Last Movie You've Seen

The last movie I went to go see in theatres was 300 a while back. I give it a full 10/10. I would absolutely go and see that movie again. Simply stunning.
Movie Title: Pokemon 4ever

Rating: Horrendous movie. Avoid it like you'd avoid an axe-murderer.

Comments: Even the most hardcore pokemon fans won't enjoy this. It's painful in all regards.

Score: 2/10; it receives a "2" for placing me in a semi-comatose state for an hour and a half. Made me forget about the headache I had.
Name: Spider Man 3
Rating: meh, great but not exilent!
Comments: Spoilers i believe! ?Spiderman 3 wasn't all that great. Not bad, but not really good, either. The action scenes weren't all that great, but the plot..... the plot sucked. It got really predictable, and way too cliche. It started out nice, but it went downhill from there. Too much focus on "OMG PETE'S EMO!!!" and not enough mixing of stories for the villains. It pretty much started focused on Sandman, then Venom, and it supplied decent story there, but it just stopped after that.

the cast was great though!

Score: i'll give it a........7
saw 3
yawn just as boring as the first 2 films, imo not worth watchin unless ur a saw fan
Movie Title: Spiderman 3

Rating: Blah...

Comments: i went to the first too movies with high expectations and got them smashed to the i though i would just go watch the movie as just a movie on its own...and all the acting was just so corny and for the comic...

blah on not using gwen stacy or betty brant more......also..they could have casted better for venom...i hated seeing how big he was and then having a high pitched voice... would have been cool to see kurt conners turn into lizard...but never think thats going to happen figuring conners in the movie has two arms

Rating: 4/10

Best part:
I've seen a few different movies for the first time recently.

I just watched Seven Years in Tibet which I loved to DEATH.
Legends of the Fall; such a great (sad) movie...and Brad Pitt is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooo hot with long hair.
Oceans 11...not really my thing...I wasn't too into it...
Movie: Fantasic Four: Rise of the Silver Surver
Rating: 3/10
Comments: No Character Development. Horrible plot. Too short, too cheesy.
Would I recommend: No.
Movie: Freddy VS Jason.
Rating: 3/10
Comments: Oh wow! Talk about randomness! Sadly I got the Jason ending, Im a Freddy fan girl and would have rather watched his!
district 13
i loved the parkour moves and all that but the storyline was weak and very unconvincing
Pirates of the Caribbean 3
Pure awesomeness, but it took too long, but either way:

I loved it. :D
Movie Title: Hot Fuzz
Rating: Another great film from the creators of Spaced and Shaun of the Dead, Fried Gold all the way.
Comments: A homage to the buddy buddy action films like Lethal Weapon but set in a rural English village which adds to the greatness. A great cast and script are huge pluses that is far better than the recent crap I've seen recently with PotC3 and Spider-Man 3.
Score: 8/10
Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer
7/10 --- I don't know what to say about this movie, but I'll try anyway. The animation was great, in my opinion, but the action was definitely only took 5 minutes to defeat Doom in heavy action, which, in my opinion, was not enough.
The romance was there, arguably there too long. >.>
Movie Title: Blood Diamond
Rating: R
Comments: I was really surprised by this movie. I was expecting long, drawn out, forced sex scenes, and bad acting. I was surprised that there were no sex scenes at all o_O There were some genuine emotional exchanges between ol' Leo and what's her face, and it actually looked like they had feelings for each other. There was a lot of violence but it wasn't overly done, and there were plenty of good scenes.
Score: 9/10
this is england


i honestly expected this film too be full of s**t but i was surprised at how genuinely good it was.
Definately worth a watch if ur from the uk
Live Free or Die Hard
Awesome movie! I looooved it. It was a great summer action film, and Justin Long aka the mac guy was great as the tech nerd sidekick lol. The movie was fantastic ^_^
Been watching a lot of great movies lately. :D

9 to 10/10
Somewhere in the middle there.

I loved the action and the animation in this movie, it was seamlessly done I think. All the effects and everything were just perfect, in my opinion. The plot was just so-so...but the thing is, I never even noticed the time pass by, just a weird thing about watching this movie. It's so action packed that well, it leaves little room for anything else. >.>
Die Harsd 4.0:


Not my fav Die Hard movie, but wayyyyyyyyyyyy better then 2 IMO. Bruce Willis is still amazing as McClain and the action is gobsmacking! When he goes 1 on 1 with that Asian woman, oh wow! BITCH SLAP!
Color Me Kubrick

I love John Malkovich and that's why I rented it. And I thought he did a good job, but the movie itself was pretty thin. Not much of a story, and they just didn't anything xD