Girls on the forum.

I find it irritating how most guys in online games feel so compelled to add anyone who has either the words "Lady", "Girl", "Chick", or "Babe" in their name. They just are like on "stalking/flirting mode" and think that every girl that plays online also wants to flirt with guys whose vocabulary can be summed up with only foul language.

It is sick, it is irritating, and definitely speaks a lot for most gamers IQ. I only add women I know, and who send me an invite.

Oh and guys who just add girls and start sending them messages like "babe this" and "babe that" or "nice move, nice this, nice that" like pretending to be their online weapon tutor or something. GUYS! Stop pretending to be online smartasses! You are seriously giving a bad impression of masculine players.

Guys, we must understand that girls can play video game as good and even better than us. I once faced a "Lady****something" who handed most of our asses down...

They are there to PLAY, not to suffer from flirts from some random stalker.

This is actually really funny and has happened to me before. I remember playing RDR with my bf online, I leaned over onto the mic and commented on something and the whole room just burst out "OMFG A GIRL! A GIRL, WHO IS THAT?!"

..they didn't figure it out :monster:
I'm a dude playing a dude who's stuck playing another dude. Saavy? :wacky:

But in all seriousness . . . I've encountered guys like that on plenty of MMOs and even on the last forum I frequented pretty darn often. Throw in the fact that you're a girl and that you like to "casually game" and suddenly you become the target of every man, boy, and little nerd stuck in their parents' bedroom. Then again, some of them have their own place . . . but still I digress, they would stalk my poor little avatar on the likes of World of Warcraft, Dream of Mirror Online, and whatnot. They would try to bribe me with high-leveled weaponry, equipment, etc.

It was cute for the first few weeks but after month it gets downright annoying to me. Honestly they lose their integrity and stuff when all they can type is, "ololz ur a girl so liek a/s/l plz? lolzomgwtfbbq!1111" or something to that effect. At least, try to get out of your 'chatspeak' mode when communicating with me, because honestly typing like that makes you sound like a dunce, and it doesn't help that they would act like girls were a foreign species to them either. Olawd.
Girls playing games? I wish we had that here :( I can't find any that do :sad3:

I know they do, and I think that's very attractive. just show yourselves in my area!!! :rage:
First Person Shooters: Best Method to Redirect Anger

So guys, if I wish you the most gruesome and cruelest kind of death because you made a OGKH Kill (Only God Knows How) with a Throwing Knife in MW2...

Don't take it to heart, unless I appear in front of your house....

With a chainsaw...:ahmed:

If that happens.... RUUUUN!!! :rage:
I was playing a girl in Team Deathmatch on CoD WAW. She cursed like nothing I'd heard before when she was killed, and people cursed at her just the same when she killed them (bitch took the high ground with a sniper rifle :hmph:) It's not that weird for me.
Now that I think of it more and more girls are on online gaming. Gaming has really opened up to alot of people and has actually become a everyday activity. Back then gamming was considered for ppl like this hope this doesn't take offense to anyone.
Back to the i'm kinda glad that more girls are playing online gaming...........
I was playing a girl in Team Deathmatch on CoD WAW. She cursed like nothing I'd heard before when she was killed, and people cursed at her just the same when she killed them (bitch took the high ground with a sniper rifle :hmph:) It's not that weird for me.

Ari has WAW? :O
I was surprised by the amount of girls here as well. The last forum I was on there was only 1 girl and every post she makes was praised and honored as if she was a god. That's why I like this forum it's pretty balanced and not a sausage fest or a tampon tea party.
I've never really experienced this :dave: but I've never really played anything online before. I guess I'll see when I get my PS3.

I don't even get it from newbies on here because they usually think I'm a guy :dave: Serves me right for naming myself after a male musician, I suppose.
There are no girls on the forum because there are no girls on the internet.