Favorite Character [FFVIII]


Ghost of Christmas Past
Mar 31, 2009
United States
Squall Leonheart-

Quistis Trepe-

Rinoa Heartilly-

Zell Dincht-

Selphie Tilmitt-

Irvine Kinneas-

Laguna Loire-

Kiros Seagill-

Ward Zabac-

Seifer Almasy-

Edea Kramer-
Could you try to add more depth to your post aswel please? Perhaps tell us your favourite character(s) and why, instead of just posting pictures please, ta

Anyway. Squall & Rinoa, got a soft spot for Selphie too because she's just loud and clumsy xD

I guess I just prefer the lead to be quiet and brooding, becuase I love me some Cloud aswel, Rinoa is just fiesty, they are like polar opposites and she's j ust fun, the damsel in distress thing doesn't bother me in the slightest, I ENJOYED my little Rinoa rescue missions

I liek their outfits too <3

Love Edeas character design, and how she is at the start of the game, she's a complete bitch, love it
I really love Rinoa. This was the first FF game I ever played and I loved her from the start. She really changed Squall and that was so great! I liked Edea tons too, great depth to her. SELPHIE! *SQUEE* She was so fun. Irvine wasn't so great the first time I played, but he grew on me, as did Zell. Quistis... well, I didn't ever like her as much. Oh well.
My favourites in this game are Squall and Rinoa. They both seem realistic and well-made characters,and I just like the way they are so different and yet so compatible. Selphie is another favourite, she's very cute and clumsy. And I like Zell very much. Quistis I never really cared much for, she doesn't stand out among the others like they do.
My favorite character is squall because he is cool and very strong....I like his weapon esp.... the LionHeart.... Zell also is my favorite.
Squall - He had nice character development (mostly due to Rinoa) and I loved how throughout the game he changed from a guy who didn't really care into a strong and able leader (still a bit cold, but you can't expect the guy to change all the way).

Zell - Always seemed to lighten the mood and tension in the air for me even when he didn't really mean to. Also, his limit breaks came in handy for me, especially during boss fights. Guess I'm just used to characters like him: bad temper but means well nonetheless.

Selphie - Characters like her always manage to warm my heart. She tries to remain in high spirits even when something bad occurs (like what happened to Trabia Garden) and I admired her for that. People who somehow manage to look at the positives are usually good to have around.
Could you try to add more depth to your post aswel please? Perhaps tell us your favourite character(s) and why, instead of just posting pictures please, ta
I was going to, but i had to get off the internet. I think my favorite, like most peoples, would have to be Squall. Just because my personality is like his, doesn't let anyone know how i feel, but still has that sensitive side.

Ahhh, quote didn't work. You know what i meant. Didn't mean to do that, don't quote people often.

Mod edit

Merged & fix't ;))
I liked Laguna. I thought he was really sweet, and he was the only guy who didn't irritate me even a little bit. He's also cute and a hopeless romantic, which helps. I personally think FFVIII had the weakest line up of female characters in the entire franchise, not even the very foxy Quistis (Miss Trepe is underused) totally redeems their fail, they just didn't appeal to me. :gasp:
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I didn't really enjoy the dream world. Trying to get the criticals for Laguna Kiros and Ward was highly annoying. I would only get 1 in like 10 tries, thats why i don't really like those 3
Laguna for me.

I liked his personality. HE was always positive even when things looked bad. He kept an upbeat morale all the time. He was a great friend to Kiros and Ward, i think their friendship stands as one of the strongest in the whole FF series. He travelled the world in search of Ellone after she dissapeared. On top of that i found him funny. Especially when his leg cramps up when hes on his way to see Julia that was Hilarious.
Squall was my favorite.
I liked them all though, even the evil characters.
Some of them could be annoying at times.
The girls annoyed me cause they sucked so badly.
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can we add more effort to our posts and say WHY you like these characters please guys?

Squall- He began as this guy who kept shut in himself and then gradually there was a change in him which was caused by Rinoa. He was strong but not overly cocky about it. I also liked the contrast between him and Laguna.
My feelings about this game's characters have changed so drastically over time. When I first played it it was all Squall, all the time. I liked that he was mysterious and cool, and I could really see how he was changing as the game went on. I also had a soft spot for Selphie, because of how she was able to keep such an upbeat attitude even after all of the tragedy she'd been through. To be honest, I didn't really care much for Rinoa.

But on following playthroughs, I like Rinoa a lot. I think I see some similarities between her and Selphie. Rinoa is going through a really rough time with the sorceress problem, but she's holding up remarkably well. Add that to how she handles her issues with her dad and leading a rebel group, and she's a very strong character. And she and Squall are just too cute together.

(That was a just a long way of saying Rinoa is my favorite character.)
My fav character is Squall. Squall is cool, powerful and he didn't disguise as a girl to get his girl back, like a blond spiky hair guy that we all know :gasp: