Kingdom Hearts

Yuna woke up, slowly adjusting to the light. She sat up and looked around. She could see Sieg sleeping in a chair. It was obvious they were safe now...but what about the others? She hadn't seen Faith since earlier that morning, and she had no idea what happened to Kuja.

Not knowing what else to do, Yuna lay back down on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Maybe when Sieg woke up he could tell her what happened...
As Kuja sends the others through the portal he thinks "I don't care if I go back to the darkness as long as they are safe." as Kuja sends the last one through and falls down exhausted and start to lose his grip on this world again.
Siegfried replied to all of Yuna's questions. "Well...first of all we are really far away from seems we are in a place called Traverse Town. I crossed the portal and we ended up here. And the others are missing.....Kuja wanted to stay in order to ensure our escape rute and he remained fighting Sago. I don't know where Faith is....and Yai is nowhere to be seen......sorry....but that's all I know. But we can search for them as soon as you are ready!"
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Sago smiled and spoke to himeself "Kuja when will i meet the real you again".A Dark portal appeard behined Sago and he stepped through it with the Dark portal disapearing right after he went through.
As Kuja start to go back to his dark self he thinks "I'm sorry Sieg, Yuna, and the rest of you that I can't make it." as he loses to the darkness and falls into the dark and then bright light surronds him as he falls into traverse town right in front of the hotel.
"Damn, my head hurts.." Yai moaned as he leaned against the wall, he had hit his head earlier, and his memory was a little fuzzy "This is going to be frustrating.."
Siegfried went outside of the hotel and then he asked Yuna: "Sis, I know that we are searching for the others, but, where do we start? Ohh man, this town is a little big and it will take sometime to find them. Let's begin searching for Kuja." They began searching for the others but Siegfried started to fell hungry. " would be great to have some cake now...Sis, why don't we first look for a place to eat? Let's see...I have...1, 2, 3....45....50...100...ha! I have 500 munny. I earned this when I sold some of my items to that merchant while you were sleeping. Ok, here is the plan, first we shall look for Kuja and then we'll have lunch!"
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As Kuja gets up he pulls out black robe to put on himself thinking "This world were all people come after are attacks." Start to walk down the street looking for anyone he might knows.
"Agreed." Yuna replied. "Hopefully it won't be too hard finding them, though."

Quickly, Yuna scanned the area. There was nothing she could immediately see, but she saw a couple of small alleyways, and a lot of small shops.

"Come on, let's go look in the alleyways. We might find them there." she said to Siegfried.
Sago walked into the bar and he looked at the bartender and yelled "Hey im back".The bartender then looked at sago and yelled "Come sit down ".Sago walked over to the stool and sat on it and then the bartender asked him "what do you want".Sago looked at the bartender and replied "The ussuall".The bartender began pouring the drink into a glass and said "so how did it go".Sago replied very casually "fine".The bartender gave him the drink and said "look at that pretty lady there thats what youve been looking at havent you well she has turned down every man ".Sago drank his drink and replied "yeah".Sago got up and walked over to the lady and chatted to her for a few mins and then left with her to the office of the bar.The bartender mumbled to himself "He's got all the luck".
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Sieg agreed with Yuna' plan. "Alright Sis, you are the Boss! Let's go!" and so they began searching the alleyways. They wander through those long alleyways through hours. Then, Siegfried saw something at the end of the corridor. "Sis, look, the man on the black robe, somehow that person seems so familiar, he reminds me of someone....but who?"

Siegfried began talking to himself: "If I ever put my hands again on Sago I swear I'm going to make him pay. Maybe I should ask Kuja when I find him to look after Sis while I search for Sago. We have some unfinished business that must be solved. If I don't find him I am certain that he will find me. It's our destiny to fight again...No...I'm wrong....Kuja asked me to take care of Sis and that's what I'm going to do...I will not risk Yuna's safety for my own selfish desires....her safety is more important."
<!--EndFragment-->Then he resumed his search for Kuja.<!--EndFragment-->
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As Kuja walked down the street he saw Sieg and Yuna and thought "I've caused enough trouble for them already." and jumps up the rooftops the buildings.
Siegfried tried to catch that man but he escaped. "Darn, he is gone....well I guess we must continue our search. Come on Sis, let's go......"

"Faith, Kuja....where are you?" Siegfried told to himself.