Is this the last Final Fantasy?

everything in buisness ends with money and with final fantasy se would be mad to get rid of a world best seller like final fantasy
i heard somewhere that XIII is a ten-year project and square-enix plans to release a FFVII remake in 2017...which is apparantely going to be the LAST final fantasy game released. this is just what i read in a thread not sure if its true or not. but thats enough to turn me into an alcoholic...i dont want final fantasy to end!!

I think most of that is true, i added the bit about FF7 being re-made in 2017, but that's definately how it looks right now. You'll all have to read the thread i made to see what im talking about..
Well, if Square did say that FF13 is the end, then it will be unless it will proably be, because Square never lies except if they change presidents. Let's say FF does die here. They will proably make a FF7 Remake after it with more things. And if they do, do this the sales of the game will break the charts. EVERYONE WILL HAVE TO GET IT!!!!!
I'm now having mixed feelings over this issue. I would like the main Final Fantasy series to go on forever, and ever etc. but I have been disappointed in FFX, XI, and XII and with all the sequels/prequels they are doing FFX-2, FFXII:RW, FFVII:AC, FFVII:DoC, FFVII: CC, another DoC. I am getting concerned. Especially the fact that FFXIII will be possibly 6 titles for 10 years. If this is the plan for the Final Fantasy series then I would rather it came to an end than continuing this pattern.
i think so because on the versuse trailer it says something about this is gonna be the last crystal i think and square enix is gonna be busy doing kingdom hearts.
I have read somewhere that FFXIII is going to be the last game in the series, however, I doubt it. Without Final Fantasy, there would be no such thing called as Square Enix.
he is right and they are planning to make sequels of almost everyone made right now but there are going to be more they are not planing to stop til they get their next biggest hit underway
if square enix would stop making FF games, it would be like Sony stopping at the ps3 and not make a ps4
he is right and they are planning to make sequels of almost everyone made right now but there are going to be more they are not planing to stop til they get their next biggest hit underway

where's your proof that theyre supposed to make sequels of almost every final fantasy made?
I seriously doubt XIII will be the end of the franchise, they feel all people want out of Square Enix is FF, so they'll shovel out more and more games until every last one of them, their descendents, their descendents' descendents, and so on die and nobody has the urge to buy the crap (that FF has become) anymore.
Fantasy is Endless
HaHaHa i got that from the dissidia site
Anyway NEVER!!!!!!!!
It would be quite a shame to end the the series with a futeristic game. It would be a shame to end the series at all but if they did then I think it should be with a medi-evil fantasy setting game, like FFIX
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I hope it isn't the last Final Fantasy.FF is the main reason why I play video games.Without it,I would have no interest in video gaming.If FF does ever end,I at least want it to be FF100. ^_^
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I doubt it… at least I hope it’s not the last.

Either way, unless Square-Enix comes up with an entirely new line of games that become a huge success or go out of business all together, which I don’t really see that happening anytime soon. I think we’ll continue to see plenty of Final Fantasies coming out over the next couple of decades.
Like many have already said, Final Fantasy is nowhere close to ending. If anything, the franchise is expanding. With the advent of X-2, they broke their rule of no direct sequals. Since then, we've seen all the VII spawns, and they've already said XIII will be a series of games on a bunch of platforms.

If there is any truth to this rumor, it could be that Square is going to dedicate it's resources to XIII's franchise (each game is it's own franchise for a long time. XIII might be the last numbered game in the series for a long time, but that's about all I could imagine. Once XIII and it's spawns run out of gas, we'll see XIV.
I really doubt that it would be the last one. What I wouldn't doubt is for Square-Enix to claim it's the last one, so that when they announce XIV, all the fans will feel like the game designers are merciful gods and everyone rushes to buy it 'cuz maybe XIV's really really the last one.

Kinda like how Cher has had fifteen goodbye tours.