Last Movie You've Seen

Body of Lies.

Definitely not a bad movie. Leonardo DeCaprio is the lead and honestly, I can manage to actually watch him in movies now that I don't just think of him as "that guy" from Titanic. He's pretty good. And he gets his fingers bashed, which is always good. Not very action packed at all... but it's still captivating.
The Day After Tomorrow

why?I heard that a actress from the upcoming dragon ball movie played in this movie,her new role will be seemingly ruined
Hot Rod

Man I hated this movie, I found all of the jokes to be too forced and just plain lame. The movie did that annoying thing that movies sometimes do, when they try to be funny every fucking second. Sure it had some moments which were kinda funny, but the vast majority of the movie was shithouse.

In short, this movie fails!
Saw III.

It's all starting to come together for me and Saw III was the best so far, in my eyes. I can't get enough of Jigsaw's manipulations and masterminded plots, particularly with Amanda. In this one, I was never off the edge of my seat...
Lynne was Jeff's wife!
Cruel Intentions

Bought it off ebay for £2.50 and it was totally worth it. I lovelovelovelovelove this movie. Sarah Michelle Gellar is simply fascinating to watch as Kathryn, and for once Resse Witherspoon doesn't annoy me.

I love the ending too, with Bittersweet Symphony, where Kathryn's just destroyed - it's awesome.

I was in the mood for a classic action last night and Backdraft was my choice. It's a decent movie. The whole "Fire killed my father and raped my mother" backstory bullshit gets a bit too much to stomach sometimes... but the fact that the two brothers have such different takes on life is really cool. I love the pyro in prison... probably one of the coolest thing about the whole movie... but the overall plot is decent.

I guess my only real complaint is that they spend so much time on establishing "we're brothers, we argue but we love each other. rawr" that the whole bad guy turned good guy plot seems cut short. It only really works out because that plot is being developed while the focus is still on the brothers and firefighting in general.
Last movie i saw was Hypercube. It's the sequel to the movie Cube. Sadly, i watched it in german so i didn't much understand it. Though i loved the first Cube movie so much i just had to see it. Its basically about a bunch of people waking up in a cube that has tons and tons of different rooms that are fairly similar. Except some of the rooms have traps in them and they have to figure out which ones do and which don't. So without knowing, some guy/girl would just get acid spit in there face or get sliced in dice. Hypercube was by far the worst of the series. I don't recommend you watch it but i do recommend you check out Cube and Cube Zero. The Hypercube movie had terrible traps like a room that made you age quicker.. It was dumb.
Confessions of a shopaholic


While it was totally a chick-flick, it was a great little movie to watch and it was for my friends birthday anyway. Great excuse to snuggle together for over two hours and still find the movie enjoyable, for me at least anyway xD

I just saw it at the cinema a few hours ago. I wasn't really looking forward to it because I thought the trailer looked like shit. But it was actually a pretty fucking good movie, basically it's a superhero type movie, but it presents some pretty interesting ideas. I like how the Super hero's have been portrayed, at times some of them seem more like villains than heroes. Each hero seems to have their own morals and sense of justice and the film gives appropriate screen time for every character as it shifts focus from character to character.

I really liked the soundtrack too which included the likes of Bob Dylan, Simon and Garfunkel and Jimi Hendrix. The soundtrack definitely helped shape the setting of the film (Cold War era).

The movie seemed incredibly long though (almost 3 hours), so I won't be watching it again any time soon. But I recommend that people give it watch, it's definitely worth it.
*Blush* Confessions of a Shopaholic. My wife really wanted to see it, and I had just made her watch Advent Children, so I was due. Even more shameful...I actually really liked the movie...
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

I watched it with the Spanish dub, and the way Hermione pronounces Hogwarts is fucking hilarious. It's like "Haaagwarts" or something. In fact, the whole dub is hilarious with everyone trying to pronounce the really English names, and shit like "Ravenclaw" ends up being totally bizarre.

The movie itself is pretty alright. I had mad love for it when I was an eleven year old, and watched it a sickening number of times, but it's been a long while since I've seen it. Thankfully, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Kind of choppy, a little too fast paced at times, parts seem meaningless, but it's not totally terrible.
The Young Victoria

I went to see this movie with my Grandma, since she likes period dramas, and it was a movie I wanted to see but none of my friends were interested in going to see. It was utterly fantastic! The costumes were amazing, and the acting was amazing. I adored Emily Blunt as Victoria, and I thought the movie was brilliantly acted in general, but she stood out for me. It was fantastically emotional, and the scene where Victoria tells Albert he is "not replaceable to me!" actually teared me up xD

I thought the ending was a little bit rushed, cause I didn't like the text explaining what happened later on in her reign D= But other than that, it was a brilliant brilliant brilliant movie =D
The Unborn.

It's such a horrible, horrible film xD It's hard to take it seriously, I mean I thought it was a parody of the Exorcist it's that bad. You know a film isn't going to be good when within the first few minutes you see a dog with a mask on :S although there were some jumpy bits (maybe like 1) the film set itself up badly from the beginning.


This'll be the funniest scene I ever see in my life xDDDDDD
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Confessions of a Shopaholic

I went to see this with my cousin last Saturday, and I absolutely loved it! It had tons of humor and ,of course, romance XD The main character in the movie reminded me a lot of my best friend, so that had me laughing a good bit as well. I can definately see myself watching this movie over and over again in the years to come.

Mamma Mia with my housemates

Awesome film!! I love the old ABBA songs, and was singing along to the whole film haha! I'm sure I annoyed everyone but never mind. And I want to live on that beautiful greek island... so fed up of where i am.
Saw 4 is soooo gross.
I like the saw films but i have to have someone to grab/ a pillow to hide in for the bloody bits. Also i can't sleep for a few days after i've seen it cos im scared i'm gonna wake up and the dummy on the trike will be next to me- oh great now i've just scared myself! goodbye sleep :-(
been so long since i saw a movie... i think saw 4 when it was in theatres

gruesome film like all the others, and always a twisted ending.

Saw 4 is soooo gross.
I like the saw films but i have to have someone to grab/ a pillow to hide in for the bloody bits. Also i can't sleep for a few days after i've seen it cos im scared i'm gonna wake up and the dummy on the trike will be next to me- oh great now i've just scared myself! goodbye sleep :-(

Movie: Batman Dark Knight
OMG the best film ive ever seen, the joker was epic,
definite 10/10

I know it's quite a simple question guys, but could you please elaborate on your points, maybe say what you like/don't like, etc, and stay on topic please? Thanks ^^
I really enjoy watching Asian movies. Last movie I watched was this Thai movie I rented form the video store called Sick Nurses. Asian movies tend to have a different play on horror stuff, I still liked it. XD