Final Fantasy VII Remake

I highly doubt that Square would make the most popular FF game of all time a remake on the DS. I see no truth at all in that rumor and see it merely as people spreading around more nonsense. Not to mention, that isn't even on an official gaming website. Don't believe everything you see unless it's confirmed by Square itself.
This may been said previously but as great a movie as Advent Children was I would have liked a game infinitly more given the fact i can play a ff game inxs of 500 hours....yeah thats right......I find destroying monsters very therapudic..Ahhhh anyway as good ass it would be we all grve new adventures and imagine if they got it wrong our dreams would shatterd
I probably too late to put my opinion in (and it really isn't an opinion) but has anyone seen the secret ending to Crisis Core, it kinda seems they're gonna make a remake. but that's probably already been mention. check it out in youtube.

i was hoping i would still be alive when they would make the remake. ANd as soon as i saw the secret ending i got so excited. I will go poor just to buy a ps3 to play the game.
As a man of the people for the people and of the people, I GALAXIAN ECTHELION submit to you the following statement "Screw you & you & you" sure our beloved game maybe irrerevocably tarnished but think of the new stuff that we could look forward to dammit and how dare you have so little faith in good friends @ sqaure-enix they would find a way to make it work dammit we are on the threshhold of a new generation of gaming here and those of u stuck in past will flow quckly flow into the life stream where you will wither and die in screaming anguish for all eternity..............or something?
Obviously one thread is to discuss the actual remake, if you think it'll happen and what it will entail. The other thread is do you want a remake or not. People can go in there and either root for a remake or they can bitch about not wanting it. Let's try and make lengthier posts next time. One sentence posts classify as spam, m'kay?

This thread is about: "Do you think Square will make a remake? How do you think the remake will be like? Do you think the remake will be on the PS3?"

"Do you want a remake" That thread is a poll, do you want a remake? Yes, no, maybe?
So what if they don't want a remake, you should respect other people's opinions. As should everyone else. As for me, I can't make up my mind about it, but I'm slightly leaning towards "Don't care" and that's probably because I don't think FF7 was the best game ever. It's still very good though.
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I would but they would have to make it for PS2, PS3, PSP, if they made it. because im not upgrading to PS3 just yet! and I would really want the voice actors in it, and really hi res movie like characters...then it would be pwnage!!!!!!!!
it would be ok if they did produce a remake, but only for graphical updates and to fix some grammar errors. if they changed anything, i would still play it, but it wouldnt do the original any justice
it would be ok if they did produce a remake, but only for graphical updates and to fix some grammar errors. if they changed anything, i would still play it, but it wouldnt do the original any justice

Well. There is one thing I wish that they would change. I hated how they bleeped out the words Cid and Barret spoke. I mean, people say em, so why not unblock some of the lesser words. Lol. I mean, don't unblock all of them. There are children who play the game.
I think they should, as Sqenix have done in the past, they will make this game work, and pretty good as well. Imagine the bicth fight between Scarlet and Tifa, in FF13 graphic, LOLNESS! Plus, they will find a way to make transvestite Cloud work, with awesome camera angles and zoom ins. Yes, I will miss little lego cloud, but if i miss him too much, I'll just go and play the PS1 version. But I would still get PS3 version
Yeah the blocking was funny. My little brothers and sisters like that too!;)

I'm not sure how they would go about recreating the script with all the blocked out language, if they did voiceovers. I would not be against the odd cuss, but kids would want to play this game too. Any thoughts?
I personally think that a remake that isn't true to the original product isn't a remake, since it's not remaking the actual product, its changing it like a all encompassing patch. This makes a remake pretty pointless when they can just keep selling the original, making more money and saving on development costs and the fan outrage in one stroke.
Add tracks of R2-D2's bleeps and boops, of course! xD

Or Ozzy Osbourne's... :3
Keeper of Keys, if you insist on posting, then please just don't post one liners. Those are classified as spam and against the rules in our post count sections. If you're just posting it to up your count, don't do it. Please try and put more effort and explanation into your posts. You say most people would welcome the remake with open arms, so why don't you try explaining why instead of posting one sentence, okay? If you don't have anything else to contribute, don't post. It's as simple as that.