Kingdom Hearts

A fewer hours after Sago enterd the office he left the office and yelled at the bartender "I got to go".The bartender yelled back at sago "Ok!!!".Sago yelled back "well if they come here tell me cause those kids aint push overs".The bartender again yelled back"I aint no push over myself".Sago left the bar.
Siegfried began to search in the First District. Suddenly he began to fell an evil aura again. "No....the" Then he saw a heartless coming after them. Siegfried armed himself with the keyblade and he told Yuna: "Hey Sis! Ready to practice your magic on this thing? Come on!!" and then Siegfried rushed towards the armored heartless and began to attack it with strong attacks.
As Kuja was going towards Sago he sensed a familar aura and stopped as armor figured appeared before Kuja and said "Hello Sanga." Kuja turns to her and says "Nice to see you to Kazejin."
As Kuja looked at Kazejin he said "What are you doing here and were is Suijin." Kazejin vanished and appeared right in front of Kuja in second and says "He off taking another world. So why did you betray use Sanga?" Kuja jumps back and yells "I'm not Sanga anymore I'm Kuja and I did it cause it was wrong what we are doing can't you see that Kazejin."
Siedfried's keyblade was hit by the spell and it began to emanate a strong electrical power. Then Siegfried rushed again towards its enemy and he began to unleash devatating attacks, one after the other, against the giant heartless. Siegfried jumped high into the air and then he hurled his keyblade with great strenght against the heartless. "Sis, cast your strongest spell now!" The enchanted keyblade knocked the heartless warrior out of balance, giving Yuna the oporunity to deal her finishing move.
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Kazejin says "Did you forget who we are Sanga and why we are the second most powerful heartless." Kuja looks at Kazejin and says "No I haven't how we are the known as the Gate Guardians and why we are heartless Kazejin but we were good not evil or did he make you forget that."
As the keyblade struck the heartless, Yuna's spell merged with the power of the keyblade destroying the heartless warrior. "Yeah we did it. Haha that's what happens when you mess with the ustoppable force of Sis and Sieg! Take that heartless! Yeah...once we find Kuja, we will destroy all of those monsters and save our world."
Sago who was standing on the roof of a building next to a man with black hair and a white suit on with black shoes watching the heartless fight seigfried and and yuna.Sago asked the man "So Iro give me the details".Iro responded "well the Gate Guardians are getting restless and have moved in to convert back kuja".Sago replied "well thats to be expected , keep a eye out for them".Iro responded "I will".Sago left the roof .
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"Haha, the heartless is gone, we should be safe now." Suddnly his keyblade began to glow and a strange keyhole appeared on the ground. "What's this?" Then the keyblade began to seal the keyhole. "Wow, so what did just happened?" After the keyhole was sealed, a strange object was left in its place. "What's this thing?"
Kazejin did mock laugh as she says "Sanga we are what we are now no matter what we are in the past." she turns and vanishes saying "Next time we meet it'll be as enemies Brother." Kuja slams his fist intot he ground as he sees his arm starting to turn into metalic armor Kuja lokks at it and says "So I'm starting to become one again." Kuja then get up and jumps down in front of Sieg and Yuna
Kuja turns to Yuna and says "I can't say Yuna it my own problem." start to walk away as he says "I'm going to find Faith you 2 look for Yai or who ever he is." vanishes into the shadows.
Sieg agrees with Kuja. "Alright we will look for Yai. Come on Sis."
Then he yelled at Kuja: "Kuja, take this!" then he tossed a keychain in the form of a crystal surrounded with a white wing. The keychain fell in Kuja's hands. "That's the gift a was going to give you for saving my life at the Destiny Island. Farewell Kuja."

Siegfried told to himself: "Kuja...the battle that has begun inside your heart will be for you alone to fight. Until we meet"

Kuja Obtained the keyblade "The Way to Freedom".
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