Last Movie You've Seen

The Mindscape of Alan Moore -- 8/10

Pretty interesting. His whole Ideascape...idea is cool, and his whole view on magic is also not as loony as people make it out to be. What excited me most was his view of pornography, which is one of my passions, and brings me to a whole new level of respect for him.

The documentary itself, in terms of presentation, was pretty lame, though. Granted, it's hard to make an hour and seventeen minutes of Alan Moore's face interesting, but the dramatic bits reminded me of Zeitgeist and left a bad taste in my mouth.

I just saw it at the cinema a few hours ago. I wasn't really looking forward to it because I thought the trailer looked like shit. But it was actually a pretty fucking good movie, basically it's a superhero type movie, but it presents some pretty interesting ideas. I like how the Super hero's have been portrayed, at times some of them seem more like villains than heroes. Each hero seems to have their own morals and sense of justice and the film gives appropriate screen time for every character as it shifts focus from character to character.

Yeah me too I love how in the movie typically pristinely portrayed superheroes seem seedy and flawed. And we get one who seems to be losing his grip on humanity itself.

I really like the watchmen world alot and am looking forward to Tuesday's release of WATCHMEN: Tales of the Black Freighter DVD. The marketing company I work for is actually doing a campaign for this DVD, but looks like no free copy for me. Fail.

In any case I will be picking up the DVD since the movie really sparked my interest.
Have you read the book? Honestly, please, read it. Read it and realize how flawed the movie truly is. Watchmen the movie should have never happened.
Firstly it has a great soundtrack:gasp:
It's a movie about wanting to be different, but then realising that instead of feeling worse as a member of a gang/group he actually finds it suits him better than being an individual. Then to stay true his new identity he burns his bridges only to realise he was living the life that every other mod was living. So after ruining his life he drives a stolen scooter off the cliffs of Dover, or does he?
movie title:twilight
description:this movie is awesome! the vampires powers are sick. probably the best movie ive ever seen. this may sound sensitive...but i did like the love story between Edward and bella. alright, last thing before i get too excited, my favorite part was when the family took james body parts off and burned them. that must have hurt.........alot.
The last movie I have seen was "I love you man". The movie was actually pretty good. It was funny and had me laughing a lot (which I rarely do). It was a bit weird in certain parts, but above all it was an enjoyable movie. A basic summary is how a man fixing to get married realizes that he doesn't have many "guy friends", and doesn't even have a Best Man for his Wedding. He begins to search using various devices to find friends, but after several failed attempts he gives up. Later on he finds someone who he ends up having a lot in common with. They become good friends and there is a plot in the movie which I won't give away, but they become friends and spend most of the movie together which various plots. The ending was pretty predictable and didn't really include anything surprising, but above all I would recommend this movie as a great comedy that will keep you laughing. I would probably give it a 7 or 8 out of 10.
Well i have actually read the Watchmen books and they were indeed great. I don't on the other hand have the negative feeling towards the film that others who posted here have. I think it was a fine adaptation, and wasn't missing as much as I thought they could.
Movie Title: Mandy Lane

Rating: M

Comments: It was a really weird movie in my opinion. It didn't really explain itself too much and did drag on a lot with no real plot whatsoever.

It was about this girl called Mandy Lane who was supposedly the most beautiful girl in high school and yet she didn't seem to realise it. She was untouched by a man and that made all of the guys crazy and want her even more.

A guy named Garth in the movie states that she seems different to all the other teenagers she hangs around with.

She replies with 'That's because I am'.

Most of you would think that it's because she is so nice and down-to-earth, with no intentions of being anyone but herself.

However, this is all just a cover for what she really is.

In the end, she and her best friend (who is a guy) murder a group of popular students and it is revealed that they had planned to do so for a while. Once they had completed the task they would then take their own lives.

However, Mandy decides that she isn't going to die with her friend anymore and kills him instead.

It is a really really weird movie. I wouldn't ever watch it again but it was alright.

Score: 3/5 Stars or 6/10 Points
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It wasn't half as shit as I thought it would be. But with that said, it wasn't all that great either. As a whole the movie was pretty decent, but nothing special. It was just about the life of Biggie Smalls, so if you are into that sort of thing you would probably like it I guess. Sorry there is really nothing more I can say about it, it is pretty much what you'd expect (as far as films based on rappers go). =/


I won't give away anything, but I really like it. Of course this is coming from someone who never read the graphic novel, but I just thought that the way they structured the movie was great. They made it like a comic book, and although it took awhile for the plot to really take off, when it did it was amazing.
Title: The Incredible Hulk
Rating: 7/10
Feedback: It was better than the first movie of Hulk. Incredible graphics! I'll give it that, however the ending could have been better in my opinion. So for me, only worth a one time watch.
A.I Artificial Intelligence

Pretty good film, I'd describe it as a futuristic fairy tale that was primarily aimed to a more mature audience. It is about a robot child who has been programmed to love his family, It had some pretty good philosophical elements too. The visual effects were amazing too, I particularly loved the appearance of "Rouge city" a futuristic metropolis dedicated to prostitution and similar activities. One criticism I could give the movie is that it seemed pretty rushed in some parts and there were some parts where I thought to myself "why is he going there again?" but all in all, it was a pretty good movie.

Teeth - 7/10

It wasn't as entertaining as I thought it'd be and the ending was a bit crap. It was a good film, quite cringe-worthy and did what it set out to do. Not my favourite film ever, though.
Movie Title: Take Away

Rating: PG

Omg this is one of my favourite movies of all time. :gasp: Steven Curry is freakin' awesome to watch no matter what he does and Take Away was no exception. >_<

It's basically about two guys who each own fish and chip shops side by side and are obviously competitors. However, one day 'Burgies' comes to town and disrupts business for both Tony and Trevor.

So the pair of them team up and literally take Burgies down with the help of their tow truck friend Ken. =D

I highly recommend this movie to anyone with a sense of humour. >_<

Score: 5/5 Stars
or 10/10 Points
Tron - 6/10

I'd never even heard of this film until Kingdom Hearts II and only recently decided to buy it. The graphics were somewhat sacreligious to modern day capabilities but I daresay they were revolutionary at the time. I did enjoy recognising places from KH2 and was surprised how well KH2 kept the story as original as possible.

The film itself isn't riddled with plot devices or gripping moments but I didn't turn it off, so I have it a few points. xD

It wasn't half as shit as I thought it would be. But with that said, it wasn't all that great either. As a whole the movie was pretty decent, but nothing special. It was just about the life of Biggie Smalls, so if you are into that sort of thing you would probably like it I guess. Sorry there is really nothing more I can say about it, it is pretty much what you'd expect (as far as films based on rappers go). =/

I've been really wanting to see that. :O

Reservoir Dogs 9/10

I recently bought this movie on blue ray. It was the 15th anniversary edition so had to get it! I love most of Quentin Tarantino movies and this one is probably my favourite. Its basically about 5 guys that do a robbery job but theres a snitch and all this shit happens afterwards. The ending was pretty messed up but i liked it.
Private Valentine

Score: 2/10

Well, was expecting at least SOMETHING from Jessica Simpson, but let's say she didn't deliver..
It's a typical girl movie if you get me, romance, sweet and very predictable.
The opposite of what I like in other words xD


This film has me laughing hysterically EVERY time. Will Ferrell plays a news anchor whose life and celebrity status go to ruin when his girlfriend and co-worker starts to present the news alongside him. If he wasn't enough himself, a spectacular supporting cast keep the laughs coming with such familiar faces as Christina Applegate, Paul Rudd, Steve Carell and even Jack Black.

I want to watch it again now.....
Lesbian Vampire Killers


Despite hating James Corden, the movie was watchable. It had a few laughs, like the German girl who only said "Yah!" but the best part was the lesbian vampires making out :monster: Even though I missed that part, cause I was making out in the back row >_>

It was a decent movie. Not one I'd go see again out of choice, but still watchable. Like. I'd watch it if it was on TV. But only if there was nothing else on.