XBox Halo 3

I do not own a 360 and I am still getting the Legendary Edition. Haha... yeah, I'm a collector.

I heard about the Legendary Edition. You get Master Chief's helmet. There are two collectors editions. Halo has opened reserves since last year. x_x

Honestly I'm not buying this game but I might play it anyways since I know someone who holds halo tournaments. It's so much fun to play with a group of friends.

Meh, I might get it someday when I get a 360.
I'll probably go buy the game some time after the hype dies down and some kid realizes that it's not as cool as the Tony Hawk game he bought along with it. I'll grab it then....
I cant wait, Tuesday is right around the corner ^_^

I'm not getting the legendary edition but I do get a 4 ft. tall Master Chief pin up with the game if that counts for anything?
Sweet. I'll probably stop by Gamestop at midnight on Tuesday to grab my reserved copy. I didn't get the legendary edition, since the extras are lame Halo trinkets that merely jack up the price. I care about the game only.

I'm ready to play a game other than Gears of War on Xbox Live...
Well, two friends of mine have the game and I must say that I will probably be getting it sometime soon as they are giving it high recommendations. So much for waiting!
My girlfriend got me the collector's edition steel case for my early birthday present and it's a pretty good game so far from what I saw. Sure the graphics aren't up to Bioshock's standards but it doesn't need to be....just as long as it plays good.....which it does. Very enjoyable so far. Looking forward to finishing it soon.

I did want to get the legendary set but can't seem to find it anywhere so I'm happy with the steel case one as it looks pretty damn good (very similar in style to that of Neon Genesis Evangeleon platinum steel box).
Yeah, finished Halo 3 already in 3 days. Sure it's short but it's a great game. If I ever get Live, I'm sure I'll be playing it more but as it stands, I could always come back and try completing it on harder difficulties.
Heh, Famitsu gave Halo 3 a 37 out of 40. That's rather impressive considering that Famitsu is the most respected Video game magazine in Japan.
Yeah, I mean playing on Live against other people rather than against the computer. Mind you, I actually like singleplayer games so it's not that bad.

Really? That's a pretty good score from them as they are pretty hard to please from what I've seen/heard of their other game reviews.
Yeah this game is definitely a must have. I've been way too addicted to multiplayer ever since it came out XD. I'm *just* getting around to campaign mode and have been collecting all the skulls...I'm missing one gold and one silver one, and I believe I'm two missions away from completion ^^;.

Meh... Halo as a whole is pretty overrated to me... I've played all of the Halo games and they all disappoint me in one way or another.

Halo: Gameplay wasn't really unique for a FPS, and for having vehicles, the maps were pretty small to use them to full effectiveness. Also, storyline wasn't impressive to me at all in the Singleplayer Campaign and Multiplayer was just Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, and Capture the Flag with new titles.

Halo 2: Loved the Dual-Wielding, btw, though it had been done before. And the maps were larger than those in Halo 1, making Vehicles more playable. Jacking vehicles, though... It just didn't seem right in a game that's not a freeroam city romp like GTA or Crackdown. Also, storyline still didn't impress me, neither did multiplayer. And the game was unfinished, which is the main Killing Point for me, as the textures would pop in and out randomly. I liked Halo 1 better than Halo 2, mostly because it looked like a completed game.

Halo 3: I confess I have not played the full version of this. Instead, I have played the Beta. Halo 3 is, honestly, a real disappointment to me, nonetheless. They promised a new graphics engine, and all they did was tweak Halo 2's so that it has more reflections and shaders, which is total crap, given they had, what, 3 years to make it? Also, all the other 'additions' besides the removable turret guns I had seen before. Better Water = FarCry. Tree and Shrub Physics = TESIV: Oblivion. As for Co-op, if you have Half-life, you can download Sven's Co-op mod for HL and play HL with more than 4 players.

Overall, yes, Halo is a good series, but it's not worth buying a console to me... I'll leave that to Blue Dragon, Fable 2, and Gears of War. ^^
I played Halo 3 alot whenever my friends had it over or whenever I was at their house. I beat campaign on legendary and played it on live several times. One of my friends in fact sucked so much at it that on basic training he got last on every match, so I had to get him off it.
i would have to agree with lupid halo 3 really is overated mainly because it is twinkish you get a hammer and you are invincible, a hammer for crying out loud
You aren't invincible with the hammer, you just have to know how to work around it. Even with the sword, I could melee people who had the sword and kill them, same with the hammer.
Yeah, the hammer may be all powerful, but if you're hammer 'tarded (like me XD) it's still quite possible to get your butt kicked.
It was by no means the best FPS I've ever played, but the multiplayer was fun.
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Now that I've played an adequate amount of Halo 3, I can safely say that it's merely a decent game. Perhaps bordering on mediocrity considering the quality of other games that are being released around it.

Halo 3 is essentially Halo 2 with a fresh coat of paint. Improved visuals, a few VERY minor tweeks to gameplay, and a few new weapons/vehicles. That's about it. Bungie was either too afraid to mess with a formula that has given them so much success in the past, or they were too lazy or lacking in creativity to give us something different.

The multiplayer is fun, but the maps are disappointing. I'd be happier if Bungie ditched EVERY map on Halo 3 for a handful of the maps on Halo 2.

The campaign is sub-par. Period. There was simply not enough defining moments in the game. It felt like we were being set up for this epic battle the entire time, but it never came. The campaign basically consisted of blasting through the same enemies time after time.

A good game that's undeserving of all the hype it got.
You've basically described what Halo 2 reviews consisted of, Halo 3 in many ways is just Halo 2 with more spit and polish

The mulitplayer aspect of Halo is still it's strongest point although for me not as fun as TF2 or the Timesplitter titles, that and the amount of assholes I meet on the matchmaking system (which last time I played is pretty fucked up) sorta tainted my experience of it. Not played much of the campaign but I'd imagine it's still as average as its predecessors.