
YA know what? he has a good point for all you know your best friend is gay and wants you in the worst way " standing in a hamock"
I must have misread one of the rules. I was sure that discrimination wasn't allowed, yet this thread seems to be half full of it.
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Me? Personally, I think gays are okay. I've personally never met one. It's the yaoi fan art I can't stand! I hate it when someone draws or writes my favorite characters as a gay couple! I find yaoi disgusting, but gays are okay in real life.
I'm not a lesbian but I am for gay rights. What I don't like it when gay men is when they announce that they're gay, and run around bragging about it.
I'm not really generalizing. I mean, I know a lot of gay/bi people from college. Some of them can be catty/annoying and some of them are really nice. Gay people aren't a mystical different group of people or anything...they're just normal people. They aren't one way or another. I'm not saying ALL gay people do this, but was just saying that I don't like when there is a person who is gay and rubs it in your face looking for attention. I've met people like that. I once knew a guy who discovered he was gay (he went from bi-curious and then to gay) and suddenly changed into this crazy drama queen who made "being gay" his entire personality. It was kind of upsetting because he totally changed and I liked him before :/ In fact, I once confronted him about why he would never hang out with me anymore and he told me that he felt "more comfortable" being around people like him (gays/bis). I don't know...it was very upsetting, I guess.

I honestly don't understand people who are homophobic. Like...I can't understand hating someone because of sexual orientation. Its just kind of...baffling. It's like hating people because of their hair color or something like that. It's just stupid.
I don't hate anybody hate is such a strong word, but I do not respect people who hate gay's. What is so wrong with being gay, now mind you, I'm not gay. My policy is, that if what someone else is doing doesn't affect me or anybody else, then there is nothing wrong with it. And two people being gay doesn't affect me.
im gay
and i think
that hate is overrated and over used
and its not like someone is born homophobic
there is always an outside force
its something thats taught not developed
whether its from an organization such as religon or church
or by parents/family members
I'm not gay. In fact, I find it to be quite repulsive and I feel it goes a bit against what either God or nature intended (depending on what your religion or lack thereof is). Two male parts just don't quite go together, nor do two female parts. Even if as a male I find two chicks going at it to be hot (only because I know when I'm watching I'm not going to have to look at any male parts, and one obviously knows that if a girl is more sexually comfortable with another girl then it's more likely that they'd be willing to fuck another chick with you if she's in to you, too). But I digress. Clearly even if a small part of it is hypocritical with that girl on girl bit, I'm fairly opinionated against homosexuality. Especially if it would concern myself with another member of the same sex, this is on both a moral and a physical basis. The attraction to another man is just not there, nor do I think it to be morally correct.

But you know what? That's why I don't do it. It's not my place to tell someone else what they should do, think, or feel. That's their issue to deal with and its none of my business. So I guess I don't really have too much of a problem with other people being gay. It's their choice and preference. All in all the only thing I can really say is that I don't have any right to make them try and feel about it the way I do than they would to come to me and say I ought to partake of it too.