Final Fantasy VII Remake

VII remake on DS?

I don't know if anyone's already made a thread on this but I'm a little confused and would appreciate information or be linked to the thread lol but whats the deal with the new VII game coming out on DS?

Andyroo says:
the final fantasy 7 is like a sequel just like what they done with dirge of cerberus but its named final fantasy 7: golden dragon

Anyone know anything?
Theres already a stickied thread on the remake so i'll merge the two together :)

And, theres no such thing as FFVII : Golden Dragon o_O the next FFVII game is most likely going to be the remake, or none at all.
Theres already a stickied thread on the remake so i'll merge the two together :)

And, theres no such thing as FFVII : Golden Dragon o_O the next FFVII game is most likely going to be the remake, or none at all.

Yes. I have done a lot of "research" on this, and what I have found are a few statements made by the current FF developers. Essentially they would love to remake it, if they ever get caught up and find time to finish all their current projects. They would also like to have the old staff involved like Hironobu etc.

So one day we will see it. That day is most likely very far off, and I doubt it will be on the PS3, but who knows. I only know I will be anxiously awaiting it's arrival like all my fellow fans.
im pretty sure they will make a remake...(we should have a poll...remake or no remake). With the rising business in Square Enix, i'm certain they will make a remake in the near future. there is a reason why there are so many FF7 games out there that we dont really understand. im pretty sure SE will make it clear to the fans in the remake. :)
I'm not really sure tbh... i'm one of those guys thats always saying BS about new generation games and living proof of that are the games installed on my PSP memory stick: Final Fantasy IX - PSX, Final Fantasy III - SNES, Chrono Trigger - SNES. Sure i have some PSP games, WHICH I USUALLY DON'T PLAY A LOT. emulators ftw \m/

but as to ff7... i don't know it would be sweet if it had exactly the square team producing it, otherwise i think they'd ruin the ambience and the plot
Not sure. Well only under certain circumstances;

1) Only if the storyline stays the same
2) Nothing from the original is replaced
3) Fighting System stas the same (That's a big one for me)
4) None of the staff get some hairbrain idea to "improve" the game.
That would be interesting.....although I'd much prefer to be able to play a remake on PS2/3 rather than a accurate is that?
I'm not sure, someone showed it to me but no-one on here seems to know much on it. Would be pretty crap if the long awaited remake was on a stupid handheld DS.. What would the point in the PS3 tech demo have been then? :|
NOOOOOOOOOOOO please not a DS remake!!!!

One of the reasons that not everyone liked the original was because of those graphics- as much as we took them to our hearts, I think everyone knows that they were capable of much better on the PS1. They showed that themselves with FFVIII and IX.
How many people are actually going to agree on this?

I think I count myself in the yes group, because I know there is so much potential for mixing old and new, and of course I was seduced by the updated versions of my favourite characters in AC, DoC and CC. As much as I like the Lego versions, I was so happy to see the updated ones.

I'm also the kind of person who likes to see how things could be done differently- even if it sucks, and it disappoints lots of fans, it's a different perspective. That Tech Demo showed all the potential that the PS3 has to offer, and not everybody likes reading the same thing over and over again, it's nice to freshen things up a bit. Sometimes.

I've seen how remakes can be done well- TR Anniversary got a great response, and that had a lot of changes in it. Of course there were things I missed that made the original great for me, but I felt like I was playing a completely new game, which was fantastic in its own right, not just as a nod to the original. It probably upsets lots of people seeing things done differently, but sometimes it can work.

And really, after DoC, I want to see Square Enix do Vincent better justice. He had so little involvement in the original, he felt almost superfluous. Do it for him!!!!
Yeah why remake their famous, practically most popular game, on a smaller screen?
I really do hope this is just another stupid rumour thats circulating.
Otherwise there's going to be a lot of very grumpy FF fans about haha!
I heard a dude on another forum talking about some conversation he'd had with a manager who'd been told a DS version had already been ordered and had a release date for 11/2/07. I totally hope he is talking nonsense, because a DS release would just not be right at all. Unless Square does both that and a remake for the PS2 or 3???
For the DS? Come on, that has to be a rumor! I can see Square Enix MAYBE releasing it on the PSP. I seriously doubt they would re-release SE's greatest hit on a hand held system.
I really hope it is. I have neither a DS or a PSP!! And to be honest if it turns out to be a direct transportation, graphics gameplay and all, I'm not going to buy it. I'm happy heppy with my PS1 thankyou Square Enix!!!
i work at eb games and to my knowledge there is no such thing for the ds. but there is talk of the ps3 version . the squareenix crew is starting to throw in new idea and plans from what i heard.
Yes. I do. Unforunately, even though FF7 was the greatest game to come out for any system for a long time, it had bad graphics. They might've been considered great a decade ago, but not now.

I say yes, as long as they don't mess with 7's storyline or battle system. An upgrade in graphics would be appreciated though.
I agree with you, newer graphics would be nice, also, since they added those other two characters in CC, they might have to remake ff7, just so new players don't go wtf? what happens next?