Is this the last Final Fantasy?

final fantasy should make more games but i think there consantrating on the visual side of it way too much. the new final fantasy is undoubtably a beutiful game, but there story lines are slipping from the days of ff6 n ff7
See, I don't exactly agree that they're slipping completely. I absolutely loved VII, IX & XII. They're 3 of my favorite games.........ever probably. And the giddy girly girl in me, coupled with my love of shiny gaudy objects made me really like X-2 xD

It's VIII & X I can't stand, and that started to make me question them, but the games I do like far outweigh those two.

I'd think with new faces around the SE empire would breathe some new life into the series, and I kind of agree so far because of my love of FFXII =o

So, it pretty much just boils down to opinions and personal tastes :/ Obviously, someone's still buying FF.

All franchises have those 'black sheep' or less reputable entries anyway. Case in point, Devil May Cry 2. Piece of shit. DMC1 & DMC3? Loved 'em both.

So, I highly doubt FFXIII will be the last FF (or compilation of FF's, whatever xD). I don't see FF going on forever, but I don't see it stopping any time soon either.
It isn't the last. I've seen a video for FFXIV, which is an MMORPG.
It isn't the last. I've seen a video for FFXIV, which is an MMORPG.
I wanna see! where did you see it at?

-I feel that the style of the latest finalfantasy games are changing, but i still like them. I dout that this will be the last final fantasy game, unless the world ends or something :)
If XIV is an MMORPG i will kill myself.

i doubt it will be though - they already have XI which they can expand for like ever - they dont need to make another one >_<
Maybe you should read my post. The link, well, I can't get it till Monday, hold on until then!
I'm pretty sure I've already said this on this thread, but I heard that they have plans to go up to fifteen.

Blaze said:
I sure hope that they do not end it at 13, because what will I spend hours of my time on then? But when will it be the "final" fantasy?

Now, there are other good video games besides the Final Fantasy series. ;)

Final Fantasy XI was not a very good MMORPG. WOW and EQ are much better. I only played it for about a half an hour, but from what I hear from some of my friends who have played it longer, it really isn't that great.

It is not a good idea to make XIV a MMORPG.
It was bad enough making a numbered FF an MMORPG. They don't need another. I wish they just had called it Final Fantasy Online. Then they could make all the expansions they want on it.

Well, FFXIII is for Playstation3, isn't it? So here in GErmany it won't be available till the 23 March this year. But I also hope this won't be the last FF game.
All other arguments aside, Square Enix is not a company that will go out with a bang, or let a franchise go out with a bang. There is simply way too much activity on the FF radar right now and they won't be able to take their eyes off of the $$ figures for at least 10 years, I'd think.
Like other people have said, they will milk it dry.

I mean, if they really wanted to make new FF's, they have 13 old ones to side-story off of. Look how many games are playing off FF7's world.
it wont be the last ...

i think this whole last term came from a guy who works on the games... saying

we are going to take this (XIII) as our last game so the quality is the best we can make it at this point!

Therefore he is really saying the final fantasy games on the ps3 will be in a different league compared to the whole series before it... As they are going to put so much more into em...

It isnt the last game trust me.. not for a while...

stupid gamers have therefore miss read it!
S-E have a series that IMO is the best there is. There is no way they would stop making them. And they're not "milking it dry" to do that the series would be lifeless and dull, but S-E reinvent their games over and over to keep us interested.

On another note it's really weird to see FFXIV and FFXV
They'll never stop making FF games, at least not for a long time. Final Fantasy is such a huge series, and every time Square comes out with a new one, it sells millions of copies. Why stop making something that makes you so much money?
WOW, i have no idea if its gonna end or not....but i really hope its not...i dont know statistics or anything like that...BUT FINAL FANTASY IS SOOOO AWSOME.--i hope it never ends...and i have to agree to having subtitles for final fantasys to come...the numbers are out of date...i like the {FFX-secret of the summoners} sounds cool.