

[x Sexy Seducer x]
Nov 12, 2006
US of A
Am I the only one that totally thinks that Larsa could pass as a girl?? :lol:

I swear, it's really hard for me too see except for the outfits!
I dont know why but my friend said he thought that Larsa was a girl too. Just by looking at his face I can easily see the image of a guy... I think people bat their eyes around to the hair and the body a little too much. >_> *shivers*

Anyways yeah... What was most disturbing is when my friend saw the CG of Larsa he said "I would hit that" lol I started cracking up...
hmmm....about the only human(-like) being that I EVER had the problem of gender with was Ed from Cowboy Bebop...I'm STILL having problems accepting she's a girl... but, yeah, I never thought Larsa was a girl, I knew by the face and everything, but what REALLY cinched it was the voice. his voice sounded almost NOTHING like a girls.
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Seriously?? I think his voice is more on the feminine side myself....
yeah, when I saw him use a potion every other turn, and thought he was using mine, I was really surprised and frustrated. but, he was a higher level and did a bit more damage, which really ticked me off....
yeah, when I saw him use a potion every other turn, and thought he was using mine, I was really surprised and frustrated. but, he was a higher level and did a bit more damage, which really ticked me off....


I did the same thing. I thought he was using my potions and I was about to kill him
I don't know about Larsa, specially since he turned out to be a guy, but I would definitely tap Fran, and every other viera in the village :lust:
His voice is feminine in the same way any pre-pubescent male's voice would be. I knew right off the bat he was a boy though, so maybe I'm biased.
*Vizunary response* I know what you're saying man. viera. are. awesome. but the best looking one in the game, would have to be.......Fran, with Penelo a close second, those clothes, man....
Let's keep this thread about Larsa here guys...not who you'd "want to tap". :P Thanks guys...
I did think he was a girl at first! But after experiencing jrock this past year, I quickly got used to him. :D
I think there was a promotional picture with Vayne where i identified him as a boy so then i recognize him in the game. About the potions, yes, i immediately checked my potions and everything was ok so i take advantage and level up for sooooome time before he left the party hehehe.
Sorry Guys But You Are All Wrong.....larsa Is A Girl:p

I agree! I totally thought Larsa was a girl up until Mt. Bur-Omisace... I forget what happened, but someone referred to Larsa as a guy, and I was like "what?!" His disposition, height in relation to everyone else, his effeminate voice, his facial features... maybe the creators of the game were trying to go for that whole gender-ambiguous look... I mean, even the name... Larsa? Total chick name.

No, before that, when the council was talking, they always referred to larsa as a guy, "the little lord" , "lord vayne's little brother", etc.

It was a surprise, but, yeah he does fight like a girl, lol.

Well, not much to say bout this topic. Wasn't it already closed?