Last album you bought/downloaded?


Jun 6, 2006
What's the last album you bought? Don't post just the artist and the title of the album, but also your opinion on it, why you like/dislike it.

The last album I bought is 'Traces of the past' by The Forsaken, and I like it. They play technical Swedish deathmetal, and they're songs are pretty good. I especially like the second song called 'One More Kill', it has some at the gates like riffs in it, and it has a pretty good melodyline in it. There aren't any weak or boring songs in it. Last song is a good cover of Metallica's 'Blackened.' Fans of bands like At the gates an Dismember would love this album. I give it a 8.5/10.

But hey, I will never ever forget about Bone-N-Harmony! :D
The last album I had gotten was my RENT soundtrack. I really enjoyed seeing that movie in theaters when I went to go see it in November, and I couldn't get the songs out of my head. So, I made my mom buy me the CD. xD It's really good. I'd give it a 9.5/10 since they didn't put all the songs on there.
The last album(s) I bought was:
- Boy Hits Car, The Passage
Overall one of my favorite bands and this album has alot of great songs I was impressed with. My current favorite songs are Escape the World and You Don't Care.​
- Rihanna, A Girl Like Me
I mainly got this CD for the song SOS but after hearing a few other tracks, I enjoyed the whole itself.​
- Taking back Sunday, Louder Now
I wanted this CD just for 2 songs but ended up liking the whole CD. I enjoy the songs of Error: Operator and Liar (It Takes One To Know One).​
Mine was Muse's latest album Black Holes and Revalations. Its quite good, not the best Muse album, but still worth a listen by Musey fans.
God I haven't bought an album in ages...I need a job! ;o;

But the last album I bought was Karmacode by Lacunacoil.

Very good album, though I still prefere Comalies. The songs tend to sound the same on the album because they ahve the same sort of beat playing all the way through. But then I like it like that for some reason and as lon as the Lyrics are different, it doesn't bother me at all =D
Hmm. Drop Dead, Gorgeous - In Vogue.

Just got it like 2 days ago or so. I like pretty much every song on it. They have a thrash metal sound, but with some melody here and there, mainly that grindy screaming too and singing of course. My favorite song would probably be "Fashion Your Seatbelts".
I bought Utada Hikaru's Ultra Blue. I bought it because this year I've kinda got into her music in a major way. I first heard of her in Kingdom Hearts and loved her song Simple and Clean.
The last time I got 2 Albums;
The Poison by BUllet for my Valentine
Ten thousand Fists by Disturbed
Really great 2 albums
Just got Evanescence: The Open Door the other day and it's the most addicative album on my shelf right now. ^_^
i don't remember.
it's being a long time since the last i bought.
i don't even remember what album was it...
I usually get a new CD maybe every month or two months, but... *dies* haven't gotten one since July.

It was 'City of Evil' from Avenged Sevenfold. I love it because my parents hate it.
Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory.....Linkin Park r gr8! dnt get albums very often but 4 sum reason i got this also has my all time fav LP song on it- Runaway :)
