Final Fantasy VII Remake

I say yes. I'm a new fan and all I've played were the spinoffs, but all I want to do is play the real game. Plus, I doubt that they'll change the script or anything, they aren't that stupid. They know for some of the newer and old fans, they need to keep to the original. So I look forward to the remake.
They should release a full CGI series of the whole story of Final Fantasy VII. Using the engine for AC.

Bring it out as a TV show, it'd make MILLIONS!
I voted "yes", because i would buy it anyway:) (dont have ps3 yet, but gonna get it latest when FF 13 comes out.) But i hope if they do it, they dont ruin it. And by this i mean that they would keep the battle and materia system the same, cos i like it very much. I dont really much care about the voice acting, just as long it´s at least as good as at "Advent Children". :P

I would very much enjoy playing this awesome game with better graphics ( all the places would surely look awesome with todays game graphics.) and voice actors. Let´s hope it comes out, although nothings sure yet.
Would love for it to be on PS3, but alot of changes would have to be done.
-larger better score
-more cities
-massive increase in size of each city, and world
-increased storyline and then some
-improved battle system (faster and more interactive)
-more weapons, armour and amulets
-more materia (for a larger amount of materia combintions)
-more materia animations (eg. instead of watching kjata perform the same attack over and over again, a list of say 10 attacks could be randomly chosen. this can add to larger variety). This can also be used for magic and physical attacks, including limit breaks.
-ALL boss enemies increase their levels proportionally to what the characters have. Makes every boss fight interesting. Maybe some normal enemies...
-Shitloads of side missions
-More Weapons (eg, ruby, emerald)
-online capabilities
-Increased and simplified user option screen
-more reliabilty on magic (not to much) regardless of what level you are on. Magic becomes somewhat useless when you are at high levels
-scrap/improve using some items as weapons of attack (eg. vampire fang)
-keep the feel of the original FF7

Quite frankly for the game to be remade for todays PS3, it would need a MASSIVE overhaul. Experience campaigners would enjoy the breath of fresh air, keeping with the games roots & massively expanding upon them & newcomers will enjoy an unbelievable experience.
I just dont want to play the exact same game with better graphics!!!
Chich. you want the feel of the original VII. But you want loads of added story line. That wouldnt work, the orignal story holds its own even compaired with todays games.

More weapons, ruby and emerald. Well theirs already Ultimate, Diamond, Saphire (which you never fight), Emerald, Ruby...and what ever the ones from the Compilation are.

You basically wanting the whole games mechanics and contect it wouldnt be a remake.

I agree more locatiosn could be put into the game and add more side quests to fill it out and add something fresh into the game, but nothing that comprimises the original plot.

I agree maybe someway to customise weapons, as you only really buy one of each waepon. But have it so you can have say the Elemental and a Fire/Ice/Bolt materia actually bond with the weapon and free 1 materia Slot. Or have like in Crisis Core and create one materia from both to free up slots.

Also seeing what Accessory + Armor you have fitted on the battle screen.

Storywise though I'd always say keep it the same, or atleast until you've done one play through. And then either unlock scenes featureing Genesis etc either on the 2nd playthrough (keeping your abilities like in CC) or through side missions maybe going to the locations from CC and completing side quests.

battle arena should also be like the monster hunter quest from FFX, where you could have to catch rare game for Dio and battle them in the Arena for bigger prizes.

Chocobo Racing could be filled out into a bigger mini game.

One way to make it bigger (dont kill me) would be to add a new Land Mass or island with a few locations on
You basically wanting the whole games mechanics and contect it wouldnt be a remake.

Im not stating the entrie game, but in battles. For our day in age, to say the the battle system for FF7 is perfect, or good enough for what PS3 can do, is a bit naive.
Like I said in my previous post, experienced FF7 campaigners would enjoy a change/modification/expansion of certain things within the game, otherwise it would just become a bit "stale" for the people who have played the original.
I've played the original from back in the day. And TBH I think the battle system has nothing wrong with it. It works, its what Final Fantasy is about. Up until 12 its pretty much been the same thing with a few tweaks ATB/Turn Based

I could suggest been able to swap characters mid battle, and yeah boss characters becoming more difficult to add flavor and more suprise bosses.
I like that old battle system more than what XII uses. Well, i never finished XII because i didnt like that battle system, and if they add something like that in the FFVII remake, then no im not gonna buy it. =P
I like that old battle system more than what XII uses. Well, i never finished XII because i didnt like that battle system, and if they add something like that in the FFVII remake, then no im not gonna buy it. =P

I like both battle systems (still like more the old battle system) but they would ruin the remake by adding the "active dimension battle system" to the game. If they do, im not sure if im gonna buy it, supposing that it comes out.
i think they will remake it for PS3, and have clearly thought of doing it by making the opening cut scene for PS3.
however i think i will be a while before they do, because at the end of the day, FFVII is a bloody long game! I mean theres soo much going on it it, and nearly every character you have a big story behind there life, so to remake sucha g ame in such high quality graphics would not be easy.
So i think they will wait till theres another annerversiy(sp?) to bring it out.
But clearly if they did it would have amazing sales.
I think they would have to be very carful though to make things look like the orignal, as die hard fans like myself will get picky haha, because i have to admit i was gettin a bit annoyed about the church at the slums in Crisis Core becuase the outside doesnt like like it does originally haha.
OKAY if you have seen the ending of crisis see cloud doing what zack did in the beginning..aka the beginning of The original ff7
and then at the end it says to be continued in..FinalFantasyVII
so are they really gonna remake it
also i know you've all seen the trailer long long ago about the remake of ff7
which the graphics were good but not as detailed as lets say..ff12
cloud kinda looked..ugly lmao
so im mixed up..ARE THEY MAKING A REMAKE..or was that something to tease us with..????i really want a remake..but then again my brother and i was both debating..that if they do make a remake..they will remake the music which would kinda ruin it..and they might change my opinion they will have to change the music..cuz the way it sounds for the ps1 wouldnt suit the ps3 formats..(high tech graphics with a nintendo like backround music)
im not saying change the song!! just the way it sounds
so can someone answer my question and give an opinion
because the original the last Septhirtoh one winged angel song was all done in smalle Midi type format. This was done to save on load times.

They could easliy fit a huge score on a blueray disk. In Crisis Core some of the oringial songs are redone
last i heard they were open to the idea but they needed the original team to do it since it didnt seem right without them.

Unfortunately they are all tied up with FFXIII and Versus.

But square officially stated that they will be open to it for up to 20 years after it's original release. (2016 or 17)
I'd be up for a remake. I used to be wholly against any and all remakes, but with all the FF's they're remaking anyway, I don't see why FFVII wouldn't be done as well. It would get huge attention and SE would rake in a massive amount of money, I'd be almost positive. I think if any FF needs to be remade, I think it should be FFVII. As an RPG fan, its somewhat taboo to not play an RPG because you think the graphics aren't as good as the most recent FPS. So I have no issue with graphics, I enjoy playing my PS1 games more than that not so impressive Oblivion. The massive polygons bother me. The oversized heads, bad text boxes, Cloud's clown shoes...I lose my concentration just playing the game.

If the original team was brought back in and able to do whatever they wanted without SE's interruption, the remake could be really great, or even an improvement. My only concern is messing with the plot in some way, but if they don't, I think it would be great. Hopefully it will come someday. Fully voiced FFVII...its a nice thought. Especially when involving Vincent. I'd prefer Vincent and Yuffie were gainable characters just like all the others, instead of optional. Even though they only add a couple interesting side plots to the game.
I believe that Final Fantasy VIII will be remade eventually. It should be remade soon but this is just a rumor of a remake so its not highly possible. If they do make a remake it better be everything that VII had for it to be as good as Vii.
I so hope they remake FF7. The game had such a bearing on me growing up i have that special affinity with it. Too see all the locations and characters in next gen, the Limit Breaks and Summons it would be amazing. As long as they only change the graphics and leave everything exactly the way it is, and took the same time and care into it it would sell absolute millions, there is no doubt about that. I dont know what is holding them back! I know the hardcore FF fans dont like it that much although i LOVE it, they cant deny the undisputed popularity of the game. Just imagine fighting Diamond Weapon and beating it with Meteor 2 before witnessing that EPIC FMV in new fandalged CGI. Amazing. Or weapons attack on Junon. Man i love it too much i think.

I almost forgot to say, the game would HAVE to keep the text boxes and world sorry but Final Fantasy has not been the same since those have disappeared.
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I wouldn't mind if they did but square has been quoted saying the wont. So I doubt it ever will happen.

i hope there is a remake. im a uber fan of final fantasy 7 and i hope that the remake, if it happen, meets the high hopes it would get.
Um. Not really sure if would want a remake. Square are quite good at making remakes of their older games ( example FFIV DS- Dawn of souls )

But really worried about a few things

: The media today is really harsh on hidden messages within Video Games. The Honey Bee Inn ?, the may have struggles trying to include the scence where Cloud takes the spa in the house..

: Cloud's purple uniform ? They may change it to blue or black :dry:

: Violence in games is frowned upon too, including a heavy death would hard.

: Swearing. They may have to take out Barret and Cid's salior mouths.

but then again keen for a cleaner more explained storyline and some bad sayings to be cleaned up ie '' this guy sick '' or something .. :/
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if there is a remake, it just better be better graphics and thats all, leave the storyline and well everything else alone! plz cause then id buy it,. And if they do make a remake, boy those stores will be packed.