Girls on the forum.


Terra's Boyfriend
Nov 7, 2009
New York City
Pretty random i know. I'm new so i dont know my way around here but something that really caught my eye is how many females there are here. Not trying to say that girls dont exist on the interwebz but it just suprised me o_O

Or maybe their guys who pretend to be girls ????
Some may pretend to be girls, but bring on some girl topics and see how they react. :grin:

And yes, I'm one of the girls. Here come the girrrrrrrrrrrrls, girls, girls, girrrrrrrrrls.
I'm very much female, thank you. And actually, on the last forum I was on, it was nearly all females. Five males or something. And it wasn't a girly subject really.. or at least I don't think Harry Potter is a girly subject :hmmm:

So, actually, the amount of GUYS on FFF surprises me :wacky:
I'm totally pretending to be a girl. :mokken:

There are a lot of girlies here. It's nice. It levels off the extreme testosterone quite nicely imo. XD
Or maybe their guys who pretend to be girls ????

Pretty much the case 90% of the time.

But seriously though, at least humor these people and pretend they're girls, your ride will be much smoother here if you do so.
I'm female though a good number of my username changes have been male characters. XD
I'd even argue that there are more girls here than males... At least in higher places and in terms of popularity and general activity.

It's probably quite balanced on the whole though.

Yeah there are a lot of females, and I think most of them are genuine... Most of the active female members that post pictures / post in general do appear to be female.

There's no reward for pretending to be female here (this isn't an MMORPG where you might get free stuff for pretending to be a girl), so there is no need to pretend.
I'm a guy pretending to be a girl pretending to be a guy.
Well atleast it wont be a sausage fest =p

Most of the forums iv'e been to are 99.9% male, so i guess thats why it suprised me so much.

I know most of you aren't pretending.....or atleast i hope not....
Pleased to meet you im a gal >_>
Oh right, Adrosaur reminds me that you are right with some members... But that is only the gender icon /status of the person, and they never pretend to be female in their posts or in the SB.
Oh right, Adrosaur reminds me that you are right with some members... But that is only the gender icon /status of the person, and they never pretend to be female in their posts or in the SB.
Actually, I changed my username to AddleGirl before adn changed my gender icon, just to see how many of the new members would thing I was a girl. :hmmm:
I think people like to mess with each other's heads, but that's just the way it is. There are quite a lot of female members here. You can normally tell by the way a person types if they're male or female, but there are also some who can fool you really well and make you think they're a female when they're not. Also seeing enough pictures of said female pretty much confirms it. I'm one of these alleged females. In fact, half of our staff members are all female. So yes, there are quite a bit of female Final Fantasy fans.
I'm a gal. Oh gosh I sound old for using that word gal :gonk:

Though my parents don't actually agree with me being on the interwebz, hopefully that will change >.<

But I can't really blame them, I guess.
WoW is also a great place to find girls pretending to be guys. Turns out a lot of them just don't want sexualized attention.

I figure that's the case on a whole lot of forums as well...
Oh thats it. I'm going to change my gender to male.. give myself a guy name and post a real ugly looking guy in my profile pic xD