Last Movie You've Seen

Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within.

I haven't seen it since its release 8 years ago and finally bought it the other day. I don't know why its appropriate section isn't more active because it's a bloody good film. The ending was a tad shit but otherwise kept up the standard of other FF titles. I also realised that people like Matt McKenzie were simply recycled in to other titles. xD
Days of Glory - at least I think that's what it was called?! About a group of Algerians who fight to liberate France, their 'fatherland', from Nazi Germany. It's not so much about fighting against the Germans as it is the struggle of the Algerians in the French army. They are treated as less important and expendable by the French but show courage and honour despite the obvious persecution.

An excellent foreign war film and well worth a watch, but then I am a sucker for war flicks!
I must be going through a film phase: I keep remembering the hundreds of films I've seen this week.

Gregory's Girl was on telly last night and I watched that's such a typical old-school take on schools, totally stereotypical and you can predict every single thing that happens but, nonetheless, it's still quite funny about 20 years on. xD
Pride and Glory

Saw it a few nights ago over the weekend and it's pretty good. I can most relate it to The Departed I think. The whole crooked Police Precinct in New York and how murders end up being investigated and the police are getting in with the drug lords and corruption far over their heads.

Pretty good movie to catch.

Title: Die Hard 0.4
Rating: 8/10
Feedback: The best of the die hard movies in my opinion. I really enjoy hot Asian woman too :wacky: and the action and shooting in the movie really falls into my taste. A movie worth its first, second and third watch!

Great great great flick. Under anyone else, the story (basically a guy and a prostitute he rescues go to America as immigrants often do) might have been shit, but Werner Herzog shows once again why he's a legend and is arguably the greatest thing Germany ever produced.

The ending is one of the oddest, original and best endings I've ever seen in a movie. Bruno gives a great performance, as well.

My criticker score was 99/100. The other point only means a movie becomes a favourite of mine. It's not a favourite but that doesn't mean it's not a classic.
Movie Title: Mirrors

Rating: M

This movie was one of the most disgusting movies ever. >_< I like movies that are 'edge of your seat' scary. Not 'blood and guts' scary. That isn't even scary to me to be honest. It's more revolting than anything.

Ugh. I was really disappointed because the idea of the movie was great, however, I had my eyes closed the majority of it because I couldn't stand to watch the blood and the disgusting ways in which the characters were killed off.

Score: 2.5/5 Stars
or 4.5/10 Points.


Edit: I don't want to double post so I'll edit this one. =D

Movie: Journey To The Centre Of The Earth

Rating: PG

Comments: This was one of the best movies I've seen in ages. =D I remember watching the original as a kid and I loved it. This version was just as entertaining! Brendan Fraser is always good for a laugh.

The kid in this movie was actually the first child actor that I could watch without getting annoyed with. He didn't overdo his part and he acted like a real kid should act.

I recommend everyone to watch! =D

Score: 5/5 Stars
or 10/10 Points.
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Pokemon Giratina and the sky warrior. Compared to some of the pokemon movies this one was kinda boring. The movie was ok. It features Giratina the devil who is good in the movie. Shaymin is a funny cute pokemon. Its also a weird movie. 7out of 10
Movie: 10,000 B.C.

Rating: M

Comments: Oh my gosh this is one of my favourite movies ever! I love movies that don't have well known actors but that can most certainly act. Lets just say it'd be weird seeing Cameron Diaz in this kind of movie.

Anyway, I enjoyed every part of it and the outfit that Evolet wears at the end of the movie is freaking gorgeous!!! I wish I had it for my fancy dress party now. >_<

It's pretty much about villages getting attacked by 'four legged demons', that are really horses with evil men riding them.

The main character D'Leh is the hero who goes to save his people who were taken away to work for the people they believed to be 'Gods'. One of those people included his beloved Evolet.

Score: 5/5 Stars
or 10/10 Points.


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Monsters vs Aliens

It was pretty amazing. xD We had to pay extra for the 3D glasses, which we totally kept afterwards too, instead of handing them in. I thought it was hilarious, and it was really clever the way they used 3D, not as a gag, but just to make the whole film look more impressive. B.O.B was the best character, I have a feeling my friends and I will be quoting him for ages xD
Dragonball Evolution

I probably don't have to say this, but it was shit. The acting was possibly some of the lamest acting I have seen for a good while. The storyline was bastardised into a heap of shit. The costumes were crap too, Goku's outfit looked like cosplay (seriously). The fact that it was aimed at a younger audience was bullshit considering all the fans of Dragonball Z have grown up. I guess the jist of what I'm saying is that it was a heap of shit.


Movie Title:
The Colour Purple

Rating: M

This has always been one of my favourite movies. It's based off the noval 'The Colour Purple'.

It's about a girl named Celie and her sister Nettie. Celie is the victim of sexual abuse from the man she thought was her father. She had two kids with him and he sells them as soon as they are born.

He then marries Celie (who is 14) off to a man who really wanted Nettie as his wife. Later on Nettie comes to live with Celie and her husband.

Nettie is thrown out after avoiding Celie's husbands sexual advances and the two sisters aren't to see each other again until many years later when they are older women.

Nettie also finds Celie's two children who were taken away from her when they were born and reunites them in the end.

It's such a good movie. XD

Score: 5/5 Stars
or 10/10 Points.


Movie: The Addams Family Values

Rating: PG

Comments: This was one of the best movies I've seen in ages. =D I remember watching it as a kid and I loved it!

This is the one where the Addams family welcome a new addition named 'Pubert'. XD They hire a Nanny named Debbie, :wacky: who is a psycho underneath her charm and beauty.

She marries Vester in order to inherit his fortune after making his death seem like an accident.

The two oldest kids are sent to 'Summer Camp' as well. XD Funnyness. >_<

*Love The Addams Family*

Score: 5/5 Stars
or 10/10 Points.


Movie: The Mummy

Rating: M

Comments: Number one and two are my favourite of 'The Mummy' Trilogy. The third was crap in my opinion. <_< The only original cast were Brendan Fraser and Evie's brother. I hate when they change the cast!

Anyway I think it's actually kind of romantic that Imhotep (The Mummy) loved his princess so much that he would do anything to bring her back. Kind of reminds me of Shuyin from FFX-2.

Had good intentions for himself and his Mrs, but was a little psycho for trying to destroy the world to find happiness. XD

Score: 5/5 Stars
or 10/10 Points.
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Anastasia - 10/10

One of my favourite films, it's a great story with enough romance, action and humour to keep you interested and the songs are fantastic too. =D
It's about a Russian girl who got lost from her family when she was young and has no memories of her life before she came to the orphanage, her only clue to her past is Paris. When Rasputin finds out she is alive though he sets out to kill her. Meanwhile Dimitri is trying to find a girl to pretend to be the princess Anastasia so that he can take her to her gran in Paris and get the cash reward, and he meets Anya and trains her to act like a princess and so on. It's a great film. :monster:

Movie: Lost Boys: The Tribe

Rating: M

Comments: Ugh, terrible movie it was. No decent plotline whatsoever and the gory bits were just...gory. It seemed like a 10 year old had written the script. It was just plain stupid in every way.

I do like the girl actor though. She's Taylor from The O.C. XD But yeah, they weren't bad actors/actresses. The script provided to them was just insulting to their talents though. =/

It was basically about a group of vampires trying to get a brother and his sister to join their clan. The head vampire pretty much fell in love with the sister and wanted her to be happy, and so invited her brother to join them as well.

Score: 2.5/5 Stars
or 4/10 Points.
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Hmmm the last movie ive seen was Gost in the shell the anime movie. Well there are multiple ones but I just watched the first one for now. Ghost in the shell is really good. I saw some of the episodes and im looking forward to the other Ghost in the shell movies.
omg i LOVE anastasia! we were studying it for history when our teacher played this to us!

anyways, the last movie i saw was LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE and i loved every minute of it! it was hilarious and really sentimental for a family who has to drive about 700 miles for their daughter's beauty pagent. 8.5/10
last movie i saw was underworld: rise of the lycan

i thought it was a really good movie and after watching it, it made me wanted to watch the first 2 again since this was the prequel to those one. i would give the move either an 8 or a 9 out 10
The last movie i saw was Madagascar 3.The movie was awesome.It was funny when mota mota got out of the water.It was also romantic.The part that was romantic was when mota mota sang to the girl.
The last movie Ive seen was Are we done yet. Hmmm not to great of a movie but pretty funny. Are we there yet was better though. Its a really funny movie because the main guy does funny things. So yeah its funny and cool for anyone. I would give it a 7 out of 10 because of its funnyness.