Final Fantasy VII Remake

I want a "remake" but as in, literally all the mistakes like Aerith's line "This guy are sick.", and all those fun messups the same.

I have that same line quoted in my signature. XD

Maybe there will be a remake for FFVII's 15th anniversary? Idk, just a thought, since it's 20th anniversary is so far off...if Sony makes a PS4, surely it'd be out by then, so therefore it wouldn't end up being when the PS3 is Sony's latest console. :P

So I'm going to hope for something of it to come from Final Fantasy VII's 15th Anniversary, but even that is several years off now, so now just to wait, like we all have been doing for years. >_>
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I love Final Fantasy, I love Final Fantasy 7 and a remake would be out of this world but I voted no, why?

Well first of all, it's no longer Squaresoft but instead Square-Enix and knowing them they'll most likely alter something about it.. FF-7 was and still is a fun game to play but it doesn't need to be remade, we can all remember it just fine with its out of proportioned characters, chocobo haired hero and the all round fun that came with that game. To be remade will take a VERY long time, considering that FF13 has taken this long. To remake that whole game (Which on PS was 3 discs) would simply just be silly. I think that they looked at the possibility of doing it but because they're up to their necks in projects they announced it was highly not possible. (I seriously blame them for this one, they need to stop dancing around games and just get down to business, Kingdom Hearts is a good example of this.)

However, one thing that interested me in a remake would be the fact that the characters talked, were well proportioned and the game would just be amazing, I know it would be... but I'd like to remember ff7 for what it was ^_^ I would definetely not be against a remake if they kept it to the story and maybe added in a few things (new weapons, armor etc) but I doubt this will ever go ahead. If it did, I'll be one of the many bouncing all over the place.
really,this thread should be closed,i mean,we have mixed feelings,i want a remake so i can experience the world of ff vii in a new way,but dont,because squaresoft is now square enix,i mean,all those colorful words in the vocabulary of the might be toned down because esrb ratings have changed,or they would uncensor it and get with the future,would they want to censor it and let younger ff fans experience one of the most popular games in history,or would the leave it uncensored,and leave it to the ff fans who want to play it a whole new way,its not going to rated mature,but will they go for teen and make a full fletched remake on the ps3,or go everybody 10+,and have a cutesy-wutesy remake on the ds,like they did with iii and iv,this has to stop
The New Final Fantasy Game is nearing completion and this would mean that a few more crucial members of the original FF7 team would have their schedules free. Yes it was a year ago but Kitase did say fans should “expect the probability of something spontaneous happening at some point.” Seeing as FF13 is expected for the end of 2009/start of 2010 I think we could see something happening soon.

As far as I can tell, interviews and such about a remake have died down more recently. However, if any of you have checked the Playstation store recently you may have noticed they have released FF7 to download and play on your PS3.

I can see only two reasons this:
  1. Square are trying to gauge just how much people still want to play FF7 by finding out how many people will still buy the original but on PS3 (we all know how greedy developers can be so I think it a viable reason), or
  2. Square have decided they will not make a remake anytime soon, if at all, and are just trying to please people by allowing them to download it onto their PS3
I personally would prefer the former to be true, if they have talked about and hinted at making a remake, even if they haven't done it publicly, then why not just get on with it? There is clearly a huge demand for it or failing that, a large number of people who wouldn't say no.

Would Square be foolish not to remake FF7, especially after the past few years of rumors and hype? Yes, I believe they would be.
The New Final Fantasy Game is nearing completion and this would mean that a few more crucial members of the original FF7 team would have their schedules free. Yes it was a year ago but Kitase did say fans should “expect the probability of something spontaneous happening at some point.” Seeing as FF13 is expected for the end of 2009/start of 2010 I think we could see something happening soon.

As far as I can tell, interviews and such about a remake have died down more recently. However, if any of you have checked the Playstation store recently you may have noticed they have released FF7 to download and play on your PS3.

I can see only two reasons this:
  1. Square are trying to gauge just how much people still want to play FF7 by finding out how many people will still buy the original but on PS3 (we all know how greedy developers can be so I think it a viable reason), or
  2. Square have decided they will not make a remake anytime soon, if at all, and are just trying to please people by allowing them to download it onto their PS3
I personally would prefer the former to be true, if they have talked about and hinted at making a remake, even if they haven't done it publicly, then why not just get on with it? There is clearly a huge demand for it or failing that, a large number of people who wouldn't say no.

Would Square be foolish not to remake FF7, especially after the past few years of rumors and hype? Yes, I believe they would be.

Ifd they are consideirng it, I just they can get themselves out of the muck they created out of the storyline and try to create a memorable game. While remakes maybe good, they just cannot surpass the original except for a few games that could use a remake and retcons. Square Enix don't remake this game, it is justtoo awesome to be remade into something crappy.
I'm curious to know what you think a remake would entail. It would not be a complete overhall of the game, or at least I would hope not. If Square are smart then they would merely update the graphics and maybe put in some voice acting. Any changes to the story or gameplay would be a big mistake and even the dialogue shouldn't change much, sometimes the typos are fun. I don't think they should update the graphics too much because there is some comedy in the game that would be more difficult with better graphics but if they could remap the world to a more than acceptable degree then I think it could work.
Yes Square could make mistakes but with the original team and possibly fan input as well it could be a brilliant game again
I, on the other hand, think they should completely redo the graphics, in other words in and out of battle I think your character should look the same. although I do think the dialogue and story should stay the same, and definitely they should add voice acting!

and I think they will make it for sure, the whole technical demo really set forums ablaze with rumors and whatnot, plus just think of the money they'd rake in on this, I mean I'd probably buy a PS3 just for that (and versus XIII or course :D)
I'm curious to know what you think a remake would entail. It would not be a complete overhall of the game, or at least I would hope not. If Square are smart then they would merely update the graphics and maybe put in some voice acting. Any changes to the story or gameplay would be a big mistake and even the dialogue shouldn't change much, sometimes the typos are fun. I don't think they should update the graphics too much because there is some comedy in the game that would be more difficult with better graphics but if they could remap the world to a more than acceptable degree then I think it could work.
Yes Square could make mistakes but with the original team and possibly fan input as well it could be a brilliant game again

I am just saying if Square to do a remake, they should try and somehow fit all the spinoffs into the storyline even if it isn't not all that possible.
Otherwise, I see your point.

I, on the other hand, think they should completely redo the graphics, in other words in and out of battle I think your character should look the same. although I do think the dialogue and story should stay the same, and definitely they should add voice acting!

and I think they will make it for sure, the whole technical demo really set forums ablaze with rumors and whatnot, plus just think of the money they'd rake in on this, I mean I'd probably buy a PS3 just for that (and versus XIII or course :D)

I agree a little bit but I believe they should stick with voice acting on some parts especially since the game has less than questionable bits in it like the Honeybee Inn or even Cloud at Tifa's house.
I agree a little bit but I believe they should stick with voice acting on some parts especially since the game has less than questionable bits in it like the Honeybee Inn or even Cloud at Tifa's house.

hey man it's not a kids game, but hey man I think some of those parts would be funnier out loud XD
I think a remake would be awesome. I love all video games regardless of graphics, but when i see really awesome graphics i still really like them alot. and remakes are just awesome because its like the same game except so much better everything, imo.
Of Course!!

The FF7 Compilation is going to last until FF7 21st anniversary and it's currently around the 12th year so that's nine years square enix is going to develop games focusing around FF7 and maybe start development for a FF7 remake. I bet once they're done with FXIII, versus, agito, and the MMORPG square is going to go back to FF7.
What would be awesome for a new FF7:
Classic turn based FF7 we all grown to love with the awesome graphics of the ps3 (maybe 360?) and some added extra things( skipable cutscenes, other awesome additions that make a great rpg and the storyline better)

An agito-like version of FF7 with multiplayer someone could be cloud player two barret, player 3 tifa would be a pretty sweet idea
i agree immortal,i first played the game in 2002,i was only 8,but have played all the legacy games,1-6,and hearing how the characters voices played out in my head was one of the best parts,i never saw ac until 2 months ago,so i didnt know what clouds voice sounded liuke before crisis core,i have both KH 1 and 2,but only played 2,never finished it,so never saw cloud if he was in itr,but when cloud first spoke in cc,i was like,:are you f***ing kidding me:,because he sounded like a chick,and i pictured him as this dude that stood on his own,if the remake did come through,i wouldnt mind the voice actor from ac,but ac had terrible lip syncing,but thats another story,but i also agree,it would be controversial to make a remake,maainly because changing aspects about the game could ruin the fan base,but another thing that would be good,is that they could extend it,for instance,if you were one that had played cc and the original ff vii,you would want to know what happened in the time between zacks "death",and the beginning of ff vii,so they could put that in,i never was able to beat ff vii because i lost the 3rd disc and was never able to replace,but when it comes to the psn,i will finish it,but also add extra sidequests,and what pissed me off,i was able to access places way ahead of the time,and some late,i mean,i did that wutai mission when the girl from the turks,i forget her name,was supposed to be missing,but,i strongl want a remake

The lip synching in advent children is not terrible whatsoever, it is in fact nearly perfect.

The problem you are having is probably because you're watching the bastardised english version.

I can't understand how people can watch anime (yes i called AC an anime) in anything other than it's original language. When watching dubbed versions you lose a lot of the intended emotion, which can only be expressed correctly through a well acted voice part in the original language.

I got hold of a pirate AC before it's European release, with a (albeit poor) subtitled translation. I own the European version too, but I can't watch it in anything other than Japanese. Same goes for my Studio Ghibli collection and the few other things that have English dubs.

Anyway. Sorry for the offtopic.

I think a remake would be awesome, they could add in some sidequests that could ellaborate on story parts.


They could forget they ever made CC/DoC and make FF7 as they always wanted to make it. There's so many cameos of characters and things that don't make sense, watching the many interviews with developers you realise that there was MUCH more they wanted to be in the game - but were restricted from putting in.

FF7 is like a masterpiece they never finished. CC and DoC being sketchbooks created afterwards showing ideas they had they never got to include.

I'd like to see a remade and completely Director's Cut Final Fantasy 7. Take as long as you want to make it. 2,3,5,10 years, I don't really care. Just give the world the masterpiece you always intended it to be.
Agreed, FF VIII was, still is and still could be a masterpiece of gaming. I thought that because of the way CC ended they could probably have that as the start of the game so you could have the option to play through CC then get an entirely different experience by playing through the actual FF VIII game.

Yes include extra Side quests and missions, possibly similar to how Zack does Soldier missions just this time for Avalanche.

I think now, or at least after they finish what they're doing, is the perfect time to make FF VIII anything and everything the developers wanted it to be. The power of consoles now means that creating the perfect FF VIII is a perfectly reasonable and achievable goal.

In my eyes, the game was flawless as it was but that doesn't mean it couldn't be made into something equally as perfect.
I don't want to deny anyone the priviledge of this game but, in my opinion, FF VIII is a Playstation experience.
It seems that everything has pretty much already been said, but, yeah, I think a remake of FFVII would be cool. Updated graphics and the like. I could definitely agree with that, especially if it looked like the PS3 graphics demo.
I would buy the remake. It'd be like a new game imo. Although, I would want to make sure that the music stayed true to the original, it's so EPIC!
I think a remake would be amazing, but if they change one little thing about the original version "ACCEPT GRAPHICS" then i will not buy it, simply because the original version was the best game ever made. I read a paragraph a while ago sayin that sqaure are seriously thinking about making a remake because everyone has been going on about it so personally i think they will have it in the pipeline, hopefully will be here with us soon. =D
No. I like how older graphics and animation looked. I don't think the newer ones are as pretty or better. More realistic does not = better.
I mean for example the most pretty show ever was Rainbow Bright, and that's an old show, they have completely changed the way they do animation now, and is it better? no.
just my opinion :)
I would like it re-made.
Cause I can't really get into the original..
Maybe that would change for a remake.
Although it would probably be considered a different game than
the original.
I would love a remake. I would buy a ps3 just for that reason if they made one lol. I agree with Arronaldo8 when it comes to changing the original storyline. I think that would put me off of the game. I think it'd be kool if they remixed the original soundtrack for the ps3 game though. If they really do make one I just hope they keep the voice actors from Advent Children.