Evanescent Fairytale {RP}

As soon as Ahrexian and Mystro moved into the castle, it was Virginia's chance to enter the castle. She jumped and reached her hands out to grab on to a stone strutting out of the castle's walls. From there, Virginia would climb her way up to the closest window. When she got there, she discreetly opened the window and entered into the castle.

From there she was wary of any guards that might try to make their rounds around the castle. Fortunately, guards weren't allowed in the bedrooms, and with most of them in the city proper, security was very lax. Still she needed to be cautious.

Opening the door discreetly, Virginia ran to the closest pillar and checked her surroundings. Knowing the Mercenary and the Dragoon, they would be coming their way up to meet the king, she wanted to avoid being spotted however, so she continued so she hid behind another pillar.
Seridaxon came to a halt outside the castle walls kicking up a cloud of dust around his feet. he looked left then right before cleanly jumping the wall and landing on a roof out of sight of all the people below him, he scanned the crowd.

"Aeva processor scanning crowd for possible challengers..."

"Possible challenger found"
the voice said as Seridaxons view zoomed in on a man hidden under a green cloak.

"Engage now"

"No" Seridaxon said

"I'll follow him first and see what hes up to he may be a useful source of information" Seridaxon said as he followed the cloaked man as quietly as he could.
OOC: You play Head priestess?

The soft glow appeared eerie and like an apparition to those looking from afar, almost like a ball of spirit. Not that there were anyone out at this time. Oblivious to the impending incident that will engulf Phallia, the Matriarch strolled up to the wooden double door, gazing at the ancient wood before giving a quick successions of knock. A moment of no response lingered before the scuffle of loafered feet could be heard behind the wall. Phallia followed the movement of the nun from her side, her mind picturing the novice who was most likely in charge of night duty, scamper up a small flight of steps to the peephole up high on the door. As she expected, a young, almost child-like voice came out into the air as a small section of the door slid back, revealing a single big, innocent eye.

Um....can i help you...miss?

The novice's eye glanced nervously at the sphere of light Phallia held, not sure if this woman could be trusted to be allowed in at this time of the night.

Certainly. I wish for a moment of peace inside your holy building, for some silent contemplation. I am on a pilgrimage for my own faith and i do believe being in the presence of a holy site may do my task some good.

The novice looked worried before taking a deep breath of conviction.

Of course. Please wait a second.

A similar patter of footsteps echoed and a small crack appeared at the door.

Follow me. I will need to take you to the Head Priestess to tell her that you are here before you are allowed to roam around.

Of course. Lead the way.

Phallia bowed her head in thanks and lowered the diameter of the light sphere to just a mere half a meter in front of her. Now mixed in with the ambient noise of the church was the rustle and slight occasional clinks of armour and chatter from further down the hall. The duo continued walking before stopping before a door where light poured from below.

This is the library. The Head Priestess should be inside, so please wait at the fireplace while i talk to the Head Priestess.

Phallia bowed once more and walked into the dim room. She could see

another soul, browsing inside, but was too dim to make out. Not wanting to disturb this persons own private, quiet time, Phallia made her way to another table and sat down, her hood pulled low over her face, shadows cast deep across.


The novice glanced around the shelves before coming across the Head Priestess. Quickly, she pulled her dress off the floor and whispered into the head Priestess' ears.

Head Priestess, I have allowed a wandering pilgrim shelter. Will you see to her? I feel uneasy with the tree in such a state and i cannot be sure of this pilgrim's intentions. She is not even of this faith. Should i tell her to leave?
Vargan, quickly taking note of all the demons around him watched as one leapt forward to cut him down, swinging his blade mightily in a 360 arc he easily cut it down. With 3 remaining he lunged forward, impaling one and as the other two reacted to take him from behind he struck one with a pommel and cut the pair down. Moments later they appeared to fade back into the earth. "Hmph, mere scouts..." continuing on his way he soon came to Siard Castle, his blade still fresh with the blood and scent of demons he was barred entry.

"State your business sir" said the guard on the left "My business is my own" Vargan replied "Do you really think we'd allow one so... Armed, not to mention foreign into our castle home? How are we to know you're not an invader? We'll not allow you to ruin the peace we so love" said the guard on the right "Well if that's the case you mustn't get out mjuch, I just had to deal with some demons not long ago, now I suggest you stad aside unless you want everyone to hear about it" at this, the guards exchanged looks before sidestepping out of Vargan's way.

Entering the castle town he was constantly leered at, almost as if the townspeople would kill him at a moment's notice, if given the chance. Retreating into a nearby bar he ordered himself a drink before sitting at a table in the corner, setting his blades beside him as he listened into the townspeople for any information.
"Well I'm glad this is what you have decided. We should probably head into the castle and search for anything unusual."

"Agreed, I'll keep an open Eye," Mystro began walking slightly behind Ahrexian to watch his back while looking for anything that he may have missed. This evil existance he had felt was not that of a humans, and it was something he had to get used to. Due to this, he could not point out the exactl location. Whenever a guard came by, Mystro jumped, then Ahrexian would pull out the pendant and the guard would let them by with no troubles.

There is something about that pendant. The guards simply let him pass by sight of it. Don't they usually take it to the king for them? I mean, it is the king after all...Either there is something he is refusing to tell me, or the origonal carrier of that declined to hand out all the information...

"It's quiet considering the festival has started, I have a bad feeling about this..."

"To top it off, I feel a strong evil around here, we should be sure we are prepared. I know I am..." Mystro then felt something strong pulse through his spine and back up repetatively..."We must be close, I feel it." as they closed in onto a corner, Mystro pointed to the right and said to Whrexian, "If I'm right, hes in a room in this hallway...no guarantees..."
"If I'm right, hes in a room in this hallway...no guarantees..."
Ahrexian slipped round the corner, but could see no openings in the corridor.
He began to run his hand along the wall, searching for something, anything...
Then, there it was, a slight notch in the stone of the wall, almost invisible to the naked eye, but as he ran his hand over the area, it was definitely there.
"Come here, I found something, could be a passage of some sort."
He pulled hard towards himself, and the wall slid inwards slightly, stale air hissing out from beyond.
"Think he could be in here Mystro?" Ahrexian muttered as he placed his hand upon the hilt of his sword and began to push...
Virginia looked to see Ahrexian and Mystro still looking for the mysterious figure. They came to a wall and stopped to check the wall. This made Virginia think, "Che cosa sono quei due facendo?" (What are those two doing?) Finally, Ahrexian pushed a part of the wall, and a whole door-sized part of the wall sunk in, opening another passageway. "Well that answers my question." She thought while waiting for Ahrexian and Mystro to move forward.
(OOC: Seth....you didn't state your character was a dragoon. How can he jump walls? especially with all that armour? Try to tone down the powerplaying next time. I understand he's a god but he's not so godly in these realms... Please be a little more realistic next time or else the wrath of gnomes shall fall upon you... Tispy. You can control the priestess a little, but as of now she is mainly in my control. She wont be of much use later...)

Village of Cia
Head Priestess, I have allowed a wandering pilgrim shelter. Will you see to her? I feel uneasy with the tree in such a state and i cannot be sure of this pilgrim's intentions. She is not even of this faith. Should i tell her to leave?

"No. Go usher her in and leave quickly. Remember to shut the door." said the high priest Shia.

She could feel the pulse of the Mana Tree race quicker. The heroes of which she waited for so long had come directly to her this night. "The hero of the Mana Tree supposedly vanished a thousand years ago..."Spoke Shia knowing Kyrie and Phallia was in earshot. "But only known to the Tree's guardian the hero had children......and they had children."

Shia eyed Kyrie browsing her books. Laeifal was a dangerous demon, he had to be stopped and this was the only way. "There are currently seven children of this Hero from the past...Two of those seven are in this room..."

Siard Castle

Orin stood close to the machine which was the key component in the Alexis project. "This is where it will begin! And now the village of monsters will end!" chuckled Orin as he placed the stolen emerald in the big machine's capsule.

"Lets begin!" he shouted as the machine began to light up!

The gears began to grind, everything began to light up! And then in a flash, the machine died. "What?" went Orin. "So I actually have to get rid of them?! dammit!"

Orin screamed in rage. It looked like he couldn't use the shortcut. He would have to go on a long and terrible journey to finish his task. "Those damn pilars will be destroyed!" he shouted.
Earthly World

Riley walked down an alley, tired of dodging the cops and the criminals loose in the street. "Help!" went a womans scream close by. "Agh!"

Riley peered behind a dumpster cautiously. A big baldheaded man was about to rape a young buissiness woman. He had her proped against a building and began to lift up her dress. She began to cry. Riley felt guilty. He couldn't witness something this grueling. But what should he do?

As soon as the big, bald rough looking man dropped his pants he heard a whir of air. As he looked to the right, he saw the end of a guitar slam smak into his face. As he stumbled to the ground Riley hit hit again even harder. The young woman was shocked as her attacker went unconcious. Her eyes were wide, but she did not cry. "Thank you," she began as she pulled out an iron pole from behind her back, "But I had this one covered."

Riley was confused. "What? I just saved you!" he said.

The young woman pulled out her badge. "Im an undercover cop." she said as she held it up."Out to get to the bottom of this."

"What?" Riley asked as he began to back away slowly. Would she arrest him now?

"Don't worry, I wont arrest you." She said as she veiwed the fear in his eyes. "But I will need someone to have my back."

"You mean you want me to stay with you?" asked Riley.

"Well it's better if you do these things in groups." went the lady. "Follow me."

The cop went sprinting down the alley the opposite direction. Riley went sprinting after her, his guitar gripped tightly.
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When Mystro saw that there were no doors, he was startled. Could his senses have been wrong? Then Ahrexian started to examine the walls. Mystro stood and felt Virginia near. Is she following us? I wasn't given that impression at first though. Mayhap I was incorrect? Whatever the case may be I do not trust her. If only my memory would return, I could tell her exact location, but I only sense a presance...

Mystro was taken out of thought with a loud sound of the wall sliding in.

Ahrexian called Mystro over, "Come here, I found something, could be a passage of some sort." So Mystro responded with a nod and started to walk towards him. This must have been where the source of evil he was feeling was comming from. Whatever it was, it was something to be feared by many, but Mystro had began plotting in his head what had to be done as last resorts. Calling guards could be a bad decision depending on how things played out. He may have to lose sanity after all...

"Think he could be in here Mystro?" Ahrexian asked as Mystro watched.

"No doubt, I feel it badly now...I wonder where this goes..." Mystro began to make a face of shame..."Depending on how things play out, I may see blood. So I will give you a fair warning of what may happen. When I see blood, I tend to loose my sanity, and I gain a bloodlust that is uncontrolable. If it happens and you're around, wait for me to take care of this evil being, I don't want to hurt you. Afterwards, I need you to snap me out of it. All you have to do is make me lose all sigght of blood, and hurt me. If I need it, knock me out even...For your safty..."
..."Depending on how things play out, I may see blood. So I will give you a fair warning of what may happen. When I see blood, I tend to loose my sanity, and I gain a bloodlust that is uncontrolable. If it happens and you're around, wait for me to take care of this evil being, I don't want to hurt you. Afterwards, I need you to snap me out of it. All you have to do is make me lose all sigght of blood, and hurt me. If I need it, knock me out even...For your safty..."
"I'll keep that in mind, maybe I'll... give you a shock."
Ahrexian drew his sword and headed down the newly opened corridor. He charged his blade with electrical energy as he walked out into an open room.
The room was full of strange machines, some making strange noises and moving. There in the centre of the room clutching something in his hand, was the man he had seen at the festival.
"Who are you, and what are you doing in here?"
"Heeheehee" chuckled Orin. "This was done by the Mana Tree."

"Who are you, and what are you doing in here?"

"and right on cue..." muttered Orin.

He turned to face the man whose voice he heard. "Seems like the legend has just gotten started..." said Orin. "But If I finish you here there will be no stopping me..."

At this he began to dance around the lap towards the two who had just entered the lab. "Silly young warriors, don't understand the legend. Now its time to kill of these two of the seven!" Orin drew his sword.

"You arent escaping me..." Orin said as he pressed the switch which began to seal the secret passage. "I won't let you live. And I see you've brought me a gift too. It looks like the golden trinket...ah no use in explaning. DIE NOW!"

Orin lunged at the two warriors in lighting speed.

Weaken Orin!-mandatory-all
-Orin has just begun the battle. Try to him him with everything you've got!

News: Get used to posting battles. There will be many to come in the future...
As the elf launched himself at the pair of them, Ahrexian dived down the stairs swinging his sword at Orin as he went, sending the electrical charge down it like a conductor. The result of this was a bolt of lightning spearing through the air towards Orin, although now he couldn't see him anything could happen.
"I'll keep that in mind, maybe I'll... give you a shock." Was Ahrexians response. This slightly confused Mystro until he saw the charging of the sword. Mystro was dazzled by the blue sparks started to glimmer, also reflecting off of the steel to shine brightly. A pulse would shoot up and back down the steel blade, and Mystro found it to be an absolutely bedazzling sight. He then hear Ahrexian speak again...

"Who are you, and what are you doing in here?"

That made him realise that the man in the room was the source of evil.

"and right on cue..." Muttered the elf. He seemed to have been expecting some visitors. He stopped listening to the two and began to think of how to utalize his surroundings.

Suddenly Mystro snapped back to the elf lunging for the two and he decided what his move would be. He knew Ahrexian would do something quick, so Mystro leaped up, digging his claws into the wall, he jumpued up even higher, and positioned himself perfectly to have a falling strike. At that moment, the room became bright with Ahrexians lightning attack, Leaving loud shocks and Mystros voice screaming at top volume, "NOW YOUR BETWEEN THE HAMMER AND THE ANVIL!"
OOC: Target Sighted, Commencing Hostilities! - Nine Ball, Armored Core: Master of Arena

IC: As soon as Ahrexian and Mystro headed in, blades at the ready, Virginia followed in closing in at the wall. "Looks like they're going in for the attack." She thought.

Virginia crept into the open corridor, keeping her distance from either of the two.

She hid behind a corner and overheard the conversation between Ahrexian and a mysterious third voice, telling the two about a legend before starting to attack the two.

Virginia decided to wait until the figure lets his guard down before she could assassinate him.
"But only known to the Tree's guardian the hero had children......and they had children. There are currently seven children of this Hero from the past...Two of those seven are in this room..."

Kyrie was absorbed in the text she was reading, and only half heard what the High Priestess had said. She had found some information on Laeifal, and was reading intently. After a moment, what Shia had said registered with her, and she took a cursory glance across the room. The priestess, the ... girl from the tavern? What's she doing here? And me. That means ... oh ...

"... This can't be good." Carefully replacing the text, Kyrie walked over to the High Priestess and folded her arms across her chest. "Are you telling me I'm descended from the Tree's Guardian? How is that possible? I am Haari, and the Tree's Guardian w-..."

Kyrie trailed off as she remembered a small piece of Haari Lore she had learned while she was young. It had seemed inconsequential at the time. Now it burned into her mind with a searing intensity.


"Nearly a thousand years ago the Mana Tree was in great danger," began the Elder, instructing the small group of Haari youth gathered near his feet as he sat on a small bench. "Many of the people of the continent came together to decide what to do. One hero stepped forward, taking the fate of the world on his shoulders. His guide to the tops of the Mana Tree was a Haari woman, for we make the best Scouts in the world." The young Haari let out a small cheer for the Haari woman who represented their people.

Once they settled, the Elder continued. "The Hero ascended to the top of the tree with the help of his Haari Scout. There, he engaged in battle with the demon Laeifal. The two fought a terrible battle, nearly tearing the Mana Tree down along with them. Eventually, the Hero prevailed, and his Scout returned to the Aerie. Nine months later, the female Scout gave birth to a daughter. That family line has continued throughout the years, all the way to today, though none know exactly who is descended from that Scout."


Her face alight with the glow of her sudden realization, Kyrie looked up to where the High Priestess stood. "I'm not... it can't... I mean, I'm not descended from..." Kyrie paused and took a deep breath. "I'm one of the seven Heroes, aren't I?"
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Yes ma'am. I shall leave now.

As the novice left, she sighted the pilgrim sitting on one of the tables, facing her way diagonally. Her coat now opened up a gap as the shape of her sitting down forced it to flow around the chair seat. Through it, even in the dim light, the dull reflection of metal armour and the odd protusion of swords was evident. The novice clenched her hands in a sudden fear. What sort of pilgrim from any religion wears clothing like a knight? Making a sign of safety, the novice rushed out, hoping to all that was dear that the Head Priestess would be safe.

Phallia had closed her eyes and lowered her head. It was rather peaceful in the library and it wasn't a bad place to meditate. She ignored the noisy exit of the novice and was about to settle into a slight trance of clearness when the voice of the Head Priestess pierced her head.

"But only known to the Tree's guardian the hero had children......and they had children. There are currently seven children of this Hero from the past...Two of those seven are in this room..."

It was odd. Phallia could tell that it was only she, the Head Priestess and the girl from the tavern in here, yet she said an odd thing. odd but not impossible. The Thearos people were a race of half angels and half human. For all of Phallia's memory and intellegence, she could only think of two of her ancestors who could have mated with this hero.

The most likely was Saint Sistina the Heavenly Virgin. The timing matched to her era and she was one
of the few handfuls that left on a pilgrimage in her family tree, just like her. Also, if it was during a time of cataclysm, then it was no wonder that Sistina would have accompanied or met the Hero, being one of the rare Thearos to match Saint Pandora's prowess and powers to be named Saint. With her ability, she could have assisted the Hero in his quest and should his will and spirit be sufficient, spiritually impregnat her.

Concept and result same as physical intercourse...or so they say...Should i believe the remote possibility? There has been no spiritual consummation for as long as i read, but it would explain why Saint Sistina held the Virigin in her title, yet have a line...

Very slowly, Phallia stood from her chair, the cloak closing once more, before approaching the woman from the Tavern and the Head Priestess. It was ridiculous as the odds were extremely far out. However, she needed to inquire about it.

I am curious as to why you stated what you have said. I do no doubt the possibility of me being a descendent, but for a bit more clarification, I have a question.

As Phallia spoke, her hands reached for the cords tying her cloak to her and pulled them loose before letting the material reveal her entire body.

Does your lore tell of a white winged warrior during this time, dressed in a similar garb as I?

Slowly, ever so slowly, Phallia opened her wings naturally to a folded position, so as to not knock over anything in the cramped room. Winged beings are rare. Should Phallia's ancestor accompany the Hero in his quest, then she should appear in the lore.
(OOC: Tipsy and CC, you two should recieve a PM of your reward of info for the sidequest.)

Orin used his fast agility to barley escape the bolt of lightning. His eyes were blinded and he could see a figure moving towards him from the sky. "NOW YOUR BETWEEN THE HAMMER AND THE ANVIL!"

"huh?" Orin lunged out of the way and swung his blade at the lightning shooting soldier. His speed impecable and his timing almost perfect. He was planning to secretly attack the other soldier as he came from the ceiling...
"I'm one of the seven Heroes, aren't I?"

High priestess Shia saw the confused reactions from both of the young women. "It doesn't suprise me..." started Shia. "The hero had no name of what I recall. After his fight with Laeifal, it is said he went back to a life of peace with his family. The Mana Tree has told me he had many children, each to a different location and race."

As Phallia spoke, her hands reached for the cords tying her cloak to her and pulled them loose before letting the material reveal her entire body.

Does your lore tell of a white winged warrior during this time, dressed in a similar garb as I?

"Ah, I see...So it's true indeed. The winged people of the skies of Levert, the Warriors of the mountains. It is fate that has brought you and I together....All of us. Now will you two please escort help me draw the circle from that text?" asked Shia calmly pointing to an open book on the floor. "We must summon the others now that they are in range."

Teleport!-mandatory-Kyrie, Phallia
-Help the high priestess draw the circle for her spell!

News: Sidequest Completed!: Lady Shia has provided Kyrie and Phallia two ancient text from the library!

At this time, while Orin was distracted, Virginia snuck forward with her straight dagger drawn. As soon as he put his focus on Mystro's jump, she lunged at the dark elf, in an attempt to grab him from behind and hold him hostage. "I've got you now."
Seeing the speedy elf run off to where Ahrexian was, he was inpressed as to the fighting skill of the oponent he fought. This could only be trouble. Unfortunately for Mystro, he was still in the air, and due to the law of inertia, he was incapable of moving at all. He could only reposition himself. He was too quick to jump, thinking to hard on offense.

This can't be good. Mystro braced himself From now on, I'm watching his moves, not letting him come at me, but I need to watch his behavior.This is going to be a challenge...

Mystros eyes glinted as he fell and saw Virginia appear out of nowhere. How did I not feel her comming!? Mystro crashed onto the ground hearing the felines voice speak, "I've got you now." He knew she was in over her head. the evil he felt MUST have been followed by power.

at last second, Mystro shouted loudly, "You don't know his capabilities! Never jump in like that!" He turned around to see the oponent held back with a knife.
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"I've got you now."

Orin was in the clutches of the woman who had suprised him. "Oh goody! Another has come to play!" he chuckled as she held him.

The elf quickly lunged backwards and attempted to smash his holder up against the wall so that she'd let go. "DIE YOU FILTH!"