Final Fantasy VII Remake

I am not entirely sure if they should make a remake. They story of Final Fantasy VII is superb but the graphics are on the weak side so I guess a new remake would make up for it...but, I will not be happy if they toss in all these weird-anime-stylish-over-the-top-backflipping-kinda things into the pot. If anyone remember, the remake of Metal Gear Solid became hillarious since the producers thought more of everything would make an even better game.

I agree, this is the best way to go. Donno if it already have been said a thrillion times further back in the forums though. I would not care for a super realistic version but there are better things they could put their energy into - like making a new Final Fantasy (XV or XVI?).
Well I agree on some things you said but that last line doesn't sit well with me. They could be making one of their FF games but it's probably going to suck. Lame characters, lame story and probably lame gameplay too. But who knows right? I would just like them to finish what they started. For better or for worse I don't like things to be left out in the open. They should finish it with the whole Genesis thing and be done with it then.
Well I agree on some things you said but that last line doesn't sit well with me. They could be making one of their FF games but it's probably going to suck. Lame characters, lame story and probably lame gameplay too. But who knows right? I would just like them to finish what they started. For better or for worse I don't like things to be left out in the open. They should finish it with the whole Genesis thing and be done with it then.

I agree with this. I don't trust current Square Enix with thte new Final Fantasy game especially since somewhere along the line, the magic that kept me captivated has been lost. The truth is, the Final Fantasy series had always had great stories that seem to captivate players meanwhile giving them a fun gaming experience. The series has one of the best stories out there and the seventh iteration of the franchise is no different. Unfortunately, its greatness has been completely invalidated by the prequels and sequels that saturate the series and add nothing to the game itself. It completely ruined what made the original in the first place. It is like that they didn't learn anyhting from Sakaguchi at all.
Definitely! If they were ever to remake FFVII (Though they should do FFVIII first :whistle:) It should be by the same team that made the original so that they fully capture the essence of the game. Final Fantasy has dropped since X-2 :(

VIII - Best game in existance
IX - Very Awesome indeed
X - O for Awesome
X-2 - "I thought this was supposed to be a Final Fantasy Game"
XII - It's a good game but not a good Final Fantasy
XIII - Not even classed as an RPG in my books...

Their games keep getting worse. They should never have sold out and stayed as 'Squaresoft'
Yeah guys, SE has totally dropped the ball with FF these days. I haven't even so much as looked at XIII. I also agree that the team responsible for making the original FFVII should also be doing the remake as well. It would be better for everyone in my book. The prequels and sequels I thought were great. I enjoyed playing mostly for the storyline though. Getting in depth with my favorite FF story and characters satisfies me. I'm not sure why everyone has to be so judgemental about these things but I guess I'm just easier to please.
If they were to make a remake, I would hate to see the Aeri"th" change xD But, I'd like them (original team, plus some new fan-based developers) to focus on is:

detailing the story with deeper cut-scenes (being able to influence the player more)
maybe new areas, like the ones in the spin-offs
making Sephiroth hard to beat xD
make the game longer, somehow (possibly by larger map-base, instead of the small scale world where your the size of a mountain xD)
adding an EXTRA* mode for online
keep the turn-based battle styling
making it more mature
somehow make the physics more realistic
raise the attack cap 99999, instead of 9999
focus on making the struggle within Cloud's mind more psychotic
Make the music high quality, but still have the same scoring (but maybe add extra tunes, and electronica/dubstep remixes during certain cutscenes???)

But with all the talk about Square/Square-Enix going down hill with the games, I agree intensely. It was really after X that they just kinda made sequels for profit and to rival the MMO scene. (I mean, X-2.... REALLY?)

Anyway... there's my thoughts.
If they were to make a remake, I would hate to see the Aeri"th" change xD

Couldn't agree with you more ! Aerith looks funny to me, and Aeris looks and sounds pretty. :)

For the remake, I voted for not sure. It would be nice to give the game a decent makeover, but so many things could go wrong, and as already mentioned, I don't trust today's SE with Final Fantasy games, FF12 and FF13 were really awful games, and XIV was just hitting rock bottom.

I feel like if SE made it today, they'll make it online, only have Cloud controllable and add in a random Tifa shower scene....
If they were to make a remake, I would hate to see the Aeri"th" change xD But, I'd like them (original team, plus some new fan-based developers) to focus on is:

detailing the story with deeper cut-scenes (being able to influence the player more)
maybe new areas, like the ones in the spin-offs
making Sephiroth hard to beat xD
make the game longer, somehow (possibly by larger map-base, instead of the small scale world where your the size of a mountain xD)
adding an EXTRA* mode for online
keep the turn-based battle styling
making it more mature
somehow make the physics more realistic
raise the attack cap 99999, instead of 9999
focus on making the struggle within Cloud's mind more psychotic
Make the music high quality, but still have the same scoring (but maybe add extra tunes, and electronica/dubstep remixes during certain cutscenes???)

But with all the talk about Square/Square-Enix going down hill with the games, I agree intensely. It was really after X that they just kinda made sequels for profit and to rival the MMO scene. (I mean, X-2.... REALLY?)

Anyway... there's my thoughts.
Yeah that would be cool to see new places. Kind of like smaller places that weren't covered in FFVII maybe? I just think that seeing all of the characters in the latest graphics fashion would be outstanding same game or even a little different.
Yeah that would be cool to see new places. Kind of like smaller places that weren't covered in FFVII maybe? I just think that seeing all of the characters in the latest graphics fashion would be outstanding same game or even a little different.

Yeah kinda like Gongaga, cause then that would let you explore the correlation with Genesis and Zack, and yeah, graphics? FUDGE YEAH
Yes i want a remake of VII and if it is to be ps3 exclusive i will buy a ps3 just for this game. So i can play as cloud again:)
At this point in the life cycle of the PS3 I would say Square would probably wait until the next PlayStation. Especially due to the recent rumors of the new XBox in either 2012 or 2014. That way a 20th Anniversary remake could be released in 2017
I would really like a remake but... I fear that, if they made it, they would make it too "cool". Cloud wasn't cool, he was more of a clown... Dressing up as a girl, ruining Shinra's parade, playing with dolphins, kicking footballs at Red XIII...

...And Barret was a bicurious...

But in AC and even the tech demo, Cloud seems really ...emo. I'm afraid that they would remove a lot of the cutiness and charm that the original had, and replace it with bigger explosions and characters flying through the air...
I do want a remake of FFVII, but I prefer Square Enix remaking V and VI chronologically instead of skipping straight to VII.
A remake would would be nice however they would have to be careful to not ruin the origional's charm. Its unique sense of humor(most notably Cloud dressing up) is a part of the charm of the game. Take all that away and, to me at least, you take away what makes VII so special. However knowing square they would probably get rid of it and justify it by saying it makes the game more "mature":hmph:
A remake would would be nice however they would have to be careful to not ruin the origional's charm. Its unique sense of humor(most notably Cloud dressing up) is a part of the charm of the game. Take all that away and, to me at least, you take away what makes VII so special. However knowing square they would probably get rid of it and justify it by saying it makes the game more "mature":hmph:

Exactly... Like they did in AC.
Square Enix must know they would make a mint if they re-made FFVII. Like some have said on this thread it is the story that captured the untold imagination of not just the hardcore Final Fantasy fan but the average RPG consumer as well. It was actually the first FF game I ever and I was hooked on it.

Personally I think they should take something from the Final Fantasy XIII battle system (minus the Paradigm System and stuff). It was in terms an ATB system with more fluidity and movement and not when characters and enemies stood on the spot until they attacked. This would also incorporate all characters to be playable and not just Cloud and it would be pretty easy to stick in the materia system as well.

The graphics would probably be where, if they did a remake, Square Enix would concentrate most on. Not just that but what about the dialogue as well. What cutscenes will be voiced over by the likes of Steve Burton and the rest of FFVII AC/CC Cast.

In my opinion the real question is not Are they? It's more of a case of when they?
Personally I think they should take something from the Final Fantasy XIII battle system (minus the Paradigm System and stuff). It was in terms an ATB system with more fluidity and movement and not when characters and enemies stood on the spot until they attacked. This would also incorporate all characters to be playable and not just Cloud and it would be pretty easy to stick in the materia system as well.

THIS is what scares me. A good FF battle should be a bit like playing chess. Let the enemy make its move, then find a way to counter it. It's not supposed to be an action scene with people and monsters flying through the air. One of the main reasons I disliked FFVIII and FFX was because of those terrible reaction commands, such as Zell's or Auron's limit breaks. Final Fantasy isn't supposed to be a fighting game, it's an RPG with occasional tactical battles. And the "auto-battle" thing is so stupid I won't even go there.

And random battles in FFVII were few compared to FFX. Usually you could travel between two towns with only 2-3 random battles, so you never grew tired of them.

What I would like to see, is that they added some more tactics to the battles. In the original game, every summon is basically an upgrade from the precious one, except for Odin, Hades and Phoenix. Also, some things are really unbalanced, such as that Slash-All does as much damages as Cosmo Memory and All Creation, and that KoTR is 13 times better than any other summon. These things kind of ruin the end game.

Also, I would like characters with some kind unique abilities. Perhaps each character could have a unique materia or something like that (Aerith has Holy, Vincent Dark magic,

And I think they should make it possible to revive Aerith (if I understood it correctly, this feature was actually intended for the original game, but excluded because of time issues). Of course this should require that you did a whole bunch of sidequests throughout the game.

Finally, they must of course include the infamous white chocobo. You know, the one that likes to be tickled behind its ears and that was rumoured to be able to DIVE in the midgarsolom swamp where you could find the legendary onyx weapon! A flying chocobo, such as the one in FFIX would be cool as well.