Fan Fiction Final Fantasy VII: The Past of the Cetra

I haven't even finished reading it yet, but I have to say, the way that you're writing this story makes me feel like I'm watching the next FF7 movie. Great story.
This is the most amazing story ever!!!!! couldnt stop reading it!!! cant wait for next chapter
Guys I am so sorry for lack of updates. I feel I owe an explanation. I've been struggling with some stomach ailments and my husband was just recently diagnosed with an infection called MRSA. I've been under an extreme writer's block and just had no inspiration to continue writing right now. I'll get there eventually but right now it's just a no go. I'm just taking a small break from it for now but I will get back to it and continue on with the story. Writers just need some time sometimes :)
OMG hope he gets better soon that's a hospital superbug isn't it? it doesn't matter hope he gets better soon and hope you get your inspiration back as well :) good luck
All right. It's final. I'm addicted.

I can't stop reading and reading, and reading. You do such a spectactular job Lady Aerith, in writing this fabulous story! The characters, the writing, the dialouge: perfect. I'm loving it!! Every bit of it!!! The mood of the whole story is also balanced so beautifully, it's a wonder at how you do it. I simply can't put it down. I've been reading this story for a few days straight now and it's amazing. It has become apparent that you're dam good Lady Aerith. I've never laughed so hard when reading before!!!

Then something horrible happend. My supply has been cut off. I'm withering away!!!!! XD (no pressure, I'm just kidding)

Good luck with the writing and when you're ready to publish it, I'm sure I can find a good publisher. (I know of quite a few already!) I'll be the first in line to get a signed autograph!!
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DUN DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN!!! Guess what guys! A story update! FINALLY!! LOL! I'm soooo sorry it has been so long since I updated. It's been a rough couple of weeks for me, but I think I'm finally getting back into the swing of things. So here we are folks, Chapter 22 of my story ^_^ I hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 22- A Deadly Encounter

Cloud reached behind him and withdrew his sword as the figure loomed ever closer. He felt chills run down his spine as the crooked-bodied man lurked forward. The blonde held his sword in front of him, feet slightly spread apart in a battle stance, ready for any oncoming attack that this man could attempt to take.

"What do you mean you've been expecting me?" Cloud asked the cloaked man dangerously. "Who are you?"

"Oh you don't know who I am?" the voice questioned as he continued walking slowly forward. "I'm the one who stalks your dreams, who's gene flows in your very veins and soon to be so much more."

Cloud glared as he stared ahead when suddenly it dawned on him. This was it. This man standing before him had to be the Sephiroth clone, remnant, whatever he may be, it had to be him. The swordsman knew right then and there he was not about to allow this man to come in between him, his family and especially his Andria. The man had now stepped completely out of the shadows, his cloaked head still bowed. He turned away from Cloud for just a moment to place something tenderly and carefully on a boulder behind him. The cloaked person turned back around and lifted his shrouded head, now facing Cloud.

The swordsman grimaced as beheld the sight before him. It seemed as though inside of the black cloak was a void. The only thing that could be seen peering out of that void were two, brilliant green, glowing eyes. The seemed to stare ice into his very flesh making his body errupt with goosebumps. The cloaked man reached behind him and withdrew a longsword, holding it at bay. The two just stood and stared at each other for a moment before Cloud had to avert his eyes from the man before him. He continued to hold his blade steady in his hand as he moved closer towards Cloud.

"Careful now," came the mechanical voice behind him. "Don't do anything rash...yet."

Cloud raised an eyebrow as the voice filled his ears. It sounded so...familiar and yet so computerized. What on Gaia or who could it have been? He tried to look around the man standing before him, but he couldn't see where the voice was coming from.

"'re the one who sent those beasts out to Kalm and killed Andria's family. You're the one who continued to conjure them so they would attack her," Cloud growled as he held his sword at the ready.

The cloaked man just laughed as he continued towards Cloud, sword in hand. Azoth pointed it outward and began walking him around slowly...sinisterly. "Of course I did! Did you think for a moment I was going to let somebody else ruin his plans! This time it'll happen and all will be settled! When we're united, he will be far more powerful than you or your Ancient girlfriend could ever hope to be! With me inside of him, we'll be unstoppable! We'll be invincible!" Azoth threw his arms above his head causing the sleeves to fall down his arms, revealing pale skin, almost as white as the snow capped around the cave above them. His fingers were long, thin and just as pale as they stretched outward. The veins on his hands were glowing strangely green.

Cloud shook his blonde head, still not taking his eyes off the man before him. He had the proof now. He knew that this was the Sephiroth clone and if he was going to stop him, it would have to be now.

"You're completely insane. Do you just not get it? You can continue bringing Sephiroth back here, but we'll dispose of him and people like you every single time," Cloud retorted dangerously. His light eyebrows were drawn in with fury while his mako-infused eyes flashed dangerously at the mere thought of this man putting those long, pale fingertips on Andria's delicate flesh.

"Oh but don't you see? This time, I have my hands on something that has been helping me create the Reunion as well as the rest of JENOVA's parts. Soon my transformation will be complete! We'll be united with Mother once more and Sephiroth will rule this entire planet! He was the chosen heir so long ago," Azoth stated furiously. He didn't even stop to give Cloud a moment to speak. He continued without even taking a breath. "You and that other little woman, the Ancient's sister, thwarted his plans once, but with me by his side and our helpful contender, all will happen and you will fail!" Azoth roared, holding his sword threateningly towards Cloud.

The swordsman continued to do the same as the two circled each other slowly around the cave. "How do you figure we'll fail?" Cloud shot back, slowly walking around the cave with Azoth. "Because you're going to merge with Sephiroth? With JENOVA? We delt with that a year ago. His remnant, Kadaj, was almost certain his plans were going to work, so it's no different. I'll stop you just as quickly as you unite with them!"

Azoth tossed his head back and laughed. "Pathetic fool. What do you think drove you out here, hmmmm? What made you come all this way? Look at me....look at Azoth," the cloaked figure demanded, his eyes still glowing sinisterly.

Cloud struggled hard to recoil away from him and not look, but for some reason he couldn't help it. The blonde found himself staring right into those glowing eyes and no matter how much his mind screamed for him to find it in himself to tear away from that gaze, Cloud could not bring himself to do it. The figured carefully reached his hands up to his hood and grasped both sides. He slowly began to lower his hood. A long cascade of black hair laced with silver streaks fell down a small ways past his shoulders. His eyes were glowing menacingly green and his thin, pale face was revealed. Cloud couldn't help but gasp when noticed the veins on the man's face before him. They stood out slightly but were glowing brilliantly with green moreso than what his hands were. Try as he might, Cloud could not pull his eyes away from the man that stood in front of him and his head began to feel slightly foggy.

"Mako! Is that m-mako!" Cloud exclaimed, studying Azoth's glowing eyes and veins. "You're being infused with mako! Where are you getting the mako! Tell me now!" the swordsman demanded, slashing his sword threateningly.

The blonde held his sword out towards Azoth, but he was beginning to feel slightly weak and finding it a little hard to focus. What was happening to him? Azoth smiled a very dangerous, erratic grin, exposing his slightly sharp teeth. He ignored Cloud's inquiry. "I can see inside of your mind. I can see your weakness," Azoth tantilized. "It's the Cetra, is it not? Why, isn't that sweet," the clone sneered. "You love her, don't you?" Azoth let out a barbarous laugh at the swordsman who had now brought one hand up to his head and clutched it.

"No, no no! I won't let you do this again! Not again!" Cloud stated furiously, holding onto his head.

"Ah, so it's true," Azoth sneered. "You love her and there's nothing you can do to control it, is there?"

"Shut up," Cloud spoke softly, willing himself to control his mind against Azoth's. He lowered his hand from his head and grasped the Tsurugi firmly in both hands, standing up at full height now, feeling the anger filling his insides and making his blood boil.

Azoth laughed mirthlessly. "You love her so much that if anything were to happen to her and you couldn't save her, you'd be nothing! You'd just be broken. Nothing but fragments of the man you once were if you will. Well, we'll take her Cloud, and we'll take care of her," the clone remarked cooly, licking his lips. "There will be nothing you can do about it once we've had our way with her."

"SHUT UP!" roared Cloud, dashing at Azoth.

Hearing these words infuriated Cloud. Nobody in hell was going to touch her body. He wouldn't allow it. Not a soul on this planet was going to rip her of her purity if he had anything to say about it. The blonde, regaining his composure now, jumped up onto a rocky platform in the cave and raised his sword high above his head. Azoth readied the oncoming attack, holding his own longsword out as Cloud came crashing down towards him, sword raised high above his head. The two swords clanged together as they begin their fight. Cloud dashed across the other side of the crater as Azoth chased after him, his silver blade raised. Cloud split the Tsurugi into two pieces and twirled them in both hands as he watched Azoth advance towards him. Azoth lept high, bringing his sword outward towards Cloud's chest, but Cloud was prepared.

The swordsman crossed his blades in front of him, shielding himself for his oncoming attack and took another leap in the air. The blonde looked upward, his light blue eyes scanning the area. They fell upon plates of rock sticking outward from the cave's walls. Cloud held out one of his swords as he zoomed upward and slashed the rock, causing it to fall towards Azoth who was coming up on the Cloud fast. Azoth saw the massive rock falling at him and he raised his sword, slashing through the rock, causing bits of it to fall to the lithic ground below them.

"You're fun to play with," the clone taunted. "Give it up already," Azoth stated almost lazily, still skyrocketing towards the blonde man. "You're just no match for me." His long black and silver streaked hair flew out behind him and his green eyes where filled with malice, cruelty and the urge to severely harm Cloud.

"I pity you almost as much as I pity Sephiroth. You're just pathetic," Cloud shot back, but he could hear Azoth's voice in his head again. "All you see is what you want to happen. You don't keep focused on what's coming at you!"

"Oh I know what's coming at me and it's weak!" retorted Azoth. "It'll be disposed of just as simply as your Cetra girlfriend will be. You're nothing to us!"

We will be reunited....the Cetra will be taken....she will die at our'll play our puppet once more. Your mind will be under our control...You will be nothing in the end. The planet will be ours. It will be destroyed, crumble into nothingness...we will do what we were destined to do and take the planet as our own, to rule. All will be lost. The Lifestream will be gone, along with the Ancient. No more protecting your precious planet for it will be ours to do with what we want.

Two consecutive voices, one male, dark and deleterious and another female, alien, echoing and malevolent sounded within the blonde man's mind as he fought. Cloud struggled with his own conciousness, doing his best to keep focused on the battle and staying alive. He couldn't let himself die. He wouldn't be able to protect Andria if he didn't say alive. As he rose ever upward, he could now see Azoth was just inches away from him, his longsword drawn back as though to impale the blonde.

Cloud quickly moved his leg outward and placed a foot on the wall of the cave. He pushed off of the wall with all of his strength and backflipped, just as Azoth was mere inches from impaling the man through the side with his blade. The swordsman snapped his two pieces back together as Azoth advanced towards him again with another oncoming attack. Cloud and Azoth continued to dash, zoom and soar around the cave, dodging Azoth's blows, clanging swords, parrying each others unhindered attacks with massive amounts of skill. Where Azoth's skill came from, Cloud wasn't sure, but he was certain it was most likely from the Sephiroth gene in his body.

Cloud had managed to land safely on one of the rocks of cave, hazes of dust and cloud floating below him. Certain he had lost Azoth somewhere in the dust, Cloud allowed himself to drop to his knees for a moment, attempting to catch his breath and clutching his side with one hand, his other hand clutching his sword. He his leg slide out from under him, causing him to slump to the rocky substance and he leaned back against the wall, shutting his eyes. This was no normal, physical battle.

Cloud was battling with this man clenching his mind with invisible force and trying to remain focused at the same time. Then, without complete warning, the inevitable happened. The rock that which Cloud was resting upon had been run through and Cloud, not able to grasp onto anything fell through the dust and darkness. Behind him he could hear the murderous laughter of Azoth. Cloud was falling fast and knew that as soon as he made impact, he was going to be injured and so he braced himself for the hit. It came within mere seconds and the blonde landed hard on his side. His sword slid across the rocky surface just a few feet away from him and he lay still as he felt his cheek gash open and the blood begin to seep through the wound.

Inches behind him, he heard Azoth land gracefully on his feet, still continuing to laugh. It grew louder and lowed until it was a high pitched ringing filled his ears. He heard the computerized voice join in and soon the Sephiroth clone and the computer tone laughed maniacally in the cave. Their laughs echoed off of the walls, sounding as though a thousand of them surrounded Cloud and the swordsman lay helplessly, clutching his head with one hand as the two voices filled his head, along with jumbled words from the female voice. That woman's sounded so familiar...there was only being it had be...JENOVA....

The laughs poured all around Cloud's conciousness, seeming as though they were multiplying and he could feel himself slowly losing composure. Cloud reached his other hand up to his head and clutched onto the other side, fixing his fingers into his blonde locks. The swordsman found he couldn't speak, he couldn't think. His mind was in a whirl. He had lost his strength, and the laughter was like a million chortles in the middle of a stadium and he was the only one there, left in the center to endure all of this on his own. Stop...stop it! STOP IT! Cloud cried out in his head, and without warning, he could no longer think, could no longer see or hear, and everything in his head went to darkness.

"It seems as though you've managed to find your way in," the mechancial voice sounded from just behind Azoth who stood staring down at the fallen swordsman triumphantly.

"That I did. Once I managed to get him to look at me, I took full control. Even while we were fighting, I could feel myself growing stronger. I could see everything inside of him which gave me better control. Mother and myself, I feel her now. It's so strong," Azoth stated almost cheerfully, clutching his hands into fists and turning to face the mechanical object. "It is all thanks to you," the clone moved his head down look down at the mechanical piece he had sat on the boulder.

He moved back slightly to reveal a slightly cracked computer screen. It was attatched to a somewhat broken keyboard with bits of green and red wire joining to the screen. The screen flashed in an out before it showed a silhouette of a man.

"Master Hojo...," Azoth said softly as he approached the computer.

"Ah, Azoth, you truly are among the greatest of my creations. I'm so glad we have awoken you," Hojo commented softly. His facial form was now appearing somewhat clearly in the screen. Azoth reached a hand out, gently touching the screen. "I wish I had you completed a long time ago. You are the first clone that has ever been able to take control of that man's mind asides from Sephiroth himself, and now that you're feeling JENOVA, well that's even better! She can aid you in what you need to do!"

"How is it that I was able to do that?" questioned Azoth. "I mean, I know that Cloud and Sephiroth are connected, am I right?"

Hojo snickered in a mad-scientist sort of way. "My dear boy, it's the JENOVA cells. They are reacting to one another. You see, you of all clones, of even the remnants, are filled with a higher potency of JENOVA cells and mako then any of my other experiements ever were! It took us this long to get here but finally we have! You have control of my failed experiement's mind now. You've been able to see into it and see what his weakness are. Don't you see? We can use his weaknesses against him! We can lure the Ancient here with him!"

"I think that Cloud could hear my voice and Mother's voice inside of his head," observed Azoth. "I could feel it in my mind and I could see it in his eyes. I know he loves the Ancient," he stated in disgust, staring down at the unconcious form. "Now is the time we need to get our hands on the Ancient. Since she no longer has her protector, she should be fairly easy to capture," Azoth replied thoughtfully.

"Oh I don't have a doubt in my mind we'll get our hands on her, but don't underestimate her power. She seems to be a lot stronger physically than her sister, but soon that won't matter! As soon as she sees the state that her beloved is in, she'll go weak. Love is weakness when it comes to these two. Once she is temporarily attenuated, I can get my hands on her! I can continue with what experiemental plans I had for the Ancient long ago!" Hojo roared, throwing his head back and laughing omniously. "Though, I wonder how we can lure her here?"

"Her heart and her soul. They are connected to Cloud because of Aerith being her sister. Her sister took all of the feelings she has for the man and put them into her sister's heart. The Cetra already had been growing her feelings of love for the man, but now with all of Aerith's feelings and her own, she is more strongly connected to him than Aerith ever was," Azoth explained. "I'm almost certain of this. It's what I feel. She'll know he's here and she'll come for him."

"Hmmmmm heeheeheeeheeee," snickered Hojo maniacally. "Perfect then! We'll wait patiently for her arrival then, yes...yes once she's here...," his voice trailed off as though he were lost in thought.

"And, what shall we do with this one in the meantime? Did you want to keep him to continue your further experiementation?" questioned Azoth, looking down at the unconcious Cloud.

"Hmmm, yes. Put him in that tank of mako we've been using for you. I want his body infused as well as submerged. Use the needles and the tubes. As long as we can continue sucking the mako from the Lifestream," Hojo's head turned towards the glowing crack in the floor of the crater, "the tank we have now will be of no use to you anymore," the scientist ordered. "You will still get your daily dosages, but not from this. With this one however, I am hoping I can alter him enough to be as strong as Sephiroth and yourself once you have merged. Maybe if we're lucky, the two of them will work together and finish what my son had started!"

"As you wish," Azoth stated, turning his pointed face away from Hojo's screen and he lowered himself down to Cloud. Hearing the words 'my son' come from Hojo slightly pained Azoth, but he shoved the thought aside and focused on his task at hand. "The Ancient will soon know you're here. We'll be luring her here using you. I can't believe you thought you'd actually stop me."

The clone lifted Cloud up in his arms, picked up the blonde's weapons in his hand and carried him across the crater and over to where a soft, green light emitted. Azoth advanced into the small cave burrowed in the rock. The two men were now bathed in a phosphorous, green glow. Azoth lowered his head as he stepped inside of the small cave. Just across the small way there stood a tall tank, filled with slightly bubbling, transparent green liquid. Next to it were various tubes, needless and other medical and chemical related items that Hojo had kept hidden until Azoth's awakening. Azoth climbed up a small set of rocky, makeshift steps and leaned Cloud's body up against the tank. He then turned and lay the blonde's swords down on the rocky floor not too far from the thank. Around the tank were small black holes with long, thin tubes running from inside of the mako to outside of it. Tiny lids were clasped around the ends of the tubing on the outside so as not to allow any mako to escape the tank. There was also one hanging just inches above with masklike object attatched to the end of it. It hung just above the surface of the mako which Azoth grasped in his hand.

"This will be your source of air since you won't be able to breath in the mako and I know Master Hojo has no plans of killing you...yet," Azoth stated.

He lifted Cloud's limp body up and held the tube firmly in his hand. Tilting back the blonde's spiked head, he opened up Cloud's mouth and placed the mask-like object over Cloud's mouth and nose. He took a strap and attatched it around the back of his head.The swordsman didn't budge as Azoth worked. Pathetic little weakling the man thought to himself. Azoth removed Cloud's sword sheath, throwing it on top of Cloud's sword and then unzipped his shirt, revealing his bare chest. Azoth then inserted a needle, that were attatched to the tubing around the tank, into each of Cloud's arms and then one in each pectoral. He lowered the blonde, who was now breathing through the tube into the tank of mako. Azoth reached up to the top of the tank and closed the heavy lid over Cloud's body. The blonde's head was hanging listlessly inside of the green liquid and he floated ever so carefully, gently bumping up against the glass.


She didn't know how long she had been standing on the deck of Shera. It could have been mere minutes, hours or maybe even longer. Her long hair cascaded down her back like a wavy honey-brown waterfall as she had untied her ribbon. Holding it losely in her hand she stared at the star speckled sky that surrounded them. She wore her white tank with a pair of blue and white flowered sleep pants that rested comfortably on her hips. The Cetra had tried to lay down in one of the beds on the airship, but she found that all she did was toss, turn and think about Cloud. Andria just couldn't sleep. Just as she was coming back down to the deck, Cid was putting the ship on auto-pilot and going to bed. Andria had hidden herself from sight, not wanting to talk to him. It was nothing against him, but she just didn't feel like talking anymore. Once Cid had disappeared and went to rest, all had grown quiet around the airship, leaving Andria to her delve into her own thoughts. Where was Cloud now? Why did he feel so far away from her? More than once Andria had to force the Planet's cries out of her mind as she tried to remain focused on her own thoughts.

Why did Cloud have to leave her like this? So many questions were unanswered and she just didn't understand why things had turned out this way. He wanted to protect her, that much she was sure of, but she was confused as to what his feelings were that he had for her. I mean they had held each other, he allowed her to see him cry, he allowed her to hold him, be with him at his weakest point. They had kissed, she saw him smile and even heard him almost laugh when they had their tickling wars. Andria felt a shadow of a smile cross her face but it quickly vanished as her thoughts drifted back to him being gone and her being alone. The Ancient felt a chill go down her body and she hugged herself, rubbing her arms slightly with her hands. Andria couldn't remember when she had felt so alone and this wasn't a feeling she relished. The young Cetra rested her elbows on the railing of the Shera, placing her chin in her hands and sighed softly.

"Cloud, I know you're out there. Why did you have to leave me? Why couldn't you just tell me what's going on? What is in your heart, Cloud?" she spoke softly to the darkness just in front of her.

The Ancient was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn't hear anybody come up behind her. She felt a hand close over her shoulder and squeeze it gently. Andria lifted her head and turned around to see the face of Tifa, smiling gently at Andria. She gave the girl another, gentle squeeze.

"You're still up?" Tifa asked softly as she moved to stand next to Andria. "You should probably get some sleep. You don't want to be tired and wore down when we find Cloud."

"I'm sorry Teef, I couldn't sleep," Andria replied softly as she turned to look at her smiling friend standing next to her.

"That's okay, we figured you couldn't," came another voice from behind Andria and she turned her head.

Approaching her was the tall, thin and curvy figure of Mari. She was smiling and her hair, normally down, was tied back into a ponytail. She and Tifa were both dressed in their pajamas as well.

"Tifa and I had been sitting up talking and we figured you might want to join us. When we went to your room to check on you and see if you were asleep or not, you weren't in your bed, so we decided to come out to the deck and see if you were here or not," the mage explained.

"How about we go and have a cup of hot cocoa?" Tifa suggested. "We can go back to my room and all three of us can sit up and talk for awhile. I think it'd be good for Andi to get some stuff off of her chest, right?" the martial artist observed.

"I dunno, I don't want to burden you guys with all of my petty problems," Andria replied softly, not able to look her friends in the eye.

Mari reached out and ruffled the back of Andria's hair and put an arm around her shoulders. "Believe me Andi, the last thing you could do is burden us. We're your friends and we're here for you. We always will be," the mage added with a wink.

Andria smiled weakly. "Thanks you guys. A cup of hot cocoa does sound good."

"Alright, then let's go make some and then we can go back to the room," Tifa declared, linking her arm with Andria's.

The mage followed suit as she stood on Andria's other side and linked arms with her as well. As the girls began to make their way off of the deck, Andria noticed that Yuffie wasn't with them. Normally the fiesty, little ninja was always with them, but this time she wasn't.

"So umm, where's Yuffie?" Andria asked curiously, trying to make conversation.

"Oh poor Yuff. She's in bed asleep. The girl doesn't take too well to airships and gets airsick really easily. Luckily we had something that could atleast help her sleep so she doesn't have to concentrate on her stomach," Tifa explained.

"Awww the poor girl. Well, I hope she feels better in the morning," Andria replied.

Tifa let off a small giggle. "Yuffie will be okay. Once we're off the airship she'll be alright. She just concentrates too much on feeling sick while she's up in the ship. I think a lot of it is all in her head to be honest," the martial artist added with a wink.

Giggling softly, the three girls walked off down the hallway of the massive ship and tiptoed quietly into the kitchen. Tifa reached over and switched on the light which illuminated the kitchen softly. Undoing their arms from Andria's, Tifa walked over to one cupboard and got down three, white porcelin mugs. Mari reached up to another cabinet and got down the packages of the hot cocoa and marshmellows. Tifa filled the cups up with hot water from the sink and brought them over to where Mari stood waiting. She opened up the packages and poured the contents inside each cup.

Andria just stood quietly while the two girls prepared the warm beverage. She acknowledged that they had wanted to take it upon themselves to do this for her and so she stepped back and allowed them to proceed in making it. The girls smiled at Andria and put the mugs into the microwave for a little over a minute. As soon as it was done, they removed the cups and filled the tops of them with tiny, fluffy marshmellows. Once they were satisfied, the girls placed small stirring spoons in each cup and Tifa handed one to Andria.

"Alright ladies, let's head back to my room!" Tifa gushed happily as she stirred the marshmellows into her hot chocolate. "We can stay up all night if you want and we can talk about anything you want, okay Andi?"

"Okay," Andria replied smiling at the girls.

She couldn't help but constantly remind herself just how grateful she was for friends like Tifa and Mari. The girls eventually found their way back into Tifa's room which had three beds. Andria, Tifa and Mari all plopped down on the cushiony beds and began sipping the hot cocoa. There as a slightly uncomfortable silence when Tifa cleared her throat.

"Alright Andi, normally you're chatting your head off with us by now. You're being too quiet," the martial artist pointed out. "So let's hear it. Get that stuff of your chest. That's what we're here for. Spill those guts because you're not being our normal Andi."

"Yeah Andi, this isn't like you," Mari added. "You're normally the one who's cheerful and happy. Cloud wouldn't want you to be so down the way you are right now."

Andria sighed as she took another sip from her frothy drink and sat it down on the window ledge. "Well, maybe if Cloud hadn't left me then I wouldn't be feeling this way," she stated with slight anger in her tone. She cast her emerald eyes at her friends and then lowered them. "I'm sorry," the Cetra spoke in barely above a whisper, ashamed she had talked to her friends the way she did. "I truly am sorry. I didn't mean to snap."

Mari stood up from her bed, walked over to Andria and put an arm around her shoulders. "Hey it's okay. Tifa and I know you're hurting and we understand how that feels."

"Mari's right," Tifa added as she scooted over to Andria's bed as well and began playing with the Ancient's soft burnette locks. "Why don't you talk to us about how you're feeling? Tell us what's going on your mind? I know it's about Cloud and he's my best friend, so maybe I can help give you peace of mind?"

"Well, I suppose...I just...I don't know," Andria replied in frustration. "I mean, he's got me so confused! It's just the things he said to me there in Midgar and at the church. I mean the man allowed me to see him at his weakest point, you know? If he didn't care for me, then why would he allow me to? Why would he talk to me the way he has or why would he kiss me the way he did, if he didn't lo-,"
Andria started to say but broke it off before she could go any further.

The Cetra's heart began aching with the torment of him being so far away from her as she spoke about Cloud. It was nearly unbearable to even say his name. Her skin craved his touch. She wanted to feel his strong arms around her, as if he were protecting her, and she wanted to hear the sound of his voice, speaking softly into her ear. Why did he have to go off and leave me like this! Why did he have to go and leave me so damned confused?!

"What exactly did he say to you Andi?" the mage asked curiously. "I mean you never really said. You don't have to tell us if you don't want to, but we're here to help."

Andria drew her eyebrows in slightly, remembering all of the things he had said to her, but it still left her confused. Maybe Mari and Tifa could shed some light on it for her. Maybe they would have a different perspective than what she did. They knew just how complex of a person Cloud was, so maybe they could help her. She turned towards the girls.

"Well, he kept saying he how he didn't want to hurt the people that he cherishes and loves and that I'm one of those people," Andria admitted. "I can't figure out if he was trying to tell me that he loves me or that he just cares for me in a friend sort of way or...dammit I don't know!" the Ancient voiced furiously as she slammed her small fists down on the bed. "Why can't he just be straight up with me instead of beating around the bush?"

"Andi, Cloud's just like that," Tifa began. "Cloud is very shy and it's hard for him to voice his feelings. It truly does sound to me though that he was trying to tell you that he loves you," the raven haired woman explained. "He was just too shy and embarrassed to come right out and say it to you because that's just how Cloud is. He doesn't want to blurt his feelings out to you for fear of probably pushing you away or worse, he's afraid of losing you. Maybe he thinks that you don't feel the same about him?" Tifa suggested.

"No, that's not it...he knows I love him. I...I sort of told him," the young woman said sheepishly. "I couldn't help it. I couldn't hold my feelings in any longer. Why does love have to hurt so much?" she sighed sadly laying back on the bed, pressing the palms of her hands over her eyes. She ran them upwards over her forehead, through her bangs and then just stared at the ceiling. Why did it have to be so difficult to handle?

"Love is so confusing and so complicating," Mari spoke up. "Vincent put me through hell awhile back and it almost seems like Cloud is doing the same. You remember what Vincent did to me Tifa, and I know I told you about it Andi. I thought the pain would never go away. Maybe Cloud is just scared because of the feelings he's grown for you and he's running away from it? You know, just like Vincent did to me," the mage stated knowingly.

Tifa nodded her dark head in agreement. "I wouldn't put it past Cloud to do something like that," she agreed. "That is actually something that Cloud would do. I think that every since Aerith had been taken away from him, he had let himself go for too long. He allowed himself to become cold and not allotted himself to feel anything except guilt-ridden because of her death. Now that he has met you and he's experiencing all of these new feelings blossoming inside of him, well I think they are just scaring him. I think he's afraid of the same thing happening again. He doesn't want to feel pain like that again. Pain like that is unforgettable, but I imagine he's struggling with the feelings in his heart," the martial artist observed. "What he needs to understand is that this time it's different. The same thing isn't always going to happen."

Andria sat up and looked at both of her friends. A slight relief washed over her, but only a small amount. They were both agreeing to the same thing, so maybe he truly did love her. " think Cloud is running away from his feelings for me because he's not used to them? Maybe he's scared that if he allows himself to go any further with me that, well, something could happen to me and he could lose me like he did Aerith?"

"I think that's exactly why he took off. I don't doubt that Cloud will do anything he possibly can to keep you from harm's way. If Cloud could eliminate what might hurt you, then I think he'd be able to rest peacefully and he would come back to you in the end," Tifa told the Cetra reassuringly. "I have a feeling he'll be back for you. He won't be able to stand it if his feelings are ever growing for you."

Andria didn't know what to say or do. She had never ever excpected Tifa to be so kind and comforting about all of this. She knew that Tifa loved Cloud, but it was like Tifa had given her blessing and acceptance of her being with Cloud. It seemed truly confirmed now. Tifa had also met Aiden and found herself in a whole new world of happiness. Andria would sometimes see that happiness about Tifa and even catch a far away look of euphoria in the young woman's dark eyes. Andria knew that look and she knew Tifa was thinking about Aiden. It was the same look that fell through her emerald eyes when she thought about Cloud, but here recently she knew that her eyes were piceous with suffering since he had left.

Andria looked at her friends and smiled somewhat. The Cetra stood up from the bed and threw her arms around the girls in a group hug. All she could do was just murmur her thanks as she was speechless by it all. Both girls just giggled and hugged her tightly back. With a surge of new hope rising in her chest, Andria was finally beginning to somewhat understand why Cloud left and it wasn't because he didn't love her, it was because he wanted to protect her so he wouldn't lose love again. If that's it Cloud, I'll find you and we can be together. Nothing is going to happen to me. I'm never going anywhere. I'll always be right there with you, by your side.

As Andria hugged the girls, her thoughts were pushed out of her head by another ear-piercing cry from the Planet. This time it was followed by a very hallow-sounding voice screaming the words Northern Crater perpetually in her head. Andria broke the embrace from her friends and grabbed the sides of her throbbing head as the words repeated themselves over and over inside the very depths of her mind.

"Andi what is it!" cried Tifa as she watched the girl fall to her knees, clutching her head. "Mari, what's wrong with her!"

"I don't know! Andi! Can you hear us?" the mage asked anxiously as she grasped the young woman's wrists, doing everything she could to try and get the Cetra's attention. "It's got to be something coming from the Planet, but never this bad...I mean when she first started experiencing it, she was like this, but it's been so long since she's been this way...Andi!" Mari cried out worriedly, trying to pull Andria's hands from her head, but the more she tried the harder the girl clutched.

"NORTHERN CRATER!! GO!! NORTHERN CRATER!! IN THE NORTHERN CRATER!!" the voice wailed inside of the Ancient's head.

The articulation was so loud, it was as though it were right next to her ears with it's invisible hands cupped around them, screaming into mind. It was head-splitting, ear-piercing and causing her pain. She squeezed her eyes shut tight and continued holding her head until the voice began to vanish and the pain subsided somewhat. Soon, all the Cetra heard was silence and then the voices of the two anxious and frightened women who were stooped down in front of her. Andria lifted her head and opened up her emerald orbs. She blinked her eyes a few times as Tifa and Mari's blurred forms were beginning to come into view now.

What on Gaia was happening? Who was that screaming in her head. Andria replayed the words over and over in her mind as intense feelings began to take over her body. She kept trying to search for the will to speak, but found she couldn't. Her head still throbbed painfully. In the Northern Crater...what's in the Northern Crater? Could it be Cloud? Andria thought to herself as she willed herself back into reality now and a new, agonizing feeling was taking over her now. She stared back at the two sets of concerned eyes sitting in front of her and everything settled into place. Cloud was at the Northern Crater and something definantly wasn't right.

"Andi? Are you with us?" the mage asked worriedly as Andria forced herself to her feet, but found herself falling back onto the bed. Her legs felt weak and shaky and her head was pulsating angrily.

"Y-yeah, I think so," the Cetra replied holding her head with one hand, though she was uncertain. "We...we need to go and wake Cid. It's really important that we go and get him up now," Andria stated almost desperately. "We need Cid to take us somewhere. It's really important, please Tifa. Please Mari, please!"

"Are you sure Andi? You know how Cid is when he gets up in the morning. I mean if we go and wake up now, he's going to be really grumpy and worse than how he normally is in the morning," Tifa pointed out.

"Tifa please, listen to me, this is really important," Andria told her, standing up now and placing her hands on the martial artist's shoulders. "Please...I think...I think Cloud's in danger. I think he's in the Northern Crater. I think that's what the Planet was trying to tell me."

"Okay okay, we'll go wake up Cid. Let's all three go. Maybe if he sees all three of us, then he won't get so pissed off," Mari said hopefully.

Andria led the way down to the pilot's room as Mari and Tifa stood apprehensively behind her. Tifa kept whispering over and over "I really don't think this is a good idea...we really shouldn't wake him. Ooooh he's gonna be so mad!" but the Cetra just ignored her and continued on. She stopped in front of the door and looked at the girls with a smirk.

"Let me guess, you want me to wake him right?" Andria asked knowingly.

The mage and the martial artist both nodded their heads vigorously. They figured with the delicate state the Ancient was in, Cid wouldn't come down so hard on her as he would on them if they, Mari and Tifa, were to awaken him. Neither Andria, Mari nor Tifa would admit it, but they were silently grateful Yuffie wasn't with them at this point in time. Cid would really fly off the handle if it were the little ninja girl waking him up. Knowing Yuffie, she would have been loud and obnoxious if she were getting Cid up and that would anger the already cranky pilot even more. Andria took a deep breath as she advanced to his door, raised her fist and knocked three times. It was silent for a moment before they heard a rustling around and then Cid's sleep induced voice.

"Mmmmmmmmm, no Shera! Dammit, not right now!" the pilot mumbled incoherently. "I'm too tired and I've been workin' mah ass off all damn day! Maybe in the morning...go back..sleeeeeep," Cid slurred and then snoring followed his jumbled up words.

Andria, Tifa and Mari had supress their laughter after hearing Cid broadcast of what he assumed was going on. The girls were doubled over, leaning into one another, trying to contain their obvious amusement before they stood up, straightened themselves up and got serious again. The Cetra knocked yet again and this time she spoke after she knocked, hoping that it would awaken Cid and catch his attention.

"Cid, are you awake? Ummm, it's Andi," Andria spoke somewhat nervously through the door.

"Hmmm what? Who? What the...," came the pilot's grumbling tone from the other side of the door. Andria heard more rustling around and then his feet hit the floor. "What in the damn...holy friggin shit! It's 2 in the damn mornin' and I'm being woke up? This better be fuckin' important!"

Andria heard his footsteps make their way across the floor and she stepped backward towards Tifa and Mari, placing her hands innocently behind her back. The martial artist and the mage scooted closer together, crouching slightly behind the Cetra and peeked over both of Andria's shoulders. Andria scowled lightly at the two girls, craning her neck to look at each one of them and then facing the front defiantly. She knew Cid wouldn't chew her out too bad for waking him up, or atleast she hoped he wouldn't.

"You guys are whimps!" Andria whispered playfully to the girls hiding behind her.

"We just don't wanna get yelled at!" Tifa whispered back.

"Yeah, Cid can be pretty harsh with his words sometimes," Mari added worriedly.

Andria just sighed and watched the handle turn on the door as a disgruntled and sleepy pilot appeared on the other side. His normally slick, blonde hair was touseled from sleep and he wore a pair of blue, pinstriped pajamas. In the front pocket of his pajama shirt, Andria could see the outlining of Cid's pack of cigarettes, and the Ancient couldn't help but vaguely wonder if Cid slept with his cigarettes. Cid wasn't wearing his goggles around his forehead either which was something Andria had never seen him go without. The grouchy pilot was rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, and he blinked them twice as he took in the view before him.

"Andi? Tifa? Mari? What in the blue hell are you three doing out here waking me up at 2 o'clock in the fuckin' morning?" Cid asked incredulously.

Andria could feel Tifa and Mari both cringing behind her and so she took it upon herself to speak up for them. "Well Cid, I...ummmm, well I just, y-you see...," the young woman stammered. She did feel slightly stupid now for getting Cid up. It was discernible that Cid was not pleased in the least at being woken up by the girls, especially at 2:00 o'clock in the morning.

"Out with it girl!" Cid demanded. "I ain't got all damn night ya know."

Jeeze, what a sore spot...he really must not be a morning person.
Andria thought to herself, still keeping her jade green eyes fixed on Cid's and looking brave. "Well, Cid, I had one of my feelings or something, and there's somewhere I need you to take me...I'm sorry...," Andria began nervously.

Cid studied the girl for a moment and then noticed her apprehensiveness. His hardened face relaxed and his deep blue orbs softened at the young woman. Cid let a smile upturn one corner of his mouth. "It's alright, no need to be sorry. I'm sorry if I came across so harsh. Just not used t' wakin' up at 2 in the mornin'," the pilot explained. "Now, let me go get dressed and you can tell ole' Cid where ya need me to take ya. alright?"

"Thank you Cid. I really appreciate it," Andria breathed a sigh of relief as she spoke. The pilot cracked a bigger grin as he turned and headed back into his room. Andria turned around towards Tifa and Mari who were now standing up and not cringing or attempting to hide behind the Cetra's petite body. She placed her hands on her hips and raised an eyebrow at the two. "Now, see? That wasn't so bad was it?"

" I guess not, but still, he might have totally flown off the handle or something!" Tifa exclaimed, trying to find a point to prove, but Andria just giggled.

"Yeah, but he didn't," she replied cheekily. "I'm going to go get dressed. I'm pretty sure Cloud is out in the Northern Crater and I know there's going to be fighting. I certainly can't fight in my pj's," Andria continued with a spark of new enthusiam in her voice. "I'll be on the deck if you guys plan on staying up with me. There's no way in hell I'll be able to sleep tonight."

"We'll be right there with you Andi," the mage told her. She rested a hand on her friend's shoulder. "As much as we all care about Cloud, we know how important he is to you. We know how important you are to each other and we'll do everything we can to help you get him back," she told Andria seriously.

"Mari's right. Besides, we still have to tie him up and make him talk anyway," Tifa added with a wink. "We're going to go get dressed too. We'll meet you on the deck here shortly."

"Thanks you guys," Andria told the girls. "You both have no idea how much this all means to me," she told them smiling.

Andria watched the girls depart to their rooms and then turned on her heel, heading back to hers. Upon her arrival, she shut the door quietly and sat down on her bed for a moment to gather her thoughts. She had heard the voice that cried out Northern Crater. It sounded somewhat familiar, almost like a male's voice. Was it Zack or maybe it was Cloud's? But how could it have been Cloud's? So, if it were Zack, was he trying to warn her, or was this some random Cetra trying to tell her where she needed to be?

The Ancient wasn't sure as she slipped out of her pajamas and pulled on her skirt. She tied the belt firmly around her hips and pulled her tank top back on. Andria didn't figure she needed to be equipped with her weapons or materia at this point, so she just left the katanas and her materia-equipped bangles to lay on her bed. She'd come back for them when they arrived. The Cetra walked over to the tall mirror that hung on the wall in her room and stared back at her reflection. Andria couldn't help but feel a slight sensation of sadness and despair cascade over her heart. It almost felt as though she wanted to give up. Maybe the girl just had it in her mind that Cloud had all these feelings for her that Tifa and Mari had stated so. Could they possibly be wrong? She brushed her long, honey-brown locks and pulled them back into a ponytail, leaving her curly tendrils to hang at her sides and she ran the brush through her bangs. She sighed and laid the brush back on the bed and continued to look at herself in the mirror.

"You've come this far Andi, now's not the time to give up," the Cetra tried to assure herself. "You love Cloud. You can't just let him die in that place...even if he doesn't love you back.."

The words were almost too painful to speak, but if Cloud were in any danger, Andria wasn't going to just let him suffer, despite what his feelings for her may be. Shrugging off the bad feelings the best that she could, Andria held her head up high and departed from her room. She walked down the long hallway and soon found herself back on the deck of the airship. Cid was standing near the massive steering wheel and switching the ship's controls from Auto-Pilot to Pilot. As she approached him, Cid had removed a cigarette from his goggles that were now sitting perched on his head, stuck it in his mouth, pulled out a Zippo and lit the end of it. He took in a deep drag of the cigarette and exhaled loudly.

"Mmmm I just died 'n gone ta Heaven," the pilot moaned as exhaled the smoke and Andria tried hard to supress another giggle. She couldn't help but notice that Cid could just be flat out humorous sometimes.

"Ah there's mah sweetheart! Well Andi darlin', are we ready to head on out?" the pilot questioned her as he took his place at the wheel and sat comfortably in the pilot's seat.

"I'm ready when you are, Cid. Tifa and Mari are awake too, so they're going to be meeting us up here soon," Andria told Cid.

"Alright then, atleast you'll have some compny asides from ole' Cid," guaffawed the pilot. "You might get bored listenin' to an old man carry on."

Andria just laughed and waved her hand at him. "It's okay," she replied as she looked out of the window at the starry night sky. "How long do you think it'll take us to get to the Northern Crater, Cid?" the Cetra asked curiously, turning back towards him and placing her hands behind her back. "I mean, I don't want to rush or anything...but what if...I mean what if Cloud is hurt or in danger or...,"she couldn't bring herself to say the word. But, wouldn't she know if he were? I mean the Ancient blood that flowed through her viens gave her the power to hear the dead. If Cloud were dead, then she'd know it, right?

"I'd know, right?" she asked herself softly continuing to stare out of the window.

Of course you'd know...
came a soft, feminine voice in her mind. It wasn't Aerith's, no, it was her mother's. It was Ifalna reassuring her daughter that Cloud was alive. Andria smiled lightly as she looked up into the celestial sphere and fixed her eyes on the twinkling stars above. I'm coming for you, Cloud. I'll be there soon...


His azure eyes slowly fluttered opened and instantly began to burn. He squeezed them shut tightly and then blinked a few times to try and get used to the stinging liquid that surrounded his body. He took deep, gasping breaths, struggling to wake up and figure out what was happening to him. All the man could see was blurred green shapes around him. Cloud felt the horrible sensation that he had been like this before, but something was different. He then had came to realize he was submerged in a tank of Mako, but there were sharp pains shooting through both of his pecs and his arms. Cloud looked down to see the needles in his body and the tubes leading from them, forcefully and unwillingly sending Mako into his insides.

Cloud hadn't been in the tank of Mako for long, so there wasn't that completely sick, confined feeling like he had before. No, instead he felt furious for allowing this to happen to himself. The swordsman felt an overwhleming surge of strength taking over his body. Cloud reached his hands up to the mask that was over his mouth, finding that he was breathing normal air. He had to admit to himself he was grateful he wasn't inhaling Mako. It would only poison him faster and kill him, but why? Why on earth would they put him in here? Then he remembered...Hojo was still connected to the World Wide Network, or atleast a piece of it that had been salvaged by Azoth. Hojo was most likely conducting experiements on him yet again, being aided by Azoth.

Cloud brought his hands to the needles in his chest, wrapped his fingers around each needle and pulled them out furiously. He did the same with the needles in his arms. The blonde shoved them aside to leave them floating in the tank, growing ever more turbulent. Cloud looked around the tank to see if there was some way out. The blonde looked above him and saw the lid, but he wasn't sure if he could move it or not. How had this happened? Why did he black out the way he did? Was it because of the strong will of the Jenova cells in his and Azoth's body? Was his mind being controlled yet again? Cloud began to grow infuriated as he swam around the Mako tank, trying to figure a way out of it, but the more he looked, the more hopeless it seemed.

The blonde felt another surge of the massive strength and violence. Without a second thought, the swordsman began slamming his hands and legs mercilessly into the glass. He let out a raging scream inside of his mask, unleashing all of his strength against the thick glass. Cloud kept pounding and kicking until finally he heard a crack! He stopped for a moment to run his hand down the glass, staring at where he had been attacking. It had begun to crack, and now was his chance to break loose. Using the Mako to his advantage, Cloud continued to punch and kick on the glass vehemently until finally it broke, and the green liquid gushed out, splashing onto the floor of the cave.

Cloud fell out of the tank along with the green substance and he ripped the mask off of his face that had allowed him to breathe oxygen. He ran his hands through his sticky hair and stood up angrily, balling his gloved fists at his sides. How dare they try and do this to him. The swordsman gazed around the cave, wondering how far away he was from Azoth. The only thing that was on his mind now was to take his sword straight through that clone's chest. Cloud's heart pounded furiously against his ribcage and his breathing grew heavy. The blonde was becoming dangerously vexed now. If anybody were in the cave, they would have quicky noticed the Mako glow and the slitted pupils that were taking over his eyes. Cloud Strife was pissed and he was going to stop at nothing to get rid of Azoth and Hojo for that matter. As he scanned the cave, his eyes fell onto his sword sheath and the glint of steel underneath.

"That dumbass brought my weapons in here? Did he honestly think that he could get away with this?" Cloud spoke aloud as he advanced towards his weapons.

He zipped his damp shirt back up and strapped his sheath over his back again. Cloud grabbed up his sword and looked ahead. He saw the entrance to the cave and so he walked slowly across, doing his best to keep quiet. The swordsman approached the opening of the aphotic cave and peered around it. He could hear Azoth and Hojo's voices and he could see the back of Azoth's raven, silver-streaked head. The blonde growled furiously under his breath at the mere sight of them. He stepped as silently as possible out of the cave, withdrew his sword and began advancing towards Azoth. If he was lucky, Azoth wouldn't hear him and he could attack with full force, getting rid of the clone for good.

"Hmmmm. Master Hojo, we have a bit of a problem," came Azoth's tantilizing voice, his back still turned towards Cloud.

"What's the problem, Azoth?" questioned Hojo from the computer screen.

"Well you see, I placed your 'failed experiement' in the Mako tank as you suggested, but something just doesn't seem right," the clone sneered. He slowly withdrew his sword and then whirled around, holding it straight out at Cloud. "I KNEW you had escaped, you little worm!" screeched Azoth.

"Of course I did! It was a big mistake trying to keep me subdued," snapped Cloud. "Did you actually think you were going to get away with this, because if so, you thought completely wrong!"

"You're so pathetic! I can see into your pitiful little mind. I can control you, just as Sephiroth controlled you before. You're nothing but a stupid, measley, little puppet, weakened by LOVE!" roared Azoth.

Cloud advanced at the clone in full-blow attack, using brilliantly skilled sword movements, feeling the Mako surging through him and giving him renewed strength. Cloud and Azoth began to sword fight, jumping about around the cave just as they had previously. Their furious battle cries and clanging of swords as they fought, drowned out the screaming, maniacal voice of Hojo's as he tried to shout out orders to the clone, but Azoth had his own plan in mind. Cloud didn't notice that they were fighting so close to the massive crack that was in the ground. The phosphorous, glowing light that emitted from the hole in the ground was extremely near them. Azoth made to pull an attack on the blonde, but Cloud was ready. He held his sword in front of him as Azoth slammed his sword right into the massive blade of Cloud's.

"Give it up, clone!" the swordsman demanded. "It's over. You're done for. Sephiroth is not coming back! You're NOT going to harm Andria!"

"Oh, but is it?" questioned Azoth sinisterly. His voice was so dangerously calm, it did nothing but irritate the swordsman even more.

Azoth glared into Cloud's mako-infused eyes with his glowing green ones and grinned horribly. Gathering up all of his strength, the two blades still clashed together, Azoth took his chance. He gave a massive shove from behind his sword and Cloud went soaring backwards. The blonde was losing his footing and he tumbled backwards, right at the glowing light from the crack. Cloud was helpless. There was nothing to grab onto as he soared through mid-air, hands reaching for something, anything, but to no avail. Cloud saw the glow surrounding him now and he was falling, drifting helplessly into the Lifestream, fully alive, once more.
Terrific read, Lady Aerith! Poor Andria, all those questions flooding her mind. The Cid segment was pretty funny, "Mmmm I just died 'n gone ta Heaven," Good ol' Cid and his cigs, hehe. I must say what went on with Cloud and Azoth was really interesting and you made a heck of a cliffhanger as well. Gotta keep reading to see what happens to Cloud!
LA you are the best goddamned author of all fricken time this is amazing and what a cliffhanger keep up the good work and thank god you're back :D
*jumps with joy and dances with delight*Awesomness!!!!!!!!! OMG yesssssssss! XDXDXDXD
Cloud Strife was pissed
The best line ever. 'Cause you just don't fuck around with him when he's pissed! XDXD Man, at first I thought he was gonna go all "oh no, my mind!!!" when he got stuck in the tank, but nooooo sir! It was like "they didn't....those bastards are gonna DIE!!!" then he's goin' to kick some serious ass and take names!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Can you tell I'm loving this? Can you?! XDXDXD

(sorry if this post is a little odd, but a lot of birthday cake makes me hyper! XD)

I'm going to read the remaining chapters slowly, so I can savor them!!! btw, Lady Aerith, you've gotten me all egar to post my own story, so I am! It should be up by tonight!
I just wanted to say thank you all very much for taking time out of your lives to read my story and for all the feedback I've recieved. I'm leaving FFF as you know, but I will be on my own forum, FFH. I'll also be posting my story updates there as well. For all of my readers if you wish to continue reading the story, feel free to contact me for a link to read it! Take care everyone.
Thanks for the time here at FFF. Since I want to continue read your story I would like to know what the URL for FFF is, thanks.
*has been looking at the top ten threads*

LA, since your back and all, will we ever get to see another story update? :D
Just a well thought-out story. I really enjoyed it so far. I've always had a place in my heart for fanfiction, and this really was a great read. I like how you took the universe and made it your own. Very, very well done.

Unfortunately, I'm colorblind, so the blue, purple, and red texts that some members use here are extremely hard for me to read, but I sucked it up and read your story. I'm actually writing one of my own, and after reading yours, I sure have a lot to live up to!

Nice job, Lady Aerith.
Sush. I'm waiting for an update too you know! Good lord, look at my last post! I've asked dear LA about it, and the poor woman is simply far too busy to write at the moment. Last I asked her, she couldn't even remember where she left off!

So, yeah, that's really busy. So don't pressure her, people, or I'll come after you with a beat stick! *brandishes beat stick of doom*

And just as a curious note, LA you can tell that people love this story and you as well. How? Simple. Compare the views you get to other views. The most views I've ever gotten for my story was 215. You've got over 2,000!!! HOLY SHIT. Not only that, but AG is reading your story too. *Guilt waves to AG*

I warned you AG. :D
Agh, I'm sorry you guys, for taking so long to reply. I'm currently on a hiatus from the story. Too many things are going on right now for me to fully put my head to use on this. DragonMage is right. I am a very busy woman and really only get enough time to draw at night when everybody's in bed, etc...but not much time because I to, like any normal human being, need rest. I am hoping to eventually get back on the ball here with this story as I do have the full thing set in motion. I just need the extra time and motivation to write. Thanks for all the kind comments and support from you all. I just need some time to think things over and settle down to finish it again. Good luck to you JDawg in writing your story :) I can't wait to see what you come up with and keep your chin up, DM ^_^
I just finished the first chapter so far its very good.I liked the character map you made it looked very realistic :D are you gonna make anymore fan fictions?I hope you do,you are creative and its amazing how you thought about all of that stuff I cant even write one story!Well Im gonna read chapter two now and see what happens :D like I said good job and you should publish this or send it to Square Enix ^_^