Girls on the forum.

I'll start the harrassment charges if you're not careful :rage:
That's just the way the ball bounces. I've had a lot of girls in my Quake clan. and yes some of them were pretending to be guys till I figured em out, or they figured they can trust me and everyone in the clan. After it was revealed though, a lot of guys all of the sudden wanted to talk to this player(s) who had not been so popular. I've only had one "fake" girl so far lol. It was kind of obvious from the 2nd meeting though. I think he just wanted the atention that came w/ being in my clan lol. He would make it her (his) business to let EVVVVVVERY player that they had been fragged by a girl (really a guy) then send out fake half naked pics to anyone who didn't like her (him) trying to win over some attention. What's even MORE amazing to me is. that 4 of the 20 or so girls we've had in my clan, is that they were over 30 (1 of them was smoking hot, looked like a former model). I always prefered to play w/ girls who didn't make it their M.O. to state to EVERYONE th at they were a girl who like games. I liked the silent killers who would rather kick ass in game, and then chat on xfire instead or msn. I've met a lot though who would say that they LOOOOOOOOVE games only to quit months later and completely turn their back on their online friends.

I even met a MILF in Quake haha. she was bored at 3 am during the summer and gave me her yahoo ....... only to see her instantly half naked in her bra and panties on webcam haha. that was a 1st for me. She said she liked to play her daughters games now and then :P she was 40 something I think, but she looked like she was in her early thirties, very, VERY fit.