Girls on the forum.

My mate is one of them guys pretending to be a girl on WoW. Apparently loads of guys keep coming on to him and offering him loads of gold too.


/shoots self with a Bazooka.

Yes. No, in fact, no idea how I would pull that off. :hmmm:

Welcome to the forum. I'm also a uhm... whatcha call it... Girl.

/me sprints off to try out the Bazooka aiming at self.
I'm female, and I have the pic on my page to prove it :P

The increase in girl gamers and what not is bound to increase, it's really not just a man's world anymore.

I remember when I did a gaming course a year ago and all the guys made a big deal out of me being female, tbh I don't see the big deal =/
I don't needa prove anything to anyone. I'm female. Believe or believe me not it doesn't matter you can suck my right nut for all I care :mokken:
There is alota girls here and I say that's good. We keep the guys in line :mokken: Without us females you guys wouldn't be nothing. Face it you can't live without us girls xD
There is sicko's out there that "pretend" to be a girl when they aren't but, that's their issue not mine :griin: Guys only pretend because they know we're better and therefore, they want to 'become' one of us.
Guys only pretend because they know we're better and therefore, they want to 'become' one of us.
I've heard similar sentiments echoed by fairly extreme feminists. The same feminists who think all sex is rape and that women are far far better than men at all things.
I've heard similar sentiments echoed by fairly extreme feminists. The same feminists who think all sex is rape and that women are far far better than men at all things.
Well I hope your not taking that literally (what I said) because I meant to say it jokingly. And that is probably true (about the feminists thing and how they think) however, that's not the way I think of it because,1.(rape) that's not always true, and 2. that's not true in my eyes either women may be better at some things that men aren't as good and vice versa but doesn't make them any better. Your weakness may be my strength and my weakness may be your strength which in this case makes us even in both strength and weakness.
The other forum I'm a part of has probably 98% men. So being here, I see a lot more female members than that forum, and that forum has over 400,000 members and is based on Guitar Hero. Seeing the great female players roll through there was always a breath of fresh air from the typical sausage-fest that was the norm. :mokken:

Just came in to post this picture.

Carry on.