Favorite character so far?

Mine is Lightning.When I saw her I fell in love with her.I hope she will stay single or end up with a nice guy.I hope not with Snow.He looks like a fool.

I'm kinda hoping she's gay. It will be great and a big step for SE to have a gay character, or even main character. Not to mention that after seeing her, picturing her with a guy feels awkward. I really think shes gay lol.
Lightning by far. I in a way connected with her even though when I first saw her it was through a mini trailer but still I think that she would have to be my favorite character. I like that she is tough for the leading female role, and in a way independant. This is just my perception of her anyways, but I like to see a female taking some lead rather then playing Damsel in Distress. Yuna had some of those moments in both X and the sequal and Ashe has a few moments of her own as well.

So seeing Lightning in a leading role is refreshening.
Wow...uh...we're deciding who are favorite characters are already?
Um...okay...I guess I'm hoping that Sazh will be my favorite. From the info I've read about him, he seems to be a pretty cool guy. I've always liked big brother types, and with Sazh being warm, outgoing, and easily moved to tears, he seems like he'll be a great character.

Lightning's cool, but I guess I don't like that she's supposed to be cold (and maybe distant). Then again, people really liked Cloud and Squall. (though for what reason, I have no idea--I just found them interesting, and maybe huggable, because both of them really need hugs)
cloud and sephiroth r my favs-not because they r heros, but they r both beastly fighters and have awsome powers and r just epic in a way....

Wrong game flower, please check where your are posting before you reply to a thread ^^
why would we want lightning gay?What the hell!?so far she seems good.if she is a female cloud,theni think that is as good as it gets.I also heard she uses a gunblade which a certain someone uses too.she has my vote as long as she is not gay
A bit too early to decide who is favourite as there are only a few we can pick from and that we hardly know who they are.

I'll probably pick Lightning too. Seeing her hit Snow was just one of the most defining things I have ever seen in a FF games.

Lightning being gay?! Hell no!
I'd say Lightining from what I've seen in the trailers. She uses so many acrobatics that it got confusing for me, but her fighting style looks awesome nonetheless. I'm even starting to grow fond of her english voice. It suits her well. So, yeah, she's my favorite so far. My only complaint is that it seems some of her lines are a bit cheesy ("Time to jump" being one of them........)
So far I think Lighting. She is the one shown the most and always looks cool.
And she is resemble to Cloud. Even though I think she is more resemble to Squall.
Think about it. The hairstyle and the gunblade. I think it is rather Squall than Cloud.
Even though she supposed to be "female version of Cloud".
Anyway, I like both Cloud and Squall, so I like Lighting too.
I would have to say lightning. She seems to be a revolution in FF as being one of the female protagonists. Also, i heard that she is a female Cloud, whom i thought was a great protagonist, so she just has to be too. also, i heard that she wields a gunblade, which is a cool weapon and the choice weapon of my fav character squall, so she is just WIN ^_^
A lot of people have picked Lightening, I see. Don't get me wrong, Lightening is already obviously an amazing character. However, I'd have to say that Snow is definintely my favorite character. For some reason, I've always enjoyed the ice element over any other element and I've always prefered Shiva over any other summons. Even Snow's name is appealing to me and I just love the determination and confidence he used to obtain his goals that seem completely impossible. Even the way he walks and talks shows his individual style of determination and I think that is a quality in a character that is worth the admiration. :D
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I'd say Vanille.
She's like Rikku and I adore Rikku. <3

Though Lightning is pretty kickass, but she seems pretty mean and a rather disturbing mix of Cloud and Ashe.
dude I have to agree with both leah and pikazoid.
Rikku IS the best( she's my fav too) but I'm gonna go with Snow for now cuz I like guns,cowboys and all that...... but we will have to see.......
I like Vanille. I'm not into Lightning coz I hate the girls who can kick my ass easily! :gasp:
So far I like Vanille. Just one trailer of her (refer to the one where she does the "Bang!" scene) and I was all "AWWW~ *glomp*". I love her already; her design is just beautiful and she seems so adorable! But I guess I'll see more when it's released though. ^^
vanille,and shiva,because she can turn into a motorcycle and i can ride her all day long(that sentence sounds eerie)and this isnt spam,so,yeah
My favorite character is probably going to be Hope Estheim. I like his character design and it looks like he's going to be an awesome I mean his weapon is boomerang can't get much better than that ;D