Last game you finished?

Apparently I beat Portal 2 last night while I was in a drunken state . . . which is why I was so confused as to why my last save data was in a different spot a few hours ago. My friend had called me earlier and told me that she had to help me around with playing the game because I kept forgetting what the controls were. :wacky:

So, since I can't recall most of what I did early last night, I decided to play Portal 2 again today, and re-beat it, so I can experience the moment again (and actually remember it). It was an amazing ending, I'll give you that. I really didn't want the game to end. :sad3: Though I'm not sure if Valve is really going to put the time into making a Portal 3. We'll have to see for ourselves . :ahmed:
But really, amazing game. Not a single dollar or time spent playing was wasted . :ryan:
Assassin's Creed 2

Considering I've been typing nothing but about Assassin's Creed 2 in Rocket Town lately, it's no surprise that I finally finished it. I would have done it sooner, but I was kind of aiming to get as many of the trophies as I can and complete the Templar lairs and Assassin tombs before finally running straight into the Vatican. I still need to find the other half of the feathers and get several more miscellaneous trophies before I platinum this game. It's really not hard to platinum it at all by the looks of things, it's just the feathers that are painfully time-consuming.

And wow, what can I say about this game? I bought it for cheap and a little apprehensive about what I just bought before I kept thinking to myself that the Assassin's Creed games require a bit of stealth. While that may be true on some occasions (assassinating Marco Barbarigo and several of the Bonfire of the Vanities missions), it was a pleasant surprise to see that you didn't have to rely on stealth. You could just run in there and kill the guards almost effortlessly one by one before sticking the blades into the target. This did make the game feel a lot easier than what I imagined it to be, and the toughest sequence I found was the 13th sequence (Bonfire of the Vanities) and that was just a DLC section!

I absolutely love the non-linear gameplay. Renaissance Italy is just one of the most beautiful and the most fascinating game worlds I've explored and I love how they've incorporated all the real-life lore into the locations, be it talking about the landmarks or even doing their own spin on the non-fictional characters. The one thing I didn't like were the unavailable memory barriers that prevented me from exploring every district of a city, but once they were all opened up, it's astonishing to see the scale of the game. Having the choice to ignore main missions for now and do sidequests such as assassination contracts, courier missions, beat-up missions (oh, I loved the beat-up ones) and raid tombs just hit the right notes for me.

Storywise, the structure was decent, never that fast that the player is totally lost and at a sufficient enough pace that you aren't bored with waiting for something to happen though. The ending, weeeeeeeeeeeell, yeah, I totally did a "What. The. Fuck." too at the same time as Desmond. I spent most of the time totally fangirling at Ezio as well, which is something very rare in a videogame. I think the last person who managed that was Nathan Drake, though not as much as Ezio.

Right, I think I've abridged enough of my points. In summary, I absolutely love this game and while I'm in no real rush to get straight onto Brotherhood, I will get to it and hopefully stick a blade into the Borgias this time. And to think I started off considering the game to be boring and Brotherhood and Revelations not to be worth my time either...
Resident Evil 2.

As most of you may have noticed I am a Resident Evil fan, 2 being one of my favourites. Not that this is the first time I've finished it, far from it. It was fun doing the Leon A > Claire B story cycle three times over (for a total of six playthroughs) with no saves and unlocking Tofu though, good times. :ryan:

More RE to be demolished next. More fun times.
Crysis 2

I've heard that this game has amazing graphics, and as I was playing, I didn't really see what was so different from the other games. As I progressed, I was amazed to see how well all the action looked! I haven't played the first one, but this one makes me want to check it out. I'm not a big fan of FPS music, but this one caught my ear. I was suprised to hear a lot of strings being played in a FPS. Quite an enjoyable game, I love being stealthy :)
Legend Of Mana

It doesn't take long to defeat this game, but its very fun. After beating it, I think I'll go to the Encyclopedias and make the game much harder. I don't think I've beaten in on Nightmare Mode yet, time to give it a try
The last game that I defeated is probably Dissidia Duodecim. It was boring to finish the stories of the old characters again, but I managed to do it and finish the game.
Final Fantasy XII after a long time of it being on hold.. I finally completed it just now. The Undying proved to be really easy once I had the bubble spell. The battle was long... but not so long. Just a lot of buffing up and all. Finally glad I completed XII as I have been wanting too for so long. The ending was absolutely beautiful. I am looking into playing Revenant Wings.. but I am not so sure. I might.. or I may not. This is a huge accomplishment for me because I wanted to complete it ages ago. X-2 which I never completed either... will be next to complete. XII proved to be challenging. It was tough at certain parts. The Pharos was the absolute worst.
The last game I defeated was Uncharted.
Previously I had already defeated Uncharted but only on Easy, this time I defeated it on Normal. Soon I will probably defeat it on Hard, after I recover from killing those zombie guys. Some bits were difficult, probably the hardest part was around a third of the way in when there is quite a big battle. I remembered the end parts, ie the bits with the zombies to be quite hard, but it was not difficult. I only died once and that was when I didn't see them coming. Ah yeds, it was very good.
I beat Ico must recently, it was very fun filled and not much like any games I have ever played previously. The puzzles were clever and not like most games where they retardedly hold your hand through the tough parts. I died a few times through stupidity or a slightly dodgy camera angle, though that is a minor complaint. My only gripe with the game was that it was too short

High ho silver
The last game I defeated was Tales of Vesperia on 360. And I literally finished it 2 minutes ago.

The game was really enjoyable and I am kind of sad I'm done with it tbh. But now I can move on to other games. The story was alright but the thing that kept me interested were the characters and the battle system. The characters were so fun to get to know and I loved Yuri the main character. It took me about 51hours to complete but now I can at least tick one game off my back log list :)
Just finished Final Fantasy X-2 a bit ago. Wow it was such a breeze to the end though. I do not know if it is normal but Yuna, Rikku, and Paine were all above level 70. Vegnagun posed no challenge and Shuyin was just complete cake. So it was no challenge at all. The Farplane was annoying with those songs though. I only had 51% ish complete as I did not intend to 100% the game. The normal ending was alright I guess. I watched the other endings on youtube though. It was nice to see Tidus again and it was such a beautiful ending as well. I am really glad to finally complete this game. XII and X-2 are now completed and I wanted to complete them for such a long time as well. Now what to play next? :hmmm:

I wanted to try this game again, for one achievement (which I didn't get). The achievement was to not die 3 or more times throughout the whole game.

This game came as a suprise, never expected it to be this fun. It's all in black and white, and a terrific platformer. It's very difficult, and actually fun to watch a bunch of deaths
Last game I beat was WKC (White Knight Chronicles).

I'm slightly disappointed that the difficulty bar for this RPG, as the game progressed, it stayed the same. For those of you wondering, what I mean is that the difficulty consistently stayed the same. It was the same AI for every boss encountered. I would have at least thought I would have to grind a few times just to beat that one boss, but it seems the game was pretty straightforward.
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories

I only just recently got around to playing it and I did so on the PSP. So far, I'd probably say it's my favorite game out of the series. The story line is engaging and since virtually every decision you make in the game changes aspects of the characters, and sometimes the story, it offers a lot in terms of replay value in my opinion. As a survival horror game, it's not that scary. But the incredibly accurate psyche description it gives of you at the end did creep me out a little bit. It's one thing to give an opinion on a game, but to have the game make an opinion of you is a little unnerving. To sum up, I liked the game.
I beat Crisis Core a few days ago, and I stayed up till 6 am to finally finish Final Fantasy XII. I'd been stalling on finishing Pharos and was working on hunts and level grinding for Gilgamesh instead. The level grinding made the bosses extremely easy and I had no problems at all. Although the Pharos was really long and kind of annoying because I kept taking the wrong paths near the end of the 3rd flight. I loved the ending and the plot to this game.
Section 8: Prejudice

If you're looking for a ground breaking game, this is definitely NOT it. It is, however, a cheap and enjoyable shooter once you get passed the typical "elite space soldier" plot they have going on. The multiplayer is where the fun is to be had, though. With both a co-op survival type mode as well as PVP matches it can be alot of fun playing alongside friends.

A lot shorter than I'd expected, still enjoyable. Got very frustrated on most of the late levels, almost gave up, but somehow beat them. I was suprised on how I ended it. I think I got the good ending (I have no idea how much endings there are) seemed like it.

I just started a new one, on normal again, then on hard after I beat it again, try and get gold on all or most of the levels
White Knight Chronicles

After a horrible start - and I mean that, the characters were lacklustre and aggravating, online multiplayer is tedious and limited until you hit GR12, and the storyline was essentially Super Mario Land in RPG format - this actually turned out to be quite a fun little game. They weren't very subtle with the plot twists (asides from one, but I never see a
time travel
element, because it's always so farfetched...) but once a couple of characters dropped their highly annoying accents, and once I acquired the Dragon Knight, things progressed quite smoothly. Although having two Knights made the rest of the game quite easy...when Leonard ran out of juice, I'd just switch to Caesar. Now, moving on to the second game...which won't let me re-spec my characters, for some annoying and as of yet unknown reason...
Dragon Age II.

Just finished it five minutes ago and I'm watching the credits. I honestly wasn't expecting to finish it this quick, but I've done it. The ending seemed really rushed and it left me scratching my head quite a lot. Now this might not ever be as good as Origins, but it was enjoyable enough for me. Having a PC that talks and the option to have a certain personality is good, at the very least.

I'm wondering what Dragon Age III will have in store now.

Please let the PC be Morrigan's child! :gasp: