Last Movie You've Seen

South Park : Bigger, Longer and Uncut.

One of the most hilarious things I've seen for quite some time. It was the perfect way to kill an afternoon. It's a much watch for anyone who like comedy and satire/

Never back down

an amazing film about mixed martial arts and organized fighting, similar to fight club, but better fight scenes with a final fight that will blow minds to kingdom come
Max Payne

Max Payne was the last movie that I seen and I thought it was fairly decent. The makers didnt get to crazy with the shoot em up stuff and theres some fair Hot chic factor.

I really enjoyed this. So much so that I watched it twice in a row, which I haven't done since Mulholland Drive(which, incidentally, was a film inspired by this and one of the reasons I chose it).

Absolutely gorgeous cinematography, excellent acting(seriously, Liv Ullmann is incredible even with saying only a few words in the entire film), and an incredibly complex narrative with endless possiblities in terms of interpretations --this film is exquisite.
The Reader

It was an excellent composition about guilt and forgiveness, and how most of the time we live with guilt in our lives, seek forgiveness and never find it.

It was a little long for my liking, and some of the character development seemed superfluous, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. Definitely oscar-worthy.

I recommend seeing it if you haven't.
Blade Runner

Even though this is a cult classic, I've never been able to stomach watching it all the way through. However, the other day when I was half dead with a cold I decided I could muscle through it. It honestly wasn't bad... but it was miles from good. I think Ridley Scott's direction and Harrison Ford's acting did a lot for a pretty bad plot. I wasn't impressed with the world they lived in either or the entire concept of replicants. I kept thinking of Mega Man. >.>
Movie: The Fountain
Rating: 10/10

Reason: Well I'm not one to really like Hugh Jackman or however you spell it, but honestly he played the role very good. A lot of people don't understand the concept of this movie, but I gained so much from it hince the reason I'm so biased towards it.

1) The art - Holy Crap dude, this was amazing.. it opened my mind.
2) The music - Clint Mansell is God
3) The story - Freaking righteous.. this movie humbled me.
4) The Acting - Nicely Done, both are huge stars, but they didn't smug it up.
The last movie I have seen was The Man. It was a freakin funny movie and I wish there was a sequel to this movie. I would give it a 7 out of 10. I guess its funny but people might not like it.
The last movie I saw in a theater was The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. I didn't want to go, but I am so glad I did, because it was a very good movie. I found it so emotional, and I wish I saw it a second time right after the first xDD

The last one I saw at my house was Pineapple Express. It failed, but it was kinda funny how much it failed, so I laughed xD
The last film I saw was well actually it was really two films I last saw seeing as me and a few friends couldnt decide which film too watch so we got two tvs and watched shaun of the dead on one, the funniest comedy/horror ive ever seen and ed just makes me laugh every line he speaks, and the fast and the furious, one of the best racing movies ive seen and seeing as there about the only films other than comedies that I watch thats saying something.
All in all the last two films I watched are two of my personal favourites
I loved this movie. i saw it today actually O_O
Its about a man, who worked for the government and was constantly away from his daughter Kim. Because he was always away it caused him and his ex-wife to get a divorce. He recently retired and moved closer to Kim hoping to re-connect with her. Kim wanted to go to Paris but was underage so her father had to sign the papers saying she could. He didn't feel comfortable but signed it. She traveled there with her friend Amanda. They met a man named Pete which was the reason they got taken. Kim got a call from her dad and went to the bathroom,( the hotel they were staying in) she saw Amanda get taken away. Kim gets taken too, and so he father is on a mission to get his daughter back.
Hope i didn't say too much about the movie XD.
I'd give it an 8 or 9 out of 10.
It was a total kick ass movie and if you like shoot 'em up type of movies watch Taken.
The last movie I saw was a foreign film about two chinese boys who move to the city to find work, and one goes to crime and it shows the comparison between their lives. It was really good.
The last movie I have seen is The Express. The Express is a story about a black guy called Ernie Davis who goes into football. This movie is great and is a true story. The movie tells everything about Ernie. Great movie overall I would give a 9 out of 10. Great for football lovers.
Gran Torino

Honestly it was the best movie I have seen in a good fucking while. Clint Eastwood's performance is outstanding. His character was incredibly believable, he had a certain unusual charm to him which could make me chuckle at how bitter he was. I could also sense how intimidating he could be to the other characters, I could see an incredible amount of tension between him and the other characters during their confrontations.

The movie doesn't have many special effects or other forms of eye candy, but it is definitely worth a watch.


Watched it with Busta and our buddy Pib about a halfhour ago. It was pretty good. The action scenes were definitely good but it was kinda unrealistic. There were a couple pretty noticable errors and plot holes but it was still fairly nice. I probably would have prefered something more about military snipers... but the lead girl had a really nice rack and you got to see some perky nips too so huzzah for girls in white t's.

I went to see this on Valentine's Day, and I didn't really enjoy it all that much. The storyline just seemed to be all over the place, so I lost track of what was going on a good bit. The action scenes were pretty lame, and their were a few noticable plot holes. I wasn't just blown away by any of the actors' performances either. Overall, I'd give it a 6/10.
Friday the 13th.

I've seen other movies since then like Halloween and Superbad but I cba talking about those and Friday the 13th is new soooo...and I saw it on Friday the 13th as well. :-)
Tbh, I'm glad I went to see it, I thought that at first it was gonna be just a typical modern horror film which essentially is just gore, blood and more gore - much like Hostel and the Saw. However, I was actually pleasantly surprised that the director put effort into at least making the film fairly jumpy, the acting was very good imo compared to other horror films and Jason actually looked it had sex scenes in it. :cassy:


That movie is the shiz! I loved it. So much action and it was brilliantly planned out.


The last movie I saw was The Other Boleyn Girl.

I love this movie. I'm right into movies that retell the stories of the past. They're really interesting and it feels like I'm learning something from them when I watch them. It's just amazing to see how things happened back in the day and how certain events from the past affect our world today.

It definitely makes me greatful to be living in todays society that's for sure.

I recommend watching this movie, then Elizabeth and then Elizabeth: The Golden Age.

That way you're watching it in order in which the events took place if you haven't already seen any of them. =)

The last movie I have seen was Transformers. I must say that thismovie is really good. At first I thought it would suck but it is really good. Personnaly I kinda liked it. Its great. 8 out of 10. I just watched it at random.
Movie: Into the wild
Rating: 8/10
Reason: This movie was sort of enlightening to me, but I was very skeptical since it was based on a true story. As in I don't know how much Hollywood glam they threw in to perk it up. It was very good acting on the main dudes part though, I liked the concept behind it all, but in today's society I just don't see it "doable." I mean I couldn't see it possible unless it was a group effort. For those that haven't seen it, it is about separating yourself from all electronics, all possessions and living off nature. The movie though teaches a great bit of humility which is overall why I liked it so much. The main guy is trying to find the truth within himself and separate himself from the pain of growing up. He distances himself from everyone he knows and becomes... "Alexander Supertramp".