Favorite Character [FFVIII]

Quistis and Laguna. They seemed the most genuine characters. Squall is all emo, and Rinoa is just fake ¬¬ Zells too over the top. Selphie annoys me to the brink of deliberately killing her in battles, and Irvine is a bit boring imo.
/me points to his avatar. :P

I've always had a thing for Rinoa... She was just the more attractive character in design, backstory and characteristics. She had both her obvious weaknesses and strengths as well, which drew me further toward her. ^__^
My favorite Character in Final Fantasy VIII is Rinoa Heartilly because she is such a sweetheart and she is so cute and beautiful. I also love her design. Her weapon is ok I guess. But her looks just make me like her alot.
Squall's my favourite, mainly because he's the main character and I think that if there was no Squall there'd be no story...
Zell Dincht, most definitely. Hottie. Martial Artist. Hyper and spunky. And has a temper, but all in all, a heart at the right place.

I can't help but feel sorry for this kid, for some reason, about how he grew up, but I just fucking love Zell. He's the cutest thing out there.
I have beaten the game several times and just started a new game again. forgot how great of a story and game it was, shame on me.
Well to answer the question i would say Squall and Rinoa. Squall cause of his cold mature at first, but making a huge change throughout the game and thats what i liked about him. He changed from a strong and non-caring guy into a strong, dependable and caring man, especially concerning Rinoa.
Rinoa i like for her rebelish personality, just my kinda girl :)
Squall's my favorite, because he overcomes his lonely nature to save the world and get the girl. Yes, he acts emo for half the game, but you gotta love him :3
The best character is Squall for me. He's so cool and strong, he's introverted and he never shows his feelings. Exactly my tipe of boy :)
I like his change during the game, the way he fell in love with Rinoa (but I prefer him in the first part, when he avoids Rinoa because she's so clingy XD)
He's also very brave, he risk his life to save Rinoa in the space.
But I like him especially because his personality is shy, and he's very difficult to understand... and this is incredibly fascinating! I think he's my favourite character ever. He's better than Cloud too.
Then I like Rinoa the most, because she's pretty, sweet, very stubborn and brave too. The only thing I can't stand, she's very very clingy and cheeky. She's also mature, that's the reason I prefer her.
I like also Quistis (and Selphie too, but less), but in the game only the main characters are important, their stories are deepened. But the other characters... they're there just to keep company :)
So, I really know just Squall and Rinoa.
I like Seifer too, he's not as usual as the others bad boys ;)
Not cause he's cool and stuff.
I believe he needs a shrink actually :P
However reminds me of myself a few years ago. Lonely and cold and stuff.

An insignificant NPC to just about everyone else but there was something about her that I really liked, despite how little you actually get to see of her.

Of the playable characters, it was probably Selphie. She was always so upbeat. I love that kind of character. I also really liked Edea. I wish you could play her for longer. :C
It's been so long since I've played the game, but my fave character was (and still is) Seifer. He was pretty much everything Squall wasn't: Confident (to the point of being arrogant), self-assured, outspoken, NOT an emo kid...
Quistis is my favorite hands down. She was cool, but mature, and was ready to admit that she had feelings instead of beating around the bush for 8-10 hours. I also have to admit that it was refreshing to see a sorta of nerd in a video game, who was really hot. First video game character that I admired.
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My favourite characters are Squall and Rinoa (wow, how original. XP), can't decide which character I like more though, they are both great in their own ways.

Squall starts out as this cold, kind of anti-social person that uses a mean Gunblade, then comes across Rinoa Heartilly, who over time, he grows closer to, and eventually begins to change a bit from being quite so cold, while still being that cool character that he is.

Rinoa is kind hearted and fun, nothing wrong with that. Being pretty doesn't hurt anything either... >.> Despite her being either my first or second favourite character in the game, can't really think of much more to say, except I think her dog Angelo is cute, and like the Shooting/Wishing (can't remember which one it is...) Star limit break. :)
My favorite is, by far, Zell. I used to dress like him, lol. Other then that I just like how he fist fights and always has a bunch of energy.

Chicken wuss!
Rinoa, Squall and Irvine I used to like Selphie but I don't know why it changed but it did. Now its Rinoa most of All.

Irvine because he's manly (Robert Redford anyone?)
Rinoa because she's a sweet girl and I hated how she always felt lonely, and how Quistis treated her :wtf:
Squall...He good lookin' :awesome:
My favourite character is Squall, because I like his style. He is calm and mysterious.

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I never played the game to really know much about the characters, but from what I seen, I think Quitis and Rinoa are my favorites. Quitis looks so cool and graceful while Rinoa looks like she's pretty cheerful and bright.
My favourite character from the game is Rinoa.
This is because she is (despite what people may shout at me after this) a fairly deep character whilst appearing to be a little childish and clingy at times.
She has obviously had a rough time up to the point where she meets the group and this gets no better after she joins what with all of the sorcerer problems that occur...
She also continues to get herself into situations where she needs saving, which may annoy some people but if you consider her character makes sense.