I absolutly HATE the battle system in this game

I hated it at first as well, to be quite honest.. but around the time that I got to the Henne Mines I took a break from the game to re-play the ending of Final Fantasy X(from Gagazet on), and I was completely annoyed by the random battles, and the ridiculous battle music.. I think this makes it just a bit more realistic to me.. and I know some of you are thinking "OMG IT'S A FANTASY IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE REALISTIC111!!!one", but I like to have just a little bit of realism in games.. which is one of the reasons I love this game so much. I can honestly believe in these characters while I'm playing, and battling. I can relate to them better this way, somehow.
WOW! That's the first thing I said when I played this game but to tell ya the truth if you could actually understand the bases of the new system you'll deal with game very good.
dude, its alot better BECAUSE!!! if you are dying or just want to avoid taking damage then you can just run and let your party take care of the light work and nobody takes damage..... better? why thank you square! i think it is.
I actually really enjoyed XII's battle system, it was a nice change from the random battles which can get unbelievably annoying at times. The Battle system was probably my fav point to XII, I must admit it took me a little while to get used to and was kinda annoying at the VERY beginning of the game before anyone joined the party but once the others joined the party and the battles became more than just sitting there waiting for Vaan to attack I really had fun with it. In a way it added a new element of strategy in setting up gambits and what not. I also liked being able to see enemies before I fought them.

However with all that said I still prefer the older games how when a battle started all the characters would line up and such, it just left more of an impact then a bunch of people just running around swinging their swords, I just didn't get that same satisfaction in beating the final boss, In my opinion the ideal battle system would incorporate elements from both XII and previous installments.
well i agree, i hate the FFXII battle system. Personally i think that the FFX battle system was the best systen if them all, and i think that FFXII should have that battle system.
I used to hate it, but I got used to it. I don't love it, but I don't hate it anymore either.
well i kinda got used to it but nothing can ever replace the FFX battle system that i know and love.
Agreed, FFX was the best battle-system-wise...
But personally I really liked the RT Battle System, that's what's being used in FFXIII, so I guess thats cool with me
I love this battle system; it's my favourite of all the Final Fantasys. It find it more engaging. Sure, it's simpler by default, but you can make is just as challenging if you so wish. I actually like using Gambits though. :P
I quite like the Gambit system, I think its a really good and novel idea and I think it can be changed around to be really simple or really challenging, all via the Gambits...
I liked the FFX battle system as well, but some friends I know complained saying that since it didn't have ATB they didn't like it. I think FFX-2 had that, but whatever.
I didn't mind it. admittedly, i didn;t use the whole battle system as i should have like not using technicks and green magic and such. I only really used the quickenings, attack command and attack magic. Nothing like bravery and faith and shizz like that
I didn't mind it. admittedly, i didn;t use the whole battle system as i should have like not using technicks and green magic and such. I only really used the quickenings, attack command and attack magic. Nothing like bravery and faith and shizz like that

I didn't use anything either, after I got used to it I set my gambits up too attack and cure and only intervened for quickenings. I swear it made me a lazy bum

To me it was boring and unsatisfactory

I got that feeling aswel >_<
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People complain about only hacking and slashing? Come to think of it, most FF's were like that. A vast majority of the time, I just relied on physical attacks in games such as VII, VIII and IX. X, mix of everything inc summoning. VIII summoning too. But after a while, it was back to physical attacks. I bet there's a lot of people like me too who resort to physical attacks as well, because they're just so much better a lot of the time when you're fighting enemies. The only magic I would ever use consistently in all games was white magic. So in a way, FFXII isn't all that different from other games. Sometimes we're just too lazy to use magic. It's just constant hack and slash through random battles, and it is. So yar, FFXII isn't all that bad in that aspect.
Just bought FFVII and I like the turn based system alot more. ^_^
I apologise for using you as an example, but don't you find the whole turn-based battle system far too mechanical? You run around the world, get thrown into a battle screen, you hit the enemy and wait for your time barrier to reload, you get hit, you cure, you hit them again, you die. With XII, you were thrown (or, technically, you walked) into a more realistic battle sequence where, although the commands are the same as previous instalments, it's nothing short of more exciting, don't you think?
Get where your coming from Riku, but I also hated the Final Fantasy XII battle system, it got to the point where I didn't have a clue what I was doing o.o (may be me being stupid, but oh well XP) but I much prefered the turn based...it's not realistic, but it was dumbed down for people like me XP

It's very mechanical, but still fun I thought. The way they wen't with XII was trying to mix turn based with real time. I just didn't think it worked. They should have done one or the other in my oppinion. If they had made it real time like KH, I would have much prefered it, if they had done it turn based like VII, I would have prefered it XP

But thats just my oppinion.
What I don't understand is why people are complaining about the Gambit system. It is optional. You can turn it on and off.