how imperfection was thus born in human hearts, which also explains why dinosaurs aren't mentioned, because the Bible is the story of Humankind after th extinction of the dinosaurs.

Sure, and you must also know that the Bible was written in a different time line than ours.
and sex is not just about pleasure or procreation, it can be about love, surely giving in to temptation is a lesser evil than not expressing love?
Eh, this is religion we are dealing with. If you refer to the first point you made:
surely you know that the serpent tricked eve into taking the apple
Well firstly, in this story Eve gave into temptation and did what was easy, i.e. ate the apple, with consequences as her and Adam were banished from the Garden of Eden. The moral was that we should resist temptation. Yes, in your eyes it may seem a better thing to express love, just as it seems perfectly okay to show yourself some love because it is enjoyable, doesn't harm anyone, etc. But you are still giving in to temptation, PLUS there is the whole reason WHY it is a sin, the waste of life.

but then eden isnt the paradice its made out to be.

and the moral may be that we should resist temptation, but then we should resist sex as its pleasurable, but then we wouldnt be procreating.

and blames eve for everything, man having to work, women having to feel pain from childbirth.
and its makes humans impure.

but then pederasty and homosexuality are all sins as they are wastes of life no?
I personally prefer different stories that explain the point of resisting temptation better, since the bible isn't entirely a great book in my opinion. The theme or consequences of such, rather, is expressed in a lot of other books and movies, particularly movies and books that are done and written well.

But I digress. If there are three reasons why people have sex, one being lust, the other being love, and the other being plain procreation, one would think that the middle choice is the best reason to have sex. At least according to sexual selection. According to sexual selection, if you have sex out of love, it would mean you chose a mate out of having the best qualities, even if you're not aware of them, which will get passed onto your offspring, you will most likely enjoy the sex, and your children are most likely to be fit. Don't think that the pleasure isn't significant at all, because if it were painful, nobody would want to do it.
and the moral may be that we should resist temptation, but then we should resist sex as its pleasurable, but then we wouldnt be procreating.
Not if the point of sex IS to procreate, and if you happen to enjoy it then great. Think about it though, say you were a devout catholic who went with this belief, and only had two kids or something. Well, that's a lot of resisting to do.

but then pederasty and homosexuality are all sins as they are wastes of life no?
Um, yes. The Catholic religion is also against homosexuality as it is 'unnatural' and there is no chance of any new life.
Um, yes. The Catholic religion is also against homosexuality as it is 'unnatural' and there is no chance of any new life.<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
so to summarise, the catholic church hates gay people and people who masturbate becasue they are unnatural and not creating new life, yet on the other hand humans are to procreate even though its pleasurable and yet at the same time resist the temptation caused by it being pleasurable?
so to summarise, the catholic church hates gay people and people who masturbate becasue they are unnatural and not creating new life, yet on the other hand humans are to procreate even though its pleasurable and yet at the same time resist the temptation caused by it being pleasurable?

'Hate' is such a strong word, the catholic church doesn't 'hate' anyone, but you are basically right. And about the sex part... the point is, sex should only be for procreation. Any other time is sinning because of the waste of potential life and giving in to the temptation.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that I agree with this, these are just the facts.
According to sexual selection, if you don't resist temptation, it means you don't care about the quality of your offspring, barring the fact you might be using birth control. In most species, particularly mammals, the females are highly selective of their mates, and have few eggs that are difficult to produce, so they must choose wisely. This has nothing to do with morality, but is a scientific fact, and has been observed in many organisms.

If anyone else is interested in the scientific perspective that might shed some light on what most likely happened, I'd suggest reading Dr. Tatiana's Sex Advice for All Creation. It's not dry either; it's a humorous book that's both informative and interesting.
......Seriously? *Seriously*? asking this question, we are obviously assuming that God exists. So let's go with that assumption. I personally would hope that God has better things to do than look after everyone's masturbation habits.

In short, no. I personally don't think God cares if you whack off. That's just stupid.
Lets not forget that the bible is more outdated than that 50's article I found on how to be a good wife.....

Il bet everything we do in a daily life is punishable by God.