
I find the whole concept of 'Homophobia' quite funny, actually. I'm not gay myself, though I know, or are friends with people who are. If I know someone is homophobic, I tend to tease the hell out of them, pretending I'm gay myself just for the sake of creeping them out. The reactions you get can be quite funny. :P
hahaha gay people say the funniest things! my best friend is gay and hanging out with him is like being in Friends tv show.
i dont really care if ppl are gay as long as they dont try and starta conversation with me
I don't mind gays, some are actually nice people to talk to and I know a few. A long as they are aware im perfectly straight and will not tolerate a cock up my arse then all is cushty. I however cannot stand puffters, The gays that are in your face all the time and act like complet sissy girls. Theres this guy at College and he is probably the biggest puffter I've ever seen and he walks by acting like a tit, knocks down a hanged painting by accident but doesn't bother putting it back up. Instead he screaches like he's been violently attacked and runs to to catch up to his friends and then laughs saying 'tahh, I ain't pickin that up'. Tosser. Its not funny, its not ok, its quite frankly shit yeah.
I love gay people! They're so sweet! So I'd say I'm more homophobophobic--I can't stand people who hate someone just because they're in love with someone of the same gender. Nearly everyone I know is bi or gay. Me, I'm asexual. X3
i agree with you but just see them make me sick

Who says you have to look at them?

I don't have homophobia whatsoever, and I really don't like to associate myself with homophobes whatsoever, especially if they are violent in their actions.
I hate homophobes, they make me sick. I am not gay myself... I used to be bi, but not anymore. Most of the people I know are gay or bi and they are very nice people.
nobody but you are a girl you cant understen how it feels
i really hate them

What have they ever done to you? You're fine with women being gay as an earlier post implies, but you hate gay men? They're not all going to stalk you.

I'm sure there are plenty of guys who would be able to say they are not homophobic.

You also can't tell me I don't understand how it feels, because it seems to me you are implying straight men think similar to you.
What have they ever done to you? You're fine with women being gay as an earlier post implies, but you hate gay men? They're not all going to stalk you.

I'm sure there are plenty of guys who would be able to say they are not homophobic.

You also can't tell me I don't understand how it feels, because it seems to me you are implying straight men think similar to you.
stop it i dont want to become a figth you know something the gays are stupid oh my there are a lot of girls in the world then why them likes men why..........and if you are a bisexual then i dont have nothing else to say
a large portion of my friends are gay and i dont like homopboes it not there fault there gay retards