Favourite playable character?

Basch,Basch and more Basch he just kicks lots of ass at any point in the game esspecially when reddas tries to hack him into tiny pieces at draklor labs and most of the scenes he was in he was just plain cool with an "Auron" feel about him.

i thought the title of this thread was "favorite playable character" why is vayne in the options?
Favorite playable character would have to be yours truly Vaan, although I did always like to use Ashe, Vaan and Balthier the most, definitely.
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I'm saying Balthier solely because he was the most likeable out of the lot, albeit, I didn't like him having a gun as a weapon I also hated him not having it. :wacky:
I'd say Ashe follows closely after Balthier but the rest of the characters were pretty much extinct in my opinion.
Balthier or Fran, character and storyline wise. I liked their characters most.

I think I actually used Vaan most xD I'd levelled him up more than any of the other characters so yeah. I don't mind him or anything xD

I also made use of Penelo's high MP and had her has my primary magic user.
As boring as it may seem; Balthier is just the man.

When I played through the Japanese version originally he came came across as easily the smoothest and classiest character I could think of from a Final Fantasy game. And when I played the English version, I was amazed, the dub did him justice! A snappy, classy rogue always hits the spot, and Balthier does it to a "T".
Balthier FTW, hands down, no doubt about it.

As you can see I am madly in love with this guy. His haughtiness, snarky remarks and extreme confidence--although make him come off as an ass at times--manages to capture my heart. ^^

Oh Balthier, if I could, I would slap you and then make out with you! :3

*stops before she can say anything else*
My favorite character would have to be the beautiful Princess Ashe because I find her character interesting and I love her outfit. She is always my lead character!!!

At first I liked Basch because of his role in the game as the Strong character, but painted as the bad guy. But then as the game progressed and we learn more about Balthier's past, I realized he fit the "favorite character" role for me. He was young, smart, experienced, and yet looked up to by even those in higher positions than him even after all he had been through.
My favorite character was also Balthier, manly because he had the most interesting role in XII. I never really used Balthier though oddly enough (my main party was Vaan, Basch and Ashe)
Balthier, reason? Easy:
Style, Inteligence, thought, funny, charismatic, Like's leadership....
So many reasons, he should be principal. After all vaan? Damn. That's absurd.
I hope that square enix made him principal for us to choose another x'D after all the story isn't all him about. I think FF 12 as an open game, the first one I played that I can store the main char and play with the others ;D Gracefuly.
Anyways, mine's probably Fran, her voice is cool, her race interests me and she's got a good balance between mage and tank.

I like Ashe aswell, find her character interesting.

Agree completely, but I would like to add Balthier here aswell. I enjoyed using him also.
I gotta say Bashe, he was he coolest between them and he was my strongest character so obviously he would be my favorite.
It may change if I ever replay the game, but I've got to go with Basch. I'm a sucker for them knights, oh yes. :wacky: His vest was a bit... odd... though. Eh, well. No matter. Second (and a close second at that) would be Fran. I love that she's running around Ivalice in heels (even if those are normal for her). And I love her hair!
hmmm probly fran cause she looks like a playboy bunny

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Put more effort in your post please, looking like a playboy bunny can't be the only reason Fran is your favoutie playable character >_<
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I would say that its a tie between Basch and Vaan.

Basch kind of because he was the coolest and Vaan only because he kind of was the main character.