[FFXII] Where would you like to live?

Quit with the one-liner posts. Next time I see a one-liner/off-topic post it will be deleted.

I know it's a simple question but try to go beyond it. Why do you want to live there? What attracts you to that certain place?
I'd want to be like the Giza nomads, constantly on the move. I'd have a hover like Balthier's, and my home would be on the Nebra. For a few days, i'd live in the shrines in the Tchita Uplands, sniping Malboros with a Fomalhaut. Then, I'd fly to Mosphoria, sharing the summit with Exodus. In the winter, I would live in the Undershore in the Zertinan Caverns, occasionally bullying the Shambling Corpses with Bravery and a Holy Lance.
If I lived in Ivalice I know I wouldn't be able to settle for any one place in all likely hoods I would become a Sky Pirate like Balthier constantly on the move. But if I was forced to choose one particular location it would have to be be Rabanastre it just seems like such a lively town.
Like before, huh? Ivalice is just too big for a hume to settle in one place- there's so much to be done. Another thing I'd do would be to create a Magick called "Raisega" or "Arisega", go to Overlooking Eternity in the Nabreus Deadlands, bring up oh, 50 or so undead enemies, and cast my new magick- with an Embroidered Tippet on. It would also be fun to climb the Pharos waterfall in the winter- it would be fun, but scary. Skipping Pandaemonium would be worth it, but I wouldn't want to fall and get stuck in the Abyssal area, between a Luxolliod and a Vagrant Soul. Ouch.
were would you live in final fantasie 12

i would totally live in the kingdom of rabanaster its just the best looking 1 iv seen yet :P
Eruyt Village, definitely. It's so peaceful and secluded and the structures are nice looking.

Other than that, maybe the Phon Coast. All the water, and sun. Plus the cute beach boys ;)
Bhujerba or Rabanastre.

Rabanastre cause I loved the design and atmosphere. I don't know, when I first played the game, i just fell in love with the city xD

Bhujerba cause it's awesome and in the sky ^w^
After thinking about it, in the world of FFXII i would love to live in either port city of Balfonheim(sp) or the Sky city of bherjuba (sp)
Eruyt. No war bla bla, no drama, just peace and quiet :)
don't get me wrong, I'm not a boring person. I'd probably do like fran did and leave at some point :P
I have three choices...

Aracdes because it looks so regal and cool

The Ridorana Cataract/The Pharos because what's not to love about a huge lighthouse in the middle of an empty ocean????

Or I would want to live in the Golmore Jungle, and travel to Mt. Bur Omisace often
I'd probably live in Rabanastre because of the lively atmosphere, good sights etc. but I'd go travelling around alot.
The woods of FF12 are spectacular. As I said before, living the Eruyit village would be great but it would suck the living hell out of me. So BORING!
As I got further in the game I realized that I travel to Dalmasca Estersand a lot. Everything about that place is so relaxing and, the fiends nearby are easy to beat.
Other than that, Salika Wood is my dream home (I picked Estersand because it's populated and Salika isn't. But if there were people in the Woods, I would love it there).
I have to wonder what the rest of Ivalice looks like.

The Ogir Yen Sandsea(isn't that what it's called?) looks like a cool place too. I could like, build a house on those metal structures, and try to stay the hell away from the natives!^^
Rabanastre, I think it has the best atmosphere and would probably be the most entertaining city to live in. Plus it is an absolutely beautiful city.