Final Fantasy VII Remake

nice ideas, but characters already had their unique moves, they were called limit breaks.

Aerith and Vincent has some cool ones, but other than that, does it really matter if you use Ungarmax, Highwind, Doom of the Living or Omnislash? They are basically the same limit break, with different animations.

Of course there are some tricks, such as using Mindblow in low-level games, but for the average gamer it doesn't really matter what characters you use. At least not until the end of the game, when you realise that Yuffie is the best character.

I would like a more challenging game, where one key to winning a boss battle, is to pick a good combination of characters. This was the case in earlier FF's and FFIX, and in my opinion it made the battles much more interesting. Of course, it won't work very well with the materia system, but still there could be some things you could do, such as:

- Drastically change the stats. (Give Yuffie high dexterity, give Barret high HP etc.)

- Special abilities. (Give Cid an attack bonus against dragons, etc.)
THIS is what scares me. A good FF battle should be a bit like playing chess. Let the enemy make its move, then find a way to counter it. It's not supposed to be an action scene with people and monsters flying through the air. One of the main reasons I disliked FFVIII and FFX was because of those terrible reaction commands, such as Zell's or Auron's limit breaks. Final Fantasy isn't supposed to be a fighting game, it's an RPG with occasional tactical battles. And the "auto-battle" thing is so stupid I won't even go there.

And random battles in FFVII were few compared to FFX. Usually you could travel between two towns with only 2-3 random battles, so you never grew tired of them.

What I would like to see, is that they added some more tactics to the battles. In the original game, every summon is basically an upgrade from the precious one, except for Odin, Hades and Phoenix. Also, some things are really unbalanced, such as that Slash-All does as much damages as Cosmo Memory and All Creation, and that KoTR is 13 times better than any other summon. These things kind of ruin the end game.

Also, I would like characters with some kind unique abilities. Perhaps each character could have a unique materia or something like that (Aerith has Holy, Vincent Dark magic,

And I think they should make it possible to revive Aerith (if I understood it correctly, this feature was actually intended for the original game, but excluded because of time issues). Of course this should require that you did a whole bunch of sidequests throughout the game.

Finally, they must of course include the infamous white chocobo. You know, the one that likes to be tickled behind its ears and that was rumoured to be able to DIVE in the midgarsolom swamp where you could find the legendary onyx weapon! A flying chocobo, such as the one in FFIX would be cool as well.

Ok let me put in these terms. The system I was thinking of was basically the same type of system to the original game except to incorporate much better graphics and fluidity, the characters and opponents would move a bit more. To me just standing one place until you attack is rather stale and using a more fluid system would be more refreshing. The characters would still attack in turns and only once unlike FFXIII where you could attack the enemy up to five times in one turn. What was also tedious was the positions of the characters and enemies during a battle. With the exception of surrounding or being surrounded by an enemy the characters are lined up in a 3 facing the opponent right in front of them. In battle you wouldn't stay in the same place. I'm not saying it wasn't good at the time because was in fact at the time it was excellent and I for one loved it. But it's a new age of gaming now and if FFVII is ever remade then it should be evolved in to new gen game for a new gen console.
The poll makes it clear that I'm the minority but I will say quite bluntly: No.

I'm of the opinion that square should keep their eyes on future, rather than toiling away on trivial things of the past. A remake of VII is unnecessary when the future installments all have the potential to be greater still.
Ok let me put in these terms. The system I was thinking of was basically the same type of system to the original game except to incorporate much better graphics and fluidity, the characters and opponents would move a bit more. To me just standing one place until you attack is rather stale and using a more fluid system would be more refreshing. The characters would still attack in turns and only once unlike FFXIII where you could attack the enemy up to five times in one turn. What was also tedious was the positions of the characters and enemies during a battle. With the exception of surrounding or being surrounded by an enemy the characters are lined up in a 3 facing the opponent right in front of them. In battle you wouldn't stay in the same place. I'm not saying it wasn't good at the time because was in fact at the time it was excellent and I for one loved it. But it's a new age of gaming now and if FFVII is ever remade then it should be evolved in to new gen game for a new gen console.

The thing is that the majority of the "new gen" games are really, really bad.

The world map in FF games is a fantastic feature, but they decided to remove it because the scale was unrealistic. Who cares?

If the characters are allowed to move around freely in battle, it will most likely hurt the playability, because it will be much harder to keep track on status changes etc. It really irritates me when I heal the wrong guy due to bad camera angles. What you want is a clear overview on what's happening. Enemy A is always the one closest to the camera etc.
I would want them, to remake them i have beaten final fanatsty VII on the ps1

I would like to see it with better graphics.Some people dont want it spoiled so then they dont know what happens.Even though some people dont want a remake i kinda do.And FFXV should come out FFXV should be made before the remake.

And you start what you finish.:kelly:
I've never played a remake of a game I had played before...

What do they call a remake exactly? Is it only a brushup so that we see less polygons or do they totally remake the game, which would mean that the characters would look more "human" than in the original ff7 where they were a little bit cartoonesque ?
if they make the remake the game then they would not only change the graphics to make them better but there are some things in the game that weren't ever finished, i refer mainly to that damn locked chest in kalm that is impossible to open because square needed to cut some things out. there were other side quests that they wanted to add (assuming my memory is correct)
But are they going to do about the Don Corneo thing as well as the other "X Rated" content in the game? I know kids will be kids and moral guardians will be themselves but can you imagine the controversy if they remade that?
But are they going to do about the Don Corneo thing as well as the other "X Rated" content in the game? I know kids will be kids and moral guardians will be themselves but can you imagine the controversy if they remade that?

Erm... There is no x rated content in that game at all...

VII doesn't need a remake. It's fine how it is. It's not even close to being the best FF, so it shouldn't get a remake. I'm also tired of fanboys saying "we want a remake we want a remake" so they should all shut up and be grateful for what they have :hmph: I'd rather have a remake of FFVI or FFIX.
Has anybody heard of the fan project to remake FFVII. It uses the Unreal Engine and it's looks pretty good for a fan remake. I hope Square does give it the banhammer.
The closest thing I have seen to a remake is the whole unreal engine FF7 intro which was pretty good but even that was only the beginning segment of the game. I do think square-Enid is secretly doing this behind closed doors and will reveal it with a release I wise I said that seriously.......
I'm not and never have been a fan of re-releasing titles, ESPECIALLY Final Fantasy ones.

... But this is FF VII, wich some will still argue to this very day as being the greatest game in existence.

I think it's simply a matter of time till a VII remake becomes a reality. Albeit VII in particular has been severely milked with it's compilation, I still think a remake is on the cards.
I'm not sure if I want a remake of VII or not. I mean, like many people have probably stated, I really don't wanna see Aerith's death filled with blood, and all that jazz on my big HDTV in high quality CG. I think it'll be too much to handle. However, it'll bring hype towards the game to the new generation of gamers, who never played it on the PSOne (Or were too young to play games on those consoles from the get go), so it could be really good in that aspect. I also think the game is great as is, and a remake isn't very necessary. I probably wouldn't care if they made one, though, and would probably buy it, if the truth be known.
I would love a remake, but I can’t see one happening. I’ve given up hope. There have been so many occasions where I’ve (we’ve) been given false hope, such as the E3 trailer a few years back. There’s two reasons, above all, why I think Square won’t remake FFVII: The production costs I imagine would be astronomical. The game is massive. Square seem to be more interested in making a good-looking game nowadays and are focusing less on making the game-world huge. I know next to nothing about development, but I imagine that it would take a hell of a lot of time to render FFVII’s locations in 3D, supplant the text with real voice-actors and so on. A game like FFXIII for instance, which is essentially just a concatenation of identikit walled-in corridors would cost significantly less to develop and it has the advantage of better graphics because of the smaller environments.

The second reason I think is fear of defiling the original game. If FFVII’s toy-like character models were better rendered (I think Cloud only comprised ten polygons) I think the game would lose a lot of its charm. One thing that has interested me, is that in a recent magazine, one of the members of FFVII’s development-team was reviewed about FFVII, and the magazine wasn’t allowed to mention Aries’ death. Given the game is over ten years old, it seems strange. The magazine speculated (for the life of me I forgot its name) that this embargo could mean that Square is thinking about a remake and they don’t want anyone spoiling the story for those who haven’t experienced the game. It’s an interesting theory. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
While a remake of any classic game is nice, I don't see how it would be possible. Square Enix already has far too many projects on their hands to take on another. Remaking FFX, making FFXIII-2, Versus FFXIII, all while improving FFXIV is a tremendous amount for one developer to take on.

I already feel that SE should stop focusing on so much at once and focus on one, two projects at the maximum. So while I'd love to see a remake, it simply isn't feasible.
Although I would love to see a FF7 remake in theory, I don't think modern game developers quite appreciate the idea of not defiling an original with too much new content and changes.

There are always those new-gen nerds who want a remake of a true classic but want to throw in all of this new content, change the story, change the characters, pretty much change the entire game.

If a remake went the way I wanted it to, I'd say keep everything the same, just improve on the graphics, rendering, and cinematic scenes and perhaps balance some things that weren't quite balanced before. Don't add new materia, new weapons, mess with the battle system, mess with the dialogue, or even take a transition from text dialogue to voice actors.

Basically... I want an FF7 remake, not a revamp. I think Square realizes that the FF7 fanbase is divided on this matter between the true fans and the modern-gen geeks who just want to ruin it, so they think it's in their best interest to not piss off either of those groups and not remake it.

I don't expect there to ever be a remake, but then again, I never thought the day would come that Blizzard would announce Diablo III either and it happened, so who knows?
I think they could really care less about "pissing off these groups." As long as they make a significant amount of money off of it, which I think they would, will they do it.
I'm not sure about this. I've only played it once and that was enough for me. I do have other things to do.

A reason not to remake it: It's good as it is.
A reason to remake it: It'll look better.

But I would imagine it would be hard to update this rather than updating FF X considering the vast difference in graphics and polygons :hmmm:

I think they could really care less about "pissing off these groups." As long as they make a significant amount of money off of it, which I think they would, will they do it.

So true.
I personally would like them to remake I-VII with good graphics, but leave everything the same, all the story and the gameplay, just better graphics. The graphics are too bad for me to play before VII (I struggle to play that one too) so I would like them remade, but like I said, with everything the same, even the things that were critisized.
