Favourite playable character?


Blue Mage
Jul 25, 2008
I cant belive this thread hasnt been made yet!

Mine would have to be penelo, mainly because she seems kind of original from all the other final fantasy girls. And she makes a great couple with vaan! And pigtails rule, end of.

Edit: Sorry i dont know why i put vayne on there XD Can a mod please correct this?
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I would have to say Fran
Why? Because she's the only non-human person in that party, besides, I love the bunny ears :3
That's and because I have always liked the races of FF, I'd do anything to play as the non-humans in every FF
My favorite was Fran too. She was an awesome fighter, so I always had her in my party. Plus I thought she had the most interesting backstory out of all of the other characters.. well what little we saw of it.

And pigtails rule, end of
Bunny ears > Pigtails :monster:
Fran. Bunnys rawk! Also, because shes the most mysterious out of them all. I likey mysterious. I also like her because she shows the most flesh out of all the characters. :wacky:
Favourite playable? Since when do you get to control Vayne? My favourite character is Basch out of that list, playability wise.
He has a point...Vayne was never playable. lmao...

But, my favorite would have to be between Balthier and Basch...I think I will go with Basch according to battle wise...balthier according to story. =/...

Such a hard decision...but I'd say Basch was very important to alot. So I choose him.
Eeeeeek *fangirl scream*:inlove:

Obviously Balthier, just because he is amazing! He makes the game bearable to play.

But I love Fran aswell, I use her alot in the game play and I think she is awesome
lol sorry people i dont know what i was taking when i put vayne on there:randompoke:

Shame i cant correct it though.
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I'm a balthier fan myself, big high five for the leading man who proberly has the most lines in the game. Theres even a couple of stroylines were only he speaks and no one else does.
lol sorry people i dont know what i was taking when i put vayne on there:randompoke:

Shame i cant correct it though.

Could've you meant Reks, instead of Vayne?

Anyways, mine's probably Fran, her voice is cool, her race interests me and she's got a good balance between mage and tank.

I like Ashe aswell, find her character interesting.
Vaan. I just have this thing for playing as the first character you play as once the story actually gets started up. I liked playing as Basch and Ashe as well, but I used Vaan most of the time. :monster:
Vaan. I just have this thing for playing as the first character you play as once the story actually gets started up. I liked playing as Basch and Ashe as well, but I used Vaan most of the time. :monster:

I'm kind of the same, the main character will always get to level 99 (or sphere grid equivilent) before anyone else on my games, I tend to keep them active in the party more than others, and always use them in the final battle aswell. But still, Fran pwnts Vaan.
oh god Balthier! There were so many times I just wanted to push him up against a wall and snog him forever.
The reason why it wasn't made because it belongs in the Favorites and Worsts thread?

I'd cast my vote for Balthier, why? Because his the leading man! :gasp:
Balthier or Basch. For no other reason than I just like their characters :monster:

I also rather liked Penelo, I had Vaan as the party leader for ages because I just usually stick with what I start with but I swapped him for Basch after a while then swapped him with Balthier, never did like Vaan really
Ohoho! Balthier of course. His quick wit and extensive vocabulary kept me entertained whenever he made an entrance to a scene. An amusing example would be:

Balthier: Ah! The prison repository of wrested relics and araments.

Vaan: So our things are in here?

Balthier: That's what I said.

Definitely Balthier. He's just entertaining to watch and his accent is just hot. Ashe would be second because she's the leading character (even though Balthier proclaims himself as the leading man), and she's interesting. Third Basch, he's just awesome and I like how he's like a mentor figure for everyone else. Fourth Fran, I like her she just didn't catch my attention as much. And last Penelo, because she's severely underdeveloped.