Last Movie You've Seen

Ugh, seeing Britney Spears on the X-Factor last week forced me to listen to some of her old classics and, consequently, watch her film, Crossroads.'s not actually that bad. It's less of a chick flick than I remember and has a bit of something for everyone. If you forget that Britney's now terrible and that, back in the day, she was okay, you'll avoid writing-off the film already. xD

I saw Resident Evil: Degeneration a few nights ago. Unlike the other three Resident Evil films, this one is CG and is the only film to be set in the same universe as the games.

It was ok, some parts made it hard for me to pay attention, but the movie as a whole was interesting enough.

The Day After Tommorow - 10/10

It's an epic movie. Many lessons to be learned there like, to pollute less, how to save yourself etc. I think that might happen and this movie will make me think more about my action affecting the Earth.
Sex Drive 5/10

Not as funny as I wanted it to be, but it had some pretty good humorous spots here and there. I was watching it online and it cut me off so I had to watch it in 2 separate parts which was annoying.

Otherwise, I would only recommend renting a movie like this. Not worth money to buy.
Premonition 6/10

It started off pretty shit and it was hard to pay attention to. But it got semi-interesting as it progressed and towards the end.

One thing that really annoyed me was that it kept trying to scare me with things that really weren't scary. It would show something like a dead crow and use that suspenseful music which gets really loud all of a sudden (like most thriller/horror movies do). So it didn't really work in that department.

All in all I wouldn't recommend seeing this film.
Ugh, seeing Britney Spears on the X-Factor last week forced me to listen to some of her old classics and, consequently, watch her film, Crossroads.'s not actually that bad. It's less of a chick flick than I remember and has a bit of something for everyone. If you forget that Britney's now terrible and that, back in the day, she was okay, you'll avoid writing-off the film already. xD


You sad sad gay man xDD



Meh, twas ok, pretty creepy in places and afew parts made me jump a little, and the ending was pretty interesting, but other than that there was nothing that made it stand out all that much. Just yer average horror flick really. All I want is something really scary to watch, is that to much to ask? :gasp:

Sooo, Id give it a 6/10

Worth a watch but it's not the best. Id say it starts off well, then starts running out of steam mid/end
The Day The Earth Stood Still - 9.5/10

I thought that the story was interesting really and thrilling. The actions were pretty slow but that's because the viewers had to think about every word said. It's the best sci-fi I've seen. The only negativity for me is that the alien didn't fall in love with Helen.
Pulp Fiction

I just bought the Collector's Edition on DVD recently, so now I can watch it anytime I want. Yay!

But, seriously, Pulp Fiction is one of my favorite movies; especially Samuel L. Jackson's role.
Never Back Down <--- Sick Movie 9.5/10 . Only reason it isn't 10 is because I think some of the parts in there are kinda cheesy and that stuff bothers me lol
How to lose friends and Alienate People

Fairly good movie, worth quite a few laughs. Good if only just to see Megan Fox jump in the pool.
The mummy returns

It was on ITV2 the other week, ive seen it like a million times but its one of em films i dont get bored of. I love fantasy related films they make the impossible seem possible. My favourite part of this film is when they're the bus and their fighting the dead priest guys. For an older film the special effects are really quite impressive.
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace

This was the only movie out of the Star Wars series I hand't seen, so I decided to watch it online yesterday. In comparison to the other movies, it's not the best, but it's still pretty good. It had humor mixed in with good action, although some of the special effects came off a bit fake. I loved the characters though, and was sad to see Obi Wan's master get killed. All in all, I think it did a good job setting the stage for the next two prequel movies.

Hairspray. xD

Quite cheesy but otherwise very upbeat and jolly. It's quite funny seeing modern people acting as though they belong in that era - it adds to the cheese factor. Additionally, it's amusing to see the contrast in this performance with Denise van Outen's production of Hairspray: The School Musical. xD
Futurama: Benders Game
The most entertaining Futurama film I've seen so far. It had a very interesting plot which kept me quite amused. I did however, find it to be a little lacking in the humour department though, it had some fairly funny moments but none which made me burst with laughter. All in all I'd say it is worth a watch for Futurama fans.

And my Star Wars kick continues :monster:

Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones

Second time I've seen this one and it was pretty good. I didn't like how Padme and Anakin all of a sudden fell in love though, or at least Padme. That could have been thought out more/developed better in my opinion, but meh. Apart from that, I don't have any complaints.

Seven Pounds

I recommend this movie to EVERYBODY. By far and away my favorite movie of 08.
the last movie i saw was Twilight yesterday afternoon

it was brill,but if you don't like romance i don't really think it's for you.Bella and Edward make a wonderful pair,they looks dead good together
One of the best thrillers that I've saw this year. It's very horrifying! If you watch it in a movie theater, it's like your the one whose taking the video! Shockingly terrifying and a real heart pumper! Please watch it:)
I didn't like Quarantine. I found it, along with a few other mates, more comical than scary and it only had like 1 scary bit in it which was right at the end.

The Exorcist
It creeps the shit out of me. I was watching it on my own last night on the dark and then when I went to bed I was half expecting some freak of a girl sat at the bottom of my bed with her head spinning right round baby right round, like a record spinning right round, right round >.>

Went on friday with the bf, he thought it was shit....I thought it was great though, I especially liked the baseball game, that was really good, although I think it made it better by having Muse playing xD Ther were some corny bits that just made me cringe, but on the whole I thought it was really good

I'd saaaaay 8/10, the corniness in places made it lose a point xD