Is this the last Final Fantasy?

I can't imagine this series ending. That would seriously, seriously bum me out.

I'm probably one of the older gamers here (I'm 36), and I still have my old NES console and my very first NES game....which was Final Fantasy 1.

Since then, I've played every game in the series that's been released in the U.S. and just waiting for XII to come out was complete agony.

They make too much money from it and it's doubtful that they're running out of ideas.

And put me on the list of those who would LOVE to see a Chrono Trigger remake!
It's going to end someday when we're (well, depending on our ages here) but I can see it ending when I'm a full-blown adult or something.

Just think for a sec -- If Tetsuya Nomura, Yoshinori Kitase, and Kazushize Nojima were to die or quit the company, that would truly be the end of Final Fantasy. True, Hironobu Sakaguchi already quit (and some may argue that his leave caused some changes in FF, but I think only minor, anyway). If Nomura would not be designing the characters for FF, if Nojima was not writing the script, and ect ect, others may try to follow in their footsteps, but Nomura and Nojima are some of the people who made my Final Fantasies what they are...
I'm just a little concerned over the action direction the game seems to be going.Not that I don't like FFXII, I like it alot and the combat system is really cool. However, they can't leave those of us who actually still enjoy a good turned based combat system. I mean geez, FF stops turned based combat with XII (XI actually) and then I read about DQ9 yesterday. Where have all the turn based gone?
I can't possibly imagine this is going to be the last final fantasy in the regular series. I mean, the series is a gold mine for Squaresoft or Square-Enix, whatever. And there are more FFs coming out now than ever. FF12: Revenant Wings, FF13, FF13: Agito, FF13: Verses, FFCC: The Cystal Bearers, and FFCC: Ring of Fates.
It's going to end someday when we're (well, depending on our ages here) but I can see it ending when I'm a full-blown adult or something.

Just think for a sec -- If Tetsuya Nomura, Yoshinori Kitase, and Kazushize Nojima were to die or quit the company, that would truly be the end of Final Fantasy. True, Hironobu Sakaguchi already quit (and some may argue that his leave caused some changes in FF, but I think only minor, anyway). If Nomura would not be designing the characters for FF, if Nojima was not writing the script, and ect ect, others may try to follow in their footsteps, but Nomura and Nojima are some of the people who made my Final Fantasies what they are...
Ah, but how true you are.
I hope it never ends too. Final Fantasy brings back good memories. VII.... My first FF game. and RPG, It was AWSOME!
I don´t think so so and I surely hpoe that isnt true, final fantasy is 1 of the best games ever made and it sells millions world wide
There's no reason whatsoever for Square to stop making FF games. A successful business does not just stop operations for no reason. The franchise just moved to the PS3 - it's only a matter of time until more titles are released for PS3 (including numbered titles as well as remakes, etc.)

The FF franchise has such a large fan base that it's built up over the past almost 20 years that even if they do end up releasing a sub-par title, enough people are going to buy it and keep coming back for more anyways - IMO there's not a bad title in the series, I'd forgive Square if they hit a bump in the road - either way they are making millions and bringing in new fans with each release - technology (read: this forum and others like it thanks to the internet) also will have its part in making sure the games keep coming out for years to come.
But will there actually be a Final Fantasy XIV?

In short, we don’t know. Based on previous experience, it appears likely that there will be a Final Fantasy XIV in the future. We are basing this on the fact that Square Enix are now rapidly profiting from producing vast quantities of Final Fantasy games, and this trend is showing no signs of stopping. Rather, the trend is picking up pace; whereas there was only one sequel to Final Fantasy X, there’s likely to be more than three sequels (and / or prequels) to Final Fantasy XIII.

accordingly to some of these news casts, there will be a 75/25 chance of there being a Final Fantasy XIV or even a XV..
Nah the seires will stay for a long time to come. Im certain a FF XIV will happen and pretty sure FF XV will also come round. The real question is WHEN. Why do they feel the need for every new FF game to have sequals, prequals and side stories? XII should have been left alone as it was without Revent Wings (Its not even out in the UK yet and Im already miffed about only getting half the bloody story!). XIII being three games I guess isn't such a bad thing, as what I've heared it will be a rather impressive project that complements each other well (unlike X-2, majority of the FFVII compilation and what I've heared of FF XII: RW) but whereas we only had to wait a couple of years or so for a new FF, FF XIV wont be around for over 10 years!
I see FF lasting even longer. It recruits new fans every day, its a very successful series and I really do not see much reason it in stopping now. Look where it's gotten, its at its highest point and it could go higher.
But of course, at this point some people do turn around and say, I guess its time we stop. We've reached our high point and thats what we aimed for.

But of course, lets hope that doesn't happen!
As long as SE still make money from them they will still make the games, then if it all goes to pot though they'll finally bring out that FFVII you've all wanted so much and make one last big sale.
They wouldnt be allowed to stop by the fans. There would be such a high uproar from the fans that buisness measures my fall along with sales and stock. I belive after FFXIII they will hold on a little until there next release which they may do re-makes like FFVII but who knows but its highly unlikly that XIII is the last title!!!
The games will stop being produced when the company collapses. Until then, full steam ahead!