Games you suck at

Well I can suck on some fighting games depending on what game it is if its not SF,SC,KoF,McV2 then I will most likely get my ass kicked.Other than that I dont suck at any other games.
Any sports game. No matter how hard i try, i cant seem to beat anyone. I can beat the CPU like nothing, but i have problems with actual people.
Mind games. Tetris, maths, that kind of stuff. And the really really time consuming games. I lack patience.
Recently, i found out i'm terrible at Halo3. I don't own a xbox to start with and i've only played it a few times. Anyways, my school hosted a 30 hour famine yesterday and all night i played halo 3 with a few buddies of mine, 4 vs. 4 system link and i think the most i got in one team slayer match was possibly 12. Thats with no vehicles. Best i got was 25 when i was using vehicles. In other matches i could barley pull off one kill. I was by far the worst player there.
I fail at most of shooting games xD and sometimes fighting games if I feel the characters are so heavy, they annoy me and I throw the controller. :gasp: I can't stand the characters to move slowly. <_<
those games that claim to be rpgs but theyre not, like mario and heroes of mana (oh, the ironys on me, i hate that game two hours since i bought that, but mario was ok, but not great). they drive my head in, dont know where and when to proceed until the crucial point like a boss fight.
I hate post SF2 or mortal kombat fighting games especially when you have tons of combinations for one whole move!
I'm terrible at FPS when playing on a console. I just can't do it. Playing a FPS on a console is much easier and better for me. Using a mouse I can get accurate aim.

I suck at platformers. I missed out on all of the great Nintendo/SNES platformers games because my parents thought video games were evil. =/
Hmmm games I suck at? Ummm I guess ill have to say sports games. I suck at these alot especially football related ones. The only sport games Im good at are soccer. But the rest I all suck. Halo can be quite hard sometimes when you reach a high level but I dont suck at it. Im also horrible at some racing games.
Suck at.. truly without practice? I suck at RTS's as a whole until I learn the ever living hell out of them, but even then I don't compare to the top players.. those guys are just nuts!

I know how to Zerg and I know how to Turtle, but I always have to rebuild vs good players if they detect zergs. I am not an endurance player when it comes to RTS's, my brain goes numb after the 30 minute mark.


Well I'm a big FPSer, but when the involve different speeds such as Halo vs Left 4 Dead I get tripped up switching back and forth between the two.

Why? My sensitivity is different for both games, here's how I'll relay it to you. Halo I need a lower sensitivity because the Horizontal/Vertical shots I pull off with the Snipe and/or battle Rifle. I have to move slower with the cross hairs in order to nail more concise shots.

Whereas when you play Left 4 dead it's all or nothing - you fire as you go or you die standing there. You have no moment to relax, well maybe on rare occasions but mostly you are running and gunning. So you need pretty high sensitivity to spin around and kill stuff behind you.


If you played quake 3 + TFC + Unreal Tourny on the PC back in the day and tried to switch to Counter Strike Beta, you were terrible at it. Why? Because the gaming mechanics are different. In quake 3 and TFC you never have recoil in guns and you never stop when you are shot. You also have to be more strategic with your rpg placements and such. It's very hard to explain. Otherwise when you play CS (counter-strike) you have to walk almost all the time and set your sensitivity a good bit lower in order to nail headshots all the damn time. I haven't played in a good 4 years.. but I used to be down right mean at all of those games. So I sucked at one game if I switched from one game with fast game mechanics to a game with slower game mechanics.
I can't really think of any inparticular that I really suck ass at but I'm bad at pretty much every FPS and driving game that has ever been made. They've never really been my favourite genres and so I suppose it's down to the fact that I very rarely play these kind of games.
I am absolutely horrible at stealth games like Splinter Cell and MGS. I start off well but then I get bored of sneaking around so I just run out and shoot like crazy!
games that i suck at all anytype of first person shooting game. i suck at those bad, but what worst is that not only do i suck at those games, but when im done playing it, i have a headache. i just can't handle the camara angle, constant moving of it. so i just stay away from those game since i suck and it makes me sick
I suck at any type of first person shooter with the exception of some certain ones like Half Life 2. I actually think I suck on visual novel games like Phoenix Wright since I always use walkthroughs for about almost every single aspect of the game.
To be truthful, this question is tough. I don't really suck at most games i play, it's always lack of practice as the main reason.

But because of that, I totally suck at any single one of those Soccer games. All i know is to happily go nuts on the Tackle button to steal the ball away from an opponent player, and that often earns me the often-seen Yellow card, and sometimes, the Red card.
the game i fail at is

well the game that i fail at the most has to be tom clancys end war i suck at it and i hate it now and its gathering dust at the bottom of my games rack
I suck at Guitar Hero and similar games.
They are the only games that can make me dizzy.
Not sure why, but I can't play them or I get a headache,
or feel like I'm gonna puke.
^ I can't play those games either, my fingers don't do as they are told, least of all at the speed they are required to move, by the time my brain has sent the signals to my fi ngers, the button thingies have already dissapeared

And I cant play these newfangled realistic games either, I sucked at SOCOM, it didnt understand my accent, and I cant do stealth to save my life anyway. These STUPID racing games get my goat aswel, I only so much as have to BREATHE on the controls and Im hurtling face first into a wall -__-

Whatever happened to good old micro machines, I ROCKED at that -__-