Crisis Core Genesis Or Sephiroth?

i absolutely loved genesis! but sephy has been around longer....its really a hard question but everytime i saw genesis i was so happy! (even though he was a villain) and when he would read from loveless (? I forgot the name) THAT was my absolute favorite thing he did.

*fan girl squeel*

*regains calmness* lol
Genesis has no character. He keeps reading from a play. :/

Of course I'm exaggerating, but it really got irritating.

I prefer sane Sephy, with spunk. ;))
yeah sephy was (and always will be) badass in ff7 and ac, but genesis has a more believable storyline and imo is the better villain.
They are both great but Genesis is a little bit better from Sephiroth beacause he can fly,he has a better sword and in the end he became a good guy.
Sephiroth, five words - Genisis Is a Rip Off - That Character just irked me, from his hair, down to his stupid Clothes, they made them look like Sephy's too much:dry: Well Sephy's the original and Original is best:) 'Nuff said
i prefer Sephiroth just because of his nature and entire back stroy...
Genesis annoyed me to the point of whenever there was a cutscene with him in it i would walk away from my PSP
It will always be sephiroth i know i am biased but he is the ultimate bad guy.
I do think that Sephiroth and Genesis have 2 very cool swords like sephiroth's is so long and Genesis's is just badass. I Like sephiroth alot better though and he has always been one of my favorite ff villians.
I like Genesis better. It's cool the way he quotes LOVELESS and I love his powers and, don't shoot me, but I like his sword even better than Sephiroth's. (I didn't say it was stronger, just that I liked it better.)

Based on looks, strength, Sephiroth wins. Genesis kind of irritated me with his constant quoting from Loveless. (No doubt, Genesis' sword was nicer than Sephiroth's though)
I say both is good:

1. Battle wise- Sephiroth is possibly the hardest most challenging boss in history, and that's one of the reasons why people like him, but Genesis, on the other hand, is too weak. Sure he can curse you, but what eles? The toughest challenge he's ever been was his monster form, and even that wasn't challenging.

So battle wise, Seph wins one point.

2. Quirkiness- Seph is pretty much a cliche', a crazy man turned completely psychotic, but Genesis is just a plain bibliophile, who qoutes word from word from a book.

So Genesis wins that point

3. Villainy- Okay let's just face it, Seph is a cliche' and Genesis isn't really all that evil, just wants to answer the questions of life.

So no one won that point

4. Sympathy- What I mean by this is how sorry people feel for these two, Seph was a parentless child, who was always wondering,"Who is my mother, Jenova?" Then, all of a sudden, his two best friends start growing wings, he figures out the source, then finds out that he is a some freak who's mother isn't even human! Genesis is just some spoiled rich kid who wants to be better than Sephiroth.

So Sephirith- 2 points

5.Plans- What are their plans? Seph's plan is to destroy the world, how rare. Gen's plans are...still unclear.

So, Seph one that point.

6. Audience conection- Do they connect with the audience? Seph definitely does not, but Gen does.

So Gen won that one.

The score was: 3 for Seph and 2 for Gen.

So Seph is the better villain
Lets see. The original villain of FFVII who's power is apparently unmatched, who manipulated the events of the game with the strength of his mind and will, who had a connection to the protagonists, who committed acts which drove you to seek vengeance, and who's plans were insanely epic... Or the bland knock off of said villain who was so unoriginal his design was based on an actual person (and a wing, wow, never seen that before) and who quoted from something else whenever he spoke. Not to mention he had to be retconned into significance! Tough choice lol! Seriously....did Genesis even have any motivation? I know Sephiroth's was incoherent, but that guy didn't even seem to know what the hell he was doing. And he is not hot. Ugh, I have a bad feeling he is going to appear in spin off games. I hate it when the good characters are whored out, never mind the terrible ones.
Blizzy said:
true about the quotes, but it has to be seph, you see him drop down take out that sword and then the song(i forgot the name but its his theme) plays, total badass

You're probably referring to his theme,'One Winged Angel'. When i first heard it, i couldn't help thinking it was phenomenal. Also one of my reasons for choosing Sephiroth. I didn't really think much of Genesis' theme.
Sephiroth, because he looked stronger and faster and like someone else said the quote's from his book LOVELESS was pretty annoying. Sephiroht's speed is incredible with the octaslash move.
Ah, Iky Nikky you never change, back to your own Sephiroth Vs. Random Character who wins because I hate Sephiroth. LOL

Anyways, Sephiroth and Genesis are both exceptionally great characters. Sephiroth did *not* randomly decide to become "evil"; if anyone's actually played FF7 and Crisis Core you'll see that Sephiroth is confronted with a number of questions throughout both games, such that I actually wondered why he didn't figure out it already (of course that would kill the story, so you know...). Genesis has a very legit reason for his madness--he is suffering, and he sees others around him able to survive, so he has to fight to exist. I found his constant quoting of Loveless annoying after a while, though his general interest in it I found developed his character. It's just that how many times have I seen a character quote poetry, particularly a villian? :s

In the end, it comes down to personal taste and to me, Genesis doesn't have that wow factor that Sephiroth does. While Genesis will be a good villian that is remembered by some fans, Sephiroth will be remembered as appearing in dozens of games, lots of merchandise and have a much larger presence.

That and I like his sword better, so there. :P
i honestly dont know i just discovered final fantasy 7, dierge of cerberus, and crisis core but i like sephiroth he just is confused if he had someone to get him through that i think he would make a great guy. :)
When Genesis and Sephiroth fought from what I've seen Sephiroth barely used his full powers, and I don't believe Genesis has a reason to do it, although yes he is an experiment others were too, but they didn't go like him well except Sephiroth who wanted to destroy the planet. XD and Genesis had nothing to do with Sephiroth going mad, this is something that SE recently added. (Bastards :stare:)

My point is that Sephiroth rules all he needs no reason. -__-