Last anime you watched

The last anime I watched was Bleach 214. Its a really disturbing episode. Kanonji gets power from his mustache and Chizuru is more sisturving then ever. Well I love Bleach and want to see ALL the episodes. Hehe Go Sosuke Aizen!!!
last anime i watch was bleach on adult swim last night. it was kind of a recap show cause they just defeated karia and are getting ready to go back to the world of the living
I'm watching the new Fullmetal Alchemist :D I just watched the 2nd episode and it was soooo good. ;_; It felt a tad rushed, but I can understand why they did it. Some of the scenes in this particular epi made me want to cry. So very good and very sad.
The last Anime I watched was the movie Ponyo, though I've been meaning to re-watch the original FMA series before I see the new one. =) Actually... I think I'll start now.
I am watching the first episode of Tears to Tiara. It was a Japanese RPG video game before and then they made an anime of it. The opening theme song sounds so cool. I think I'll be watching this anime for a while.
Not keeping up with any particular anime at the moment. Manga yes, but since this is 'Last anime you watched', i guess I'll skip that.

Last watched the anime <Mobile Suit Gundam 00>'s last episode for season 1. And the second episode of <Monster> for the ?th time running. The story is just too captivating, along with it's somewhat spooky opening and ending themes.
Last night i watched 1-4 YuYu Hakusho i love this series and bought the whole collection for around sixty bucks! Amazing deal i love this show.
Death Note. I forgot what episode, plus it's been months due to school and my addiction to Korean dramas.
First 4 episodes of Tales of Symphonia

and i think that's as far as its got.
Last anime I watched was Code Geass R2. I think it was ep. 22. I stopped watching after that since I already know what happens, and I don't want to be reminded again as to why this anime made me so depressed. I've been a major Lelouch x Kallen fan since the series first started, so ep 22 made me happy yet sad at the same time. It was like a first and last kiss moment.
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Can we try to add a little more depth to our posts please, tell u s what you thought about them etc, thanks ^_^
The Legend of Black Heaven...

Very....Interesting anime to say the least, I mean who know music like Stairway To Heaven would be the last hope for an advance, if not completely insane, race of aliens? Mind you very hot ones when disguised as humans, but I rest my case... >_>