Last Movie You've Seen

Movie Title: Resident Evil: Degeneration

Rating: M

Comments: It was an okay movie. The graphics weren't as good as the Final Fantasy Movies but the story line was good. I enjoyed it...and my partner didn't even fall asleep during this one. =P I've never played any Resident Evil games but I've always enjoyed the movies. I was pleased with this one.

Score: 4/5 stars
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The Rocker

This movie is SO awesome! This movie is my top 2 in my list of the most awesome rock movies that I've ever watched. First one's Tenacious D: The Pick of Destiny and the third is School Of Rock. This movie made me more interested in becoming a real rock star!
WAtched a couple of new films, so il comment them both

saw thi sadvertised at the flicks, thought it looked pretty good, until I watched it...then it went down to a flat average. I really hated the way it was filmed, it basically was filmed through the eyes of a camera man doing a documentary, but obviousl;y you see was weird, and hard to get used to , not to mention annoying when hes running with the camera and shit. It was quite boring really, took too long to get into then as soon as the action seems to start its over. The idea was a good one, and it could have been a great film. I just thought it was ok. It ended quite well though I suppose

I'l give it a 6

Midnight Meat Train

Again, not bad, but not great. Vinny Jones was some crazy muerderer dude that a young photographer stumbles upon by accident, he ends up obsessed with him and its kinda cat and mouse ish, with an interesting twist at the end and some really gross bits xD Its another slow starter, but over all not to bad


Thre was a nother film Ive watched recently, but I cant for the life of me remember what it was

Oh, Pulse!

This was an odd one about ghosts finding away to get to the living through the internet or some shit because they were jealous of the living I think, they basically drove humans to kill them selves. Quite creepy in places. Had an alternative ending aswel, which im glad they didnt use because it was crap

7.5/10 aswel I think


A totally awesome movie. It was one of the most hilarious films I've seen for a while. The Dog, The Hamster and The Cat were all hilarious and they all balanced each other out. The Hamster got the most laughs though - he was some sort of demented awesome little crackpot xD
David Lynch's Rabbits

...Interesting. Having only watched it once, I see it as each rabbit is trapped in a hell, which consists of a hollow, meaningless "sitcom" existence. They're unable to connect, their "conversation" just random phrases vaguely directed at one another, and they sort of realize they're in the hell when each of them says "There's something wrong", and when all three of them sit on the couch together and touch, it shows they want to connect but remain unable to.

It certainly warrants another watching. Hopefully I'll manage to procure a high quality version where the sound is actually in-sync someday.
Bed time stories

I fall a sleep in the middle of the movie and believe me when I say it was embarrassing. The movie is great not as I expected it to be. I thought it'll be hilarious but it was OK.

When I first heard of this movie, I knew it'd be good... but I never realized how awesome it'd be. The movie is a combination of crime thriller and action flick.

The basic premise is that two partners are on a Yakuza bust when they come across an infamous hitman known only as Rogue. When the one cop is cornered by Rogue, his partner manages to take him down with a shot to the face. A few days later, thinking all is well, the boys plan on seeing a football game together when Rogue resurfaces and kills the partner who shot him in the face. 3 years later, the remaining partner continues his search for the infamous hitman.

The action isn't constant but it extremely intense when present. The plot isn't incredibly deep but it is fleshed out well. There are also a few plot twists that make the movie interesting. The ending is questionable but I'd have to rate the movie overall as a 9/10.
Cinemania -- 10/10

A documentary following five self professed cinephiles living in New York. I wholeheartedly admire their obsession, and whether or not that's a good thing, I do not know. The documentary itself, in terms of style, is rather unimpressive, but the subject matter is so engrossing it doesn't really harm it all that much.

Overall, extremely enjoyable. Probably going to watch it again tonight.


A slowish start, but once it's going it's really good. It' ALOT BETTER THAN i WAS EXPECTING. Basically it's about the LAPD in the late 20s being corrupt, and trying to make Angelina Jolie look insane when she insists the lad that gets returned to her after being missing for month is not hers. It's a really good film, if it wasnt for the slow start Id of given it a 9.


It was an awesome movie but about in the middle of the movie I was downright bored it didnt keep me very intrested and it kind of seemed like it rushed a bit throught the movie especailly at the end when the major bad dude comes out ofr like 3 seconds before being defeated.
8 1/2

First black and white foreign language film I've seen, and I can honestly say that this film made me love black and white. It was absolutely gorgeous.

It's unclear at times what's fantasy and what's real, and it makes me the film somewhat confusing, but it's a tolerable (and I think intentional) type of confusion that kind of adds to the experience. The scene that sticks with me most is La Saraghina's rhumba, and it was at this point that I crossed over from being somewhat unsure to really enjoying the film.
The last movie I have seen was Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins. Its pretty good for a movie but kinda gets boring in the middle. Martin's girlfriend tells him what to do all the time and they end up breaking up at the end. 7 out of 10.
I think the last film I saw was The Wrestler. I really liked it and it did a good job of showing some sides of the wrestling business that we don't really see. Mickey Rourke was excellent as the lead character as well and I do hope that he gets the Best Actor Oscar in a couple of weeks, he fully deserves it for the performance he gives in this.

Red Cliff II.

I actually got to watch the movie a few days ago on youtube since someone uploaded it but the quality of the video was a bit crap since it was recorded in the theater. Sadly though, it was taken down afterwards but from what I saw, I loved the movie. There were parts were I laughed and cried but it was worth it. My favorite part is
When Cai Mao and Zhang Yun went out to engage the enemy fleet led by Zhuge Liang with the arrows. Wei had lost ten thousand of there arrows to Zhuge Liang since they were all stuck to his boat but that was part of the whole idea in the first place since they needed the arrows to attack Cao Cao. I must say Zhuge Liang burned them good. Oh yeah, and Lu Su with the scarecrow was hiliarous too. Good stuff.

Story of the Eye -- fail/10

I was so excited to have finally found this film, and I honestly don't think I've ever been this let down by any film before. This is stupid. Pointless. Seriously, if the fagwads who hung around outside of Hot Topic read Story of the Eye and were given shitty digital handicams, this is what they would have made.

It's pornography with all of the good parts taken out and replaced with a lame "spooky" soundtrack and a little bit of white noise. There is no dialogue, there is no moaning. There's just silent actors copulating in a wholly uninspiring and boring fashion.

The review from the NY times goes on about how McElhinney's point is to inspire conflicting impulses to both look and look away. The only time I felt this was the beginning scene of child birth, which also happened to be the only scene not shot by McElhinney and crew.

The book was passionate, horrifying, shocking. This was just lame. Really, really lame.

This movie was absolutely amazing! For those of you who haven't heard of it, it's about this group of Jews that build their own little community out in the harsh wilderness during World War II in the hopes of escaping being sent to concentration camps by the Nazis. The movie just basically follows them being hunted constantly, and the various trials they have to go through in order to survive. It's definately worth watching at least once. It was a very moving and emotional movie.

Eagle Eye.

Such an exciting movie! I'm sure lots of you have seen this movie, so i wont go into detail about it. All i will say is that this has to be one of the best movies i have ever seen. It reminded me a lot of IRobot, but it was still an amazing movie with an amazing storyline and Shia is just a hotty, ok..xD

Definate 10/10
Boondock Saints


Had no idea what to expect when watching this movie. It was great. Knocking off the Crime Lords and all and the extreme pain these guys go through to rid the people htey consider evil. Some messed up junk with fingers getting blown off and a very good amount of blood, but overall, the action was pretty good as was the plot.
Movie Title: 10 Things I Hate About You

Rating: M


I used to watch this movie every day after school when I was a kid. I rented it out again and still love it just as much. Poor Heath. =( He was so young in that movie. Can't believe he's gone now. =0

I love Julia Stiles. She's one of my favourite actresses. I related to her so much back in highschool, and I suppose I still do, which is probably why I love it so much. Don't see her much anymore though. =/

5/5 stars
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Saw I and II.

The entire series of films is written very well (don't you all agree that the writers should be locked up for having such sadistic and capable minds? xD) and never fail to grip me. You sit there cringing at the sight of whatever Jigsaw's making these people do but you're scared to blink in case you miss the good bits. xD