Homosexual marriage - do you agree?

What about me? :(

Christian who attends mass every sunday and all for gay marriage.

Then you clearly have brains and the ability to see what is written by hand and what is written by "God" (excuse the " " ) but my faith has been shattered for years. It's like I said above for years churches have lied to people, they got the 'scriptures' and added to them as they saw fit, then they made the world what it is today and not what "God" intended it to be.

I also stated above for the convienience of people like SotD , the religious leaders have admitted in the past that things about homosexuals were added by the church, not in the original scriptures, and scientist have now proven GAY is no more 'abnormal' than STRAIGHT.
:rolleyes: Yeah , just like rats and mice do .... because natural law had proven you need both sexes to create hasnt it ... oooh no it hasnt hence the birth of A sexual creatures ...

And wtf is all this

If everyone was gay then their would be no new reproduction and we would die out!!!!!

Thats just plain stupid, i dont mean to offend, honestly I dont but for the love of God !!! Thats just plain old homophobia setting in, its not even what the topic is about .... gay people gettin married has no bearing on the rule of reproduction :confused:

Straight people are 90% gay are 10%! Gay people getting married isnt going to affect the existence of mankind ... or womankind for that matter !!!
I'm seeing one liners again, I really don't want to dish out warnings for that..and offensive comments that really don't have any reasonable backup
I'm seeing one liners again, I really don't want to dish out warnings for that..and offensive comments that really don't have any reasonable backup

Lol I can see where youre coming from lisa :P but on occasion a one liner can debate more than "1000 words" ;)

And I know what your sayin' SotD , but im just sayin' too ... time for ppl to broaden horizons and open minds !!! There is nothing wrong with all of our lifestyles and we do not have the right to judge anyone for theirs until we all learn to live a perfect life ;)
Lol I can see where youre coming from lisa :P but on occasion a one liner can debate more than "1000 words" ;)

And I know what your sayin' SotD , but im just sayin' too ... time for ppl to broaden horizons and open minds !!! There is nothing wrong with all of our lifestyles and we do not have the right to judge anyone for theirs until we all learn to live a perfect life ;)
Thanks, yeah i know .....
If everyone was gay then their would be no new reproduction and we would die out!!!!!

*sighs* This is depressing. I can't stand how people, no just you, mind, but people, form these elaborate fantasies just to go against something they don't agree with. Everyone will never be homosexual. Nature always has a balance for these things, so to propose such an idea that "homosexuality means the end of the human race" is flat out insane. If you're going to go against something, do it because there's solid reason - not some sort of baseless conclusion like the quoted.

And for my on-the-side wonder: have you read the bible, Savior?
If everyone was gay then their would be no new reproduction and we would die out!!!!!

Even if everyone became gay, the world wouldn't die out. There's always artificial insemenation, and surrogate mothering, and probably about fifty years down the line we'll be able to grow fetus's in test tubes, although that does sound a little creepy.

If you're so against gay marriage, then just don't get one. How is someone living out a different lifestyle than you going to affect your life?
Uggg I've seen so many stubborn remarks in this thread.

"I was brought up being taught that gay marriage is wrong"
"Gays are stupid"
"Being gay is against the bible"

Well you know something? If you're against homosexual marriage because mommy and daddy told you that's what you should think, then you have no right to be posting in this thread, because your opinion isn't really your own.

Calling a gay person stupid, is stupid. I have yet to see a homosexual come out and tell any of you that YOU'RE stupid for having a different opinion or way of life.

I don't want to bash on the bible, so I'll hold off on the smugg remarks, but here's one more thing. I wouldn't be suprised if some of you took a good look at your bibles and realized that it says King James on the cover.
Mine does actually it says King james 1 Edition bible, anyway im sorry if ive pissed some people of and i apologise

Did you say something offensive?

The reason I said that is because King James wrote that bible.
In the 1600s I believe. Which means that 400 years ago, King James sat down and modified the original documentation of the bible to his own liking, because he wasn't satisfied with what the original scripts had to say.
King James wasn't a very good man in case you didn't know.
Lol. It's got nothing to do with your name. You didn't piss me off.
It's just very obnoxious when people say that they're against homosexuality because of what the bible says.
People should think things through and come up with their OWN reasons for believing.
I agree 100 percent with LADY ASHE
The prevelance of things such as homosexuality, prostitution, strippteasing/lap dancing, pornography, phone sex, sex changes, cross dressing, and so on...well these things do much harm the moral standing of our nation and even our world. I dont hate any of these people for what they do, as a matter of fact i love them, truly. we are all lost in one form or another, even those of us who will boldly claim otherwise, and i completely sympathize with these men and wemon, but i will never state that what they do is right, because it is not and a majority of them know it just as well as we do. we stand in a torrent of sexuality, and we are bombarded by these images via media in all forms not to mention the effect other people have us, and we have been saturated and conditioned. and as we speak our children are subjected to the very same conditioning. we are fostered as consumers of sexual immorality. and consume we do.
its what were fed and we eat it up. the same can be said of good old fashioned man on woman hetrosexual permiscuity.we abuse our bodies as well as the bodies of others, from partner to partner and on to the next, with no reverance for ourselves or one another. how can this be good?
I too am a christian, but i am aware that many of you are not, so lets us subtract God from this conversation and what we can come up with.
because we are the great species of man and we are so vastly intellectual right? it appears to me left to our own devices we have become less civilized and more savage. we do not lead our bodies but it has come to be that our bodies lead us, either with our mind and spirit kicking and screaming, or with our mind and spirit in submission to our bodies.
the more we say yes to gay marriages and gay priests the less we distinguish by contrast the sanctity of either. the more we say yes to the questions of strippers porn moguls and prostitutes in turn says yes to the question being "Are our standards of morality and all around commen sense and goodness, diminishing?. yes they are and every one in a position of power seems to be too chicken shit to say otherwise because that just wouldnt be politically correct no would it.
look before you leap.
ask yourselves these questions, i dont need you to answer them to me but answer them to yourselves.
would i be dissapointed or kinda bothered by my son marrying another man,
or my daughter marrying another woman.
do i want to say that these things are ok just so i dont hurt anyones feelings and so i dont become an outcast in a society that says if i dont agree with them im a cold hearted stubborn static minded conservative prick?
am i ok that many wemon trash themselves on the street and use their bodies like an atm because their to lazy or unwilling to apply themseves another way?
am i ok with wemon who squirm and shake on stage for the same reasons.
am i ok that its legal for wemon to be prostitues in a movie and get dubbed with the tital "pornstar" to make it all ok?
would i be so "OK" with it if it was my brother, sister, mother, father, son or daughter.
Because it wont be long untill thats the case. if we keep saying its ok, its not a big deal, and i dont want to judge, then it wont be long at all until weve said its okay for so long that everyone bleives it. and it is our families.
its not okay its shamefull,
and its a snowball gaining momentum and were all just off to the side watching it and giggling LIKE FU(+!@G SCHOOL GIRLS!!!!!

:mad: ;) I agree 100 percent with LADY ASHE
The prevelance of things such as homosexuality, prostitution, strippteasing/lap dancing, pornography, phone sex, sex changes, cross dressing, and so on...well these things do much harm the moral standing of our nation and even our world. I dont hate any of these people for what they do, as a matter of fact i love them, truly. we are all lost in one form or another, even those of us who will boldly claim otherwise, and i completely sympathize with these men and wemon, but i will never state that what they do is right, because it is not and a majority of them know it just as well as we do. we stand in a torrent of sexuality, and we are bombarded by these images via media in all forms not to mention the effect other people have us, and we have been saturated and conditioned. and as we speak our children are subjected to the very same conditioning. we are fostered as consumers of sexual immorality. and consume we do.
its what were fed and we eat it up. the same can be said of good old fashioned man on woman hetrosexual permiscuity.we abuse our bodies as well as the bodies of others, from partner to partner and on to the next, with no reverance for ourselves or one another. how can this be good?
I too am a christian, but i am aware that many of you are not, so lets us subtract God from this conversation and what we can come up with.
because we are the great species of man and we are so vastly intellectual right? it appears to me left to our own devices we have become less civilized and more savage. we do not lead our bodies but it has come to be that our bodies lead us, either with our mind and spirit kicking and screaming, or with our mind and spirit in submission to our bodies.
the more we say yes to gay marriages and gay priests the less we distinguish by contrast the sanctity of either. the more we say yes to the questions of strippers porn moguls and prostitutes in turn says yes to the question being "Are our standards of morality and all around commen sense and goodness, diminishing?. yes they are and every one in a position of power seems to be too chicken shit to say otherwise because that just wouldnt be politically correct no would it.
look before you leap.
ask yourselves these questions, i dont need you to answer them to me but answer them to yourselves.
would i be dissapointed or kinda bothered by my son marrying another man,
or my daughter marrying another woman.
do i want to say that these things are ok just so i dont hurt anyones feelings and so i dont become an outcast in a society that says if i dont agree with them im a cold hearted stubborn static minded conservative prick?
am i ok that many wemon trash themselves on the street and use their bodies like an atm because their to lazy or unwilling to apply themseves another way?
am i ok with wemon who squirm and shake on stage for the same reasons.
am i ok that its legal for wemon to be prostitues in a movie and get dubbed with the tital "pornstar" to make it all ok?
would i be so "OK" with it if it was my brother, sister, mother, father, son or daughter.
Because it wont be long untill thats the case. if we keep saying its ok, its not a big deal, and i dont want to judge, then it wont be long at all until weve said its okay for so long that everyone bleives it. and it is our families.
its not okay its shamefull,
and its a snowball gaining momentum and were all just off to the side watching it and giggling LIKE FU(+!@G SCHOOL GIRLS!!!!!
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